In a Jaguar luxury car.

Lin Shouyu's sharp eyes stared motionlessly at the taxi in front of him.

 When he learned Shen Mei's geographical location from his mobile phone, he immediately followed her.


 He saw her!

She was standing on the side of the street not far ahead, fully clothed and talking on the phone. After a while, she lowered her head to look at her phone. Apparently, the call was not connected.

 He stared at her figure closely, his brows furrowed.

What else is she going to do?

A woman, standing in the dark in the ice and snow before her injuries have healed, isn't she looking for death?

He has reason to believe that she is definitely not up to no good. After all, she has a criminal record. As a brother, he must figure out the matter and stop her in time to prevent her from slipping into the abyss and being unable to save herself.

 After a while, the taxi in front stopped in front of Li's old house.

Shen Mei got out of the car, wrapped her head tightly, lowered her head and walked inside.

The security guards didn't dare to stop her. After all, she stayed here every day during this period, and she was Lan Lan's biological mother. They couldn't afford to offend her.

 She got in easily.

Lin Shouyu hesitated for a moment, and after Shen Mei entered, he drove the car to the security booth, took out his ID, and soon, his car drove directly in.

 The old house of the Li family.

Steward Luo hurried back quickly.

"Madam, the things have been sent to the family doctor. He said that he will do a test tomorrow and call me when the results come out." He came directly to report to Li Wanqing.

Li Wanqing nodded and asked, "Have you seen Liang Ruqi? How is she now?"

Li Wanqing was still worried about what Liang Ruqi put into the milk bird's nest. After all, she forced Liang Ruqi to drink it. If it was really poison, it would be life-threatening!

When Butler Luo heard this, he smiled brightly: "Madam, I was just about to report this to you. When I came back from the health center just now, I saw a black shadow on the road. I was startled and took a closer look. , it turned out to be Liang Ruqi, she fell to the ground." Li Wanqing's eyes froze: "What happened to her? Was she poisoned?"

"Madam, I was startled at first. I thought she had an accident after drinking the poison she threw away. I quickly turned on the flashlight on my phone and looked at her. But when I saw that her face was as normal and there was nothing wrong with her, I stretched out my hand. After checking her nose, she was breathing evenly. It was obvious that she was just asleep. She deserved it to be sleeping on the road in such a cold day." Butler Luo replied.

“So, what she put in the milk bird’s nest was sleeping pills.”

“It’s very possible, and the dose was very heavy, so she had an attack not long after she walked out. Otherwise, she would have lasted until she walked home.”

"Hmm." Li Wanqing's mind was racing. If it was just a sleeping pill, then what was the use of adding it to the milk and bird's nest soup that Shen Ning drank? She really couldn't figure it out.

“Madam, are you going to let her sleep on the street like this?” Butler Luo looked at the weather outside. The north wind was blowing, and she was so old. She would definitely freeze to death tomorrow morning.

Li Wanqing ordered: "In this case, Butler Luo, please call Li Zhenhuan and tell him about his mother sleeping on the road in the ice and snow, and ask him to take his mother back. If he doesn't come to pick her up, it will be her." He who was killed by his son cannot blame anyone else."

"Okay, I'll call right away." Butler Luo agreed and immediately called Li Zhenhuan.

Li Wanqing went to the bathroom to wash up.

By the time she finished washing, it was already half an hour later.

She was about to go to bed when she suddenly thought of Liang Ruqi who was still sleeping on the street. She didn't know if her **** son had come to take her back.

Liang Ruqi is already in her sixties. If her **** son leaves her alone or gets drunk and causes trouble, Liang Ruqi will definitely freeze to death when she wakes up tomorrow morning.

 She still couldn't bear it.


She took out her mobile phone and called the security guard at the gate in person, asking him to see if Liang Ruqi was still sleeping on the street.

The security guard agreed and ran over.

Sure enough, Liang Ruqi was still sleeping there, her face turned purple from the cold!

 He was startled and immediately called Li Wanqing back.

"What a bastard." Li Wanqing cursed loudly, and immediately ordered the security guard to send Liang Ruqi home. Only then did she settle down and go to sleep.

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