“Zhen Ting, your grandfather’s affairs have been completed now.” Li Jinyao didn’t talk much, and his words were calm and noble.

 “Yes, Dad.”

"Then you can pack your things and go back to Li's Castle. It's time to get your work and life back on track. The doctor in the United States also called me. I'll go there for a review tomorrow." Li Jinyao said calmly.

Before Li Zhenting took over the Li Group, he was busy running around. Now that Li Zhenting has become the president, he has directly become the hands-off shopkeeper and basically doesn't care about the company's affairs.

“Dad, there is a thief at home now. I have to wait until the matter here is settled before I can go back in peace.” Li Zhenting replied.

 “Well, you guys, I’ll leave first tomorrow.”

 “Okay, Dad, you have to take care of yourself.”


 After the conversation between father and son ended, everyone had dinner.

 Shen Ning took the children up to rest.

Li Wanqing went to accompany the old lady. The old lady was not in good spirits and had not eaten out for several days.

The north wind was blowing outside, and the servants all went to bed early because they had been busy for many days.

Li Wanqing chatted with the old lady, asked her to take medicine, and then walked out after seeing that she fell asleep.

She first went to the kitchen to make milk and bird's nest porridge for Shen Ning to drink before going to bed, and then prepared to go back to the bedroom to talk to Li Jinyao.

 After all, my husband is going to the United States early tomorrow morning for a medical check-up.

But just as she was walking towards the corridor, suddenly, a black shadow flashed and walked towards the dining room and kitchen.

Li Wanqing was stunned.

 It’s so late, who could it be?

 When I first passed the restaurant, it was quiet, with no one around.

Thinking of the loss of gold and jewelry at home in the past few days, her eyelids twitched and she sneaked back quietly. She successfully avoided the sensor lights in the hallway and came to the kitchen.

As soon as I entered, I saw a woman looking around in the kitchen.

 She hid beside the cabinet, trying to see what she was going to do.

 But at this moment, she recognized that this woman turned out to be Liang Ruqi.

Liang Ruqi here glanced at the milk-blood swallow that was still simmering in the kitchen, and walked up quietly.

At this time, her leg was still injured and she had difficulty moving and walked with a limp.

Li Wanqing's cold eyes were filled with murderous intent.

This woman is definitely not here to do good things!

at this time

Liang Ruqi opened the stew.

 The aroma of pure white milk and silky bird's nest made her drool instantly.

Liang Ruqi comes from a well-known family and is very good at these expensive supplements. She only took a sniff and knew that this bird's nest was a top-grade imported bird's nest, costing at least tens of thousands of dollars per tael.

She didn't care whether it was stewed or not. She picked up a spoon, scooped it up and put it in her mouth. After drinking a few spoonfuls, she saw that there wasn't much left in it, so she reached into her pocket and took it out. Soon, she took it out. A bag of transparent white liquid was thrown into the stew...

The anger in Li Wanqing's eyes burst out.

 Shameless bitch!

This milk bird's nest is for Shen Ning to drink. What did she throw into it?

Isn't this a plot to kill Shen Ning?

 Li Wanqing gritted her teeth and resisted the urge to take out her mobile phone and record the video.

Liang Ruqi sneered after throwing away her things, then turned to leave.

"Liang Ruqi, what did you just do?" But when she turned around, she heard a sharp shout, which made her tremble all over. When she raised her eyes, she saw Li Wanqing standing with an angry face at some unknown time. In front of her, the light in his eyes was terrifyingly cold.

"Ah." She said "Ah" in fright, took several steps back, and almost fell to the ground.

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