Shen Mei was doubtful after hearing this: "If it's fake, then why did I lock it in the safe? Isn't there nothing to do when I'm full? Also, if it's fake, why are there people following me to rob me? "

"There is only one possibility, and that is that someone did this deliberately to deceive you. This was done by someone with ulterior motives. You have fallen into the trap now, and you will probably be in big trouble. Maybe your whereabouts will be known. Therefore, You have to be careful." Liang Ruqi's eyes flashed with cold light, and she reminded with great concern.

Shen Mei seemed to believe it when she heard it, but whether she believed it or not, the gold and jewelry were all gone now. If it was fake, she would be more willing to accept it. But thinking about what she had become like this because of this, she also felt itchy with hatred. , and if someone deliberately let her steal it, wouldn't it be...

"If someone really deceives me on purpose, I will definitely not be able to forgive her." Shen Mei said angrily.

“So we have to be careful next time. This means that someone is already watching us secretly.” Liang Ruqi said solemnly.

"Yeah." Shen Mei nodded, "Then what should we do next?"

Liang Ruqi leaned closer and whispered in her ear.

After a while, the door opened and Lin Shoyu walked in carrying a large bag of things.

“Hey, Mr. Lin is here.” Liang Ruqi immediately smiled and was very enthusiastic.

"Well, hello, Mrs. Li." When Lin Shoyu opened the door, he saw Liang Ruqi and Shen Mei murmuring together, and immediately frowned.

His impression of Liang Ruqi was not very good. He always felt that this woman was greedy and snobbish, not a good woman, and it was not a good thing for Shen Mei to be too close to her.

"Meimei, your brother is here, so I won't bother you. I have to go get the injection. I happened to meet you today, so I came to see you. I'll leave first." Liang Ruqi stood up and asked Lin Shou again. Yu smiled: "Mr. Lin, I'll take my leave first. Please take good care of Meimei. She also gave birth to Lanlan for our Li family. She has no credit but hard work."

"Don't worry, I will do it." Lin Shoyu nodded slightly and put the bag in his hand on the bedside table.

Liang Ruqi limped away. "Meimei, why did you get together with her again?" Lin Shoyu asked dissatisfiedly, looking at Liang Ruqi's leaving figure.

"Brother, she just came to see me. I also stayed in the Li family for six years before, and she was okay with me before." Shen Mei replied.

"You have less contact with her from now on." Lin Shoyu ordered with a sullen face.

"Okay." Shen Mei saw that his face was not very good, and she obviously didn't like Liang Ruqi, so she had to agree.

Lin Shouyu looked at the injuries on her face and his eyebrows furrowed deeper.

“Meimei, tell me, what happened to your injuries?” He asked in a serious tone.

After she fainted that morning, he sent her directly to the hospital. In the past two days, she had a high fever and talked nonsense in the ward, so he couldn't ask her. Today, after her mental condition improved, he couldn't help but ask. The sound comes.

"Brother, I went to the back mountain and got lost. I was running around trying to come back. I was so scared that I stepped on a stone and fell down." Shen Mei had to reply.

 “Are you sure that’s all?” Lin Shoyu asked seriously.

In the past two days, he heard someone in the Li family's old house talking about Shen Mei stealing gold bars and jewelry from the finance room. He was also doubtful. In addition, she suddenly disappeared that night and fainted with injuries all over her body. At the door of his home, he felt even more strange.

"It's really just like this, brother." Shen Mei looked at him sadly, "It doesn't matter if others don't believe me, don't you believe me too?"

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