"Uncle Lin, you are indeed fair and just, I admire you." Coco got into the car and gave Lin a thumbs up.

Lin Shouyu smiled: "Of course you must carry out what uncle promised you. How could I break my promise to the children?"

"Uncle, I will play with you again in the future." Keke was very satisfied with Lin Shuyu's fairness and smiled.

"Sit tight, I'm going to start pushing." Lin Shouyu said, suddenly pushing the car, trying to play with him, but he thought he would be caught off guard and startled.

Coco was not startled. Instead, he grabbed the steering wheel with his small hands and drove forward steadily.

 “Not bad, boy, the reaction is very fast.” Lin Shoyu was very impressed.

 “Of course.” Keke was not modest at all and readily accepted his approval.

Lin Shouyu smiled and quickly increased his speed.

 Coco also quickly adjusted the steering wheel.

 “Quick, quick.” The faster Lin Shouyu went, the quicker he reacted. The car played very smoothly in his hands. He shouted excitedly and laughed happily at the same time.

 “Come on, Coco.”

 “Brother, you are so flattering.”

 Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao were cheering on the side, and they were so surprised by their tacit cooperation that they cheered continuously.

 Very quickly, one lap is almost here.

“Oops, I forgot, it’s going to be more than one lap.” Just when they were about to reach one lap, Lin Shoyu suddenly wanted to test Keke. Not only did he not stop, but he accelerated his efforts.

"Stop." When Coco saw the circle coming, she immediately shouted loudly. When she heard Lin Shouyu said she had forgotten, she immediately stepped on the brakes and tightened the steering wheel with both hands.

With a "squeak", the car suddenly braked. Due to the effect of inertia, the car fell to one side when it stopped.

Lin Shouyu's face changed color and he immediately reached out to hug Coco. But the car was very nimble and slipped forward a long way under the influence of inertia. Lin Shouyu held the car empty with both hands.

 Seeing that Coco is about to fall down.

Lin Shouyu's heart was in his throat and his face was full of anxiety.

But at this moment, Coco jumped down and landed firmly on the ground. The car fell sideways to the ground.

"Keke, I'm sorry." Lin Shoyu hugged Keke guiltily after reacting, admiring him, "You're really good at it."

“Of course, I have learned Death Boxing and even won a prize.” Keke said boldly.

 “You are so awesome.” Lin Shouyu gave a thumbs up to Coco.

 Coco smiled happily.

After that, Lin Shoyu pushed Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao around again. Ding Ding was also very flexible, but when pushing Xiao Xiao, he was particularly careful. After all, this angelic little girl was so cute. He was afraid that if he was not careful, he would... It hurt her.

  After each of the three little ones had played a round, Lan Lan still sat on the ground and cried.

Lin Shouyu did not coddle her this time. When it was the next round, Lan Lan really didn't have a role to play.

 After he played two rounds with each of the three little ones, the game was over.

"Uncle Lin, you're doing well. We'll play with you next time." The three little ones felt Lin Shoyu's fairness and justice and were particularly fond of him. They gave him a thumbs up and Lin Shoyu smiled happily. .

 This is the first time he has played with the little ones and he has such fun.

"Keke, uncle has a question for you. Why are you being bullied by Lan Lan when you are so good at skills?" Lin Shoyu has been staying at Li's house for the past few days and has been indirectly asking some questions about Shen Lan. Ning Chenmei and her four children came to the conclusion that Lan Lan often bullied the three little ones. Just now, he was a little confused after seeing Coco's good skills. He patted Coco on the shoulder and suggested this Questions that puzzled him.

Hearing this, Coco's face darkened, and there was pain in his eyes that was inconsistent with his young age.

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