"What are you doing here?" When Shen Ning went upstairs after finishing her work, she looked up and saw a head sticking out to look downstairs. She glanced at it and saw that it was Shen Mei. She walked up and stood behind her. asked calmly.

"Ah." Shen Mei didn't expect that there would be someone behind her. She was so frightened that she said "Ah" and immediately retracted her head and turned around.

"What's wrong?" Seeing her frightened and flustered look, Shen Ning asked with a smile.

"It's nothing." Shen Mei immediately smiled and patted her chest, "I didn't expect my sister to come up, and I was shocked."

"What's so scary? There are people everywhere in broad daylight." Shen Ning smiled, her eyebrows curved into a crescent shape, but her eyes were cold.

 “That’s right, that’s right.” Shen Mei could only laugh.

Today she has no delicate makeup, her face even looks tired, and her clothes are very casual. At a glance, she looks like an ordinary city woman.

"Oh, I really can't tell. It turns out that you are such a timid person, or you have done something bad and feel guilty." Shen Ning looked at her, and then spoke sarcastically.

"No, my sister is in charge here. How can I dare to do anything untoward?" Shen Mei's face changed slightly, and she immediately smiled.

"That's right." Shen Ning didn't hesitate. He just picked up the bag in his hand and deliberately waved it in front of her.

 Shenmei's eyes glanced at the bag in her hand, and she immediately dodged it.

"Sister, I just saw a lot of people downstairs. Did something happen?" Shen Mei asked with concern.

Shen Ning smiled: "You do care about the Li family."

"Of course. After all, my daughter is from the Li family, so of course I care." Shen Mei smiled very charmingly.

“Hey, it’s nothing, it’s just that the old man lost all his jewelry and gold bars.” Shen Ning’s eyes were light. However, Shen Mei's face changed color and she made a fuss: "Oh my God, such a valuable thing has been lost. Have you found out who stole it?"

"No." Shen Ning shook his head, "Don't worry, this gold bar and jewelry is just a trivial matter to the Li family, nothing to make a fuss about. Besides, this is the old man's private property and will not affect the public property. The most important thing now is We have to deal with the distribution of the property left by the old man, after all, the old man left a will."

Hearing the will, Shen Mei rolled her eyes and asked in an almost flattering tone:

“Sister, I would like to ask, is Lanlan’s share in the old man’s will?”

"I don't know about this. It was established by the old man privately. No one knows about it yet." Shen Ning shook his head.

 Would she not know?

Shen Mei narrowed her eyes. For such an important matter, the will was placed in the finance room. She was at home, how could she not know about it? He's obviously lying.

However, she thought about it, and when she secretly saw the will that night, it seemed that the will was indeed sealed and had not been opened.

 She has always adhered to principles, so it’s understandable that she didn’t know.

"Sister, my good sister, we are also sisters after all, both have the surname Shen. Please, for dad's sake, help me get Lan Lan's inheritance, so I will thank you." Shen Mei Her mouth is as sweet as honey, and her smile is as sweet as flowers.

Shen Ning looked at her with wide eyes: "Isn't that right, Shen Mei, you are already Lin Shoyu's biological sister, and your surname will soon be Lin. The Lin family is the richest man in the world. As the daughter of the Lin family, what do you want? , do you still care about this little property of my son?"

"That being said, Lanlan's surname is Li after all, so she still has to have what she should have. What's mine is mine, and I can't give it all to Lanlan. I will get married and have children in the future, and Lanlan is Li. My family will still stay in the Li family from now on, so of course I will fight for her property." Shen Mei said seriously.

"Well, you are right. Lan Lan belongs to the Li family and should get a share. However, you don't have to worry. The old man has always been open-minded. As long as he is a descendant of the Li family, everyone will have a share. The will has already been It's already written, even if I want to fight for Lan Lan, I can't win it." Shen Ning agreed.

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