"That's not necessarily true." Shen Mei heard this anxiously, and immediately remembered the old man's will that she had secretly seen. Lan Lan was not involved in it at all, and she felt very angry, "The old man doesn't like Lan Lan anymore. He It will definitely not be given to Lan Lan’s property fairly and equitably.”

"How can you be so sure? Do you already know the contents of the will?" Shen Ning sneered in her heart and immediately asked with a frown.

"Of course I don't know." Shen Mei realized that she had lost her composure and immediately denied it.

"I don't know why you are so anxious. No matter how bad Lanlan is, she is still a descendant of the Li family. What are you worried about?" Shen Ning said, and then the phone rang. She glanced at it, picked it up and walked outside. , "Mom, are you discharged from the hospital? Are you feeling better?"

 The call was from Li Wanqing.

Because she was ill, except for attending the ceremony, she was later sent to the hospital to recuperate. After a few days, she recovered from her illness. She returned home today, but as soon as she returned home, she heard that a thief had entered the house. The old man lost all his gold bars and jewelry. He was very anxious and quickly called Shen Ning.

"Mom, don't be too anxious. Those gold bars and jewelry are not worth much. They are just external possessions. Don't be anxious because of this." Shen Ning immediately comforted her and said, "Oh, by the way. , Mom, that one billion in cash..."

Shen Mei pricked up her ears to listen, but when she heard the mention of one billion in cash later, perhaps because it was too confidential, Shen Ning's voice dropped so low that she could no longer hear it.

"Hmph, you guys all want to bully me and Lan Lan. You want us two to get nothing. Let me tell you, I won't let you get what you want." Shen Mei looked at Shen Ning's back and bit her His teeth were clenched, and there was a fierce and greedy light in his eyes.

"Ning Ning." As soon as Shen Ning walked downstairs, Li Wanqing grabbed her and pulled her into the study.

Li Wanqing, who had been ill for a while, looked a little sallow, her mental state was not that good, and she was obviously a little older.

“Ning Ning, what did you just say about the billion in cash?” Li Wanqing asked in confusion as soon as she entered.

Shen Ning smiled: "Mom, that was just a joke for you. I was just joking." "Oh." Li Wanqing smiled, "It's rare that you also told a joke. How about it? It feels like being in charge. good?"

"Fortunately, there are just some thieves, so it's hard to guard against them." Shen Ning felt helpless.

"It doesn't matter, leave this to Zhen Ting, he will take care of it. You have to trust him. You have done well enough. I am worried about your health these days in the hospital. Are you okay with your health now?" Li Wanqing He held her hand and asked with concern.

"Fortunately, I am young and recover quickly, so nothing is wrong." Shen Ning smiled and shook his head.

Li Wanqing touched her head, her eyes filled with love.

Shen Ning's heart felt warm. This was true love that she rarely received except from her mother. It was very rare for her.

Liang Ruqi has been lying in bed for several days, and she has finally saved her life.

However, after this ordeal, his vitality was severely damaged, his face turned pale and yellow, and the leg bitten by the vicious dog was still red and swollen.

"Mrs. Li, I heard that you have been ill these past few days. What's wrong? Oh, you look very ill." Shen Mei came over and looked at Liang Ruqi and asked with concern on her face.

Liang Ruqi forced a smile and said, "Meimei, it's okay. I'm much better. You can sit down."

Shen Mei sat down opposite Liang Ruqi, suddenly leaned forward, and asked in a low voice: "Mrs. Li, the inheritance is about to be distributed at the old house. Where is the billion in cash you mentioned? What's our next step? What to do?”

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