Chapter 1769 The Substitute of Conspiracy 263

 The morning sunlight filtered through the cracks in the curtains.

Li Jiaojiao opened her eyes.

Oh my God, my whole body aches!

She suddenly opened the quilt and saw that she was completely naked. All her clothes were gone. Her delicate skin was covered with pink hickeys. She moved her legs, and her lower body was sore and swollen.

 What happened last night?

She looked around. Her clothes were messy and the quilt was in a mess.

 And there was no one else in the room except her.

 She stood blankly.

“Ah.” Suddenly, she covered her face with her hands and screamed.

Last night, when she left after beating up Professor Daville, she was attacked from behind as soon as she walked to the door, and then she fainted.


 She was trampled by that beast!

This is her first night!

“Professor Davell, you dead beast, I can’t spare you.” Li Jiaojiao roared and got out of bed. As soon as she got out of bed, her legs were trembling, which showed the intensity of last night.

She could only hold her waist with both hands, slowly moved to the bathroom, and turned on the hot water faucet.

Hot water flowed down from the top of my head.

She washed her body desperately until her skin was almost peeled off before she walked out.

Standing in front of the big bed in the presidential suite, Li Jiaojiao's teeth were chattering.

 She suddenly lifted up the quilt.

 On the messy bed sheets, a few plum blossom-like red marks were particularly dazzling.

  This was her eighteen-year-old youth, but she was raped by a pig.

She suddenly bent down, leaned on the bed and cried loudly.

After a long time, she had cried enough. She stood up, gritted her teeth, got dressed, picked up her bag and walked outside.

 Funeral parlor.

When Li Jiaojiao arrived, the ceremony had already been held.

 Most of the guests began to evacuate one after another.

Li Jiaojiao looked for Professor David everywhere.

This beast, if she finds him, she will chop him up in public. But after looking around, I couldn’t see anyone.


 She could only go to Shen Ning.

 After all, Professor Davell is Shen Ning’s dedicated doctor, so there is a greater chance of finding him.

 After asking Butler Qiu, she walked towards the lounge upstairs.

 In the lounge.

Li Jiaojiao pushed the door open, but it was closed.

 She knocked on the door.

 After a while, the door opened and Ji Qingshan appeared in front of him.

Li Jiaojiao was startled. Inexplicably, there was a surge of sadness and unfounded jealousy in her heart! The eye circles are slightly red!

Ji Qingshan's face was a little haggard, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he looked away slightly after seeing Li Jiaojiao also startled.

“Get out of here.” Li Jiaojiao pushed him away and walked straight in.

“Cousin, where is Professor David?” she asked Shen Ning when she walked in.

Shen Ning got up early in the morning and had been working for a long time. Her face was a little pale and her head hurt slightly. Ji Qingshan was treating her. When he saw Li Jiaojiao rushing in without warning, he felt a little jealous of this girl. Headache.

"Professor Davell received an urgent call from the United States early in the morning and has already returned. The flight is at ten o'clock. He is on the plane now. Do you have anything to do with him?" Shen Ning looked at her and replied.

This little girl seemed a little different after not seeing her for a night. As for what was different, she couldn't tell.

 “What a beast, he ran away.” Li Jiaojiao cursed.

“What are you running for?” Shen Ning asked in surprise.

"Nothing." Li Jiaojiao shook her head and suddenly asked, "Cousin, doesn't he need to see you?"

"My illness is almost healed. I just need Professor Ji here. Professor David has a position and can't stay here for too long."

"Hmph." Li Jiaojiao snorted heavily. Obviously, he said that he would not go back until next month. It is typical for him to run away after he succeeds. What a scumbag!

“Jiaojiao, what’s wrong with him?” Ji Qingshan, who had been listening quietly, asked tentatively.

It was okay not to listen to his voice, but hearing it reminded her of last night. If it weren't for the stimulation of this guy, how could she go to the guest room with that beast Davel.

 She glared at Ji Qingshan fiercely, her eyes full of anger, and turned away.

Shen Ning didn't know the whole story. Seeing Li Jiaojiao's rude look, she smiled and shook her head.

Ji Qingshan looked at her back with deep and unpredictable eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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