"That's it, Han Ye, you have to keep everything I ask you to keep secret for me, including from Li Zhenting." Shen Ning's eyes were cold and her voice was clear.

Han Ye was stunned: "Why?"

"Don't ask why, just do as I say first. I will tell him when the time comes." Shen Ning replied calmly.

"Okay, I will." Han Ye is a qualified assistant. He knows that there are some questions that he should not ask himself, so he immediately agreed.

 Shen Ning hung up the phone and walked towards Li Zhenting.

Li Zhenting's dark eyes were as deep as water and glowing: "Ning Ning, is there anything you can't say in front of me?" He said quietly with a smile on his face.

To answer a call, she actually went outside to answer it. Wasn't she clearly avoiding him?

Shen Ning said calmly: "It's just some funeral matters, a lot of data, you called me on a cold night. It's a little noisy here, but it's quieter outside. You won't have any ideas because of this, right?"

"Of course not." Li Zhenting held her fingers and rubbed them, "It's cold outside, I'm worried about you catching a cold."

"It's okay." Shen Ning sat down. Li Zhenting had already put a lot of meat and mutton chops in the bowl in front of her, and she ate it calmly.

Li Zhenting cared for her tenderly and meticulously.

 The old house of the Li family.

 When Shen Mei returned to Lan Lan's bedroom, Lin Shoyu was still there.

“Meimei, where have you been today?” Seeing her return, Lin Shoyu raised his eyes and asked.

“Brother, I went to meet a friend today who I haven’t seen since I was released from prison.” Shen Mei thought for a moment and then replied.

“Oh, what mission did you give Lan Lan?” Lin Shoyu suddenly asked.

Shen Mei's body trembled when she heard it, mission?

 Did Lan Lan tell Lin Shouyu? She looked at Lan Lan with a fierce look.

Lan Lan only played with her mobile phone and didn't even look at her.

 “There’s no mission.” She smiled.

“Lan Lan said that you asked her to complete the task of drawing and reciting poems, but I have never seen her draw or read.” Lin Shoyu said slowly.

Shen Mei had a false alarm and breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be just that.

"It's okay, because today is the old man's funeral. What I asked her to complete is what she has done before, it's just a review." She explained hurriedly.

 “Oh, that’s it.” Lin Shoyu was convinced.

"Meimei, I still say the same thing. There is really no need to stay in the Li family like this. You can come back to the United States with me. If it's just because of Lanlan's inheritance, don't worry, what dad will give you will never be less than what it is now. Your The future will be promising." He advised with deep words.

In fact, it is also a hint to her to cherish this hard-won freedom. As long as people are good and money is not an issue, there is no need to do stupid things, and there is no need to lower one's self-esteem and personality to compromise, because the Lin family has nothing. No, she can just open it if she wants.

Shen Mei's eyes flashed with jealousy upon hearing this.

What a good life Shen Ning is. How wonderful it would be if she really was Shen Ning! In that case, why should she be so calculating?

But she was not Lin Aiyu's biological sister. She only had to go for a second check and the secret would be revealed.

She must use this opportunity to achieve her goal, and then follow Lin Shouyu to escape abroad. That way, even if she gets money and security, her future food, drink and fun will not be delayed.

 Therefore, she must not give up!

"Brother, don't worry. As long as I win Lan Lan's happiness, I will leave. It will only be for a few days at most. Please help me if I feel wronged." She walked over and leaned her head against Lin Lan. On Yu's shoulder, she pulled his arm and acted coquettishly.

"Okay." Lin Shoyu sighed, stroked her head and agreed.

 “Thank you, dear brother.” Shen Mei’s mouth was as sweet as honey.

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