"Young lady, today Liang Ruqi went to the hospital to get a stent, and later I saw her coming out of Shen Mei's ward." Han Ye added at this time.

"Yes." Shen Ning nodded, "Tonight, tomorrow night, and the day after tomorrow, in these three days, you have to send extra manpower to follow these two women. Don't let them notice. If anything happens, tell them immediately. I."

"Okay." Han Ye agreed, "Young lady, Lin Shoyu went to get his visa today. He plans to take Shen Mei out of the imperial capital the day after tomorrow. As long as they leave, nothing will happen."

Han Ye thought, there are only two days left, and Shen Mei is under the supervision of Lin Shoyu, so she won't do anything evil again.

"Yes, but if you're not afraid of ten thousand, just in case." Shen Ning replied with an expressionless face. No one understands Shen Mei's greedy nature better than her. The woman might take advantage of it before leaving the imperial capital. To make a big deal, after all, Lin Shoyu was there to take care of her, and Liang Ruqi was now in dire straits, and she would not give up that huge sum of one billion.

She knew very well the bad intentions of these two women. If they really gave up, what happened last night would not have happened.

 “Well, yes.” Han Ye also thought of this.

Shen Ning must have her reasons for telling him this. All he has to do is execute it. These days, he has seen how shrewd and capable Shen Ning is.

 Han Ye turned around and walked away.

Shen Ning's beautiful eyes flashed with an icy coldness.

 Shen Mei, Liang Ruqi, you'd better stop here and stop doing evil, otherwise, I will definitely deal with you completely this time.

Even if Lin Shouyu is there to tell the truth for you, you will not be able to escape the punishment of the law, because I already have enough evidence in my hand. As long as you continue to act, one billion people will be enough to stay in prison for a lifetime.

Here, Li Zhenting went to Li Group in the morning and cleared part of the recent backlog of work. After a while, Lengxue walked in and reported some work content to him. "Mr. Li, this is what Liang Ruqi and Shen Mei have been up to these days." Lengxue took out his cell phone and detailed the situation recorded on his cell phone.

Li Zhenting's handsome face was cold and solemn, and there was a cold chill on the corner of his lips: "These two women haven't calmed down yet. It seems that they won't shed tears until they see the coffin."

“Liang Ruqi has made several trips to the charity foundation in the past few days, and she has had close contact with Liang Xiaohui every time.”

Li Zhenting sneered: "I would like to see what tricks she can come up with."

"Mr. Li, Shen Mei will fly to the United States with Lin Shoyu on the morning of tomorrow."

"Can she go if she says she wants to go?" Li Zhenting's eyes were extremely dangerous, "Shen Mei hurt my woman and child, and just wants to escape the punishment of the law irresponsibly. That is too underestimated for me, Li Zhenting. Even if Lin is If you can cover the sky with one hand, I will cut off his hand that covers the sky."

Cold-blooded but worried: "Mr. Li, Mr. Lin is currently a leader in the business community and has contributed to the business district of the imperial capital. And Shen Mei is his daughter. If one goes all the way and does not leave room for others, I am afraid it will be detrimental to the imperial capital. business impact."

"What does it matter to me if he contributes or has influence? As a man, if my wife and child are bullied, I have to take revenge. If I can't punish the murderer severely, it's my incompetence. I will never allow her to escape from the imperial capital. I, Li Zhenting, have said what I said will remain unpunished." Li Zhenting's tone was sharp.

Lengxue understands that Li Zhenting is a person who can't tolerate sand in his eyes, not to mention that this person has hurt Shen Ning and his children again and again. With Li Zhenting's temper, Shen Mei can survive until now , all because they didn’t want to cause trouble for the sake of the old man’s death.

 It was impossible for him to watch Shen Mei leave peacefully and happily.

 Therefore, there is still a big competition between him and Lin Shouyu, and they have been preparing for it.

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