"Because mommy wants us to get along well with Lanlan and not bully her. She is a girl, so of course I let her." Ke Ke replied.

“Oh, then you listen to your mommy?”

"Of course." When mentioning mommy, Coco's eyes lit up, "Let me tell you, the reason why I was bullied by Lan Lan and that bad woman was because that bad woman pretended to be our mommy. I didn't You know, I regard her as our mommy, so I will be bullied by Lan Lan after listening to her words. I don’t want mommy to be sad. I have to listen to her words. It’s too hard for mommy to take care of us.”

"Oh, so that's it." Lin Shoyu nodded thoughtfully, and then asked, "Is it hard for your mother to take care of you?"

"Yes, it's too hard." Coco's eyes were red at this time, "Our mother is very kind and loving, and treats us very well. At that time, she raised me and Xiaoxiao by herself, both as a mother and as a mother. Dad, it’s not easy. When she had no money, she ate one steamed bun every day and gave all the delicious food to me and Xiaoxiao. Growing up, I swore that I would marry Mommy when I grew up. Later, Mommy Since I found my daddy, I vowed to protect my mommy, be filial to her, listen to her, and let her live a happy and beautiful life."

As Keke said this, he told some details to Lin Xueyu.

Lin Shouyu was thoughtful and silent after hearing this, and his mood became inexplicably heavy. He seemed to have an additional understanding of Shen Ning.

He thought that the reason why Shen Ning was so loved by the elders in the Li family and was so popular was definitely not for nothing. Hearing Ke Ke say this, it was the result of virtue.

At this time, Lanlan's throat had become hoarse from crying because no one was paying attention to her. This time, she learned from Lin Shoyu that making troubles unreasonably and pushing too far would not gain anything, and no one would satisfy her unreasonable demands without principles. , if you want to gain the respect of others, you must first be yourself.

But he said that Liang Ruqi fell ill after returning home. She was very ill and had a high fever.

 Because I was bitten by a vicious dog, I couldn't get out of bed at all. I had to take rabies vaccinations and anti-inflammation bottles for many days.

What makes her even more uncomfortable is that she has nightmares every day when she falls asleep. She dreams that she has fallen under a cliff, where there are many bones and ghosts, and she has no peace. In her dreams, she feels cold and hot at times, which makes her uncomfortable. It doesn’t work.

After Shen Mei got the keys to each room, she went to find Liang Ruqi the next day, but saw that Liang Ruqi was unconscious due to illness. After inquiring, she found out what happened to her last night, and secretly cursed that she deserved it and left. out.

 Without Liang Ruqi as a consultant, she didn't know what to do for a while.

Mr. Li was cremated, and Li Zhenting was very busy with the old man’s cemetery and funeral matters.

She returned to Li's old house bored.

 As soon as I walked in, I heard Lanlan crying in the back garden. She walked out immediately, and was very angry when she saw it.

Lin Shouyu actually brought Coco, Ding Ding and Xiaoxiao to play together, and they played very harmoniously and happily, while Lan Lan actually sat on the ground crying sadly, and no one cared about her.

 In an instant, her mentality became unbalanced. Why was Lin Shouyu like this? Did he discover anything? Impossible!

 She immediately ran towards Lan Lan.


“Mommy, uncle doesn’t want me, he doesn’t like me anymore.” When Lan Lan saw Shen Mei, she immediately cried and complained.

Shen Mei's face darkened.

"Brother." Lin Shoyu just finished playing games with the children and walked towards Lan Lan. Shen Mei immediately shouted with aggrieved face and tears in her eyes.

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