“Mr. Li, the legal team has made full preparations and is just waiting for your order.” Lengxue replied.

"Okay." Li Zhenting ordered, "You continue to make preparations, and report to me as soon as there is any news."

 “Okay.” Lengxue followed the order and left.

Li Zhenting's eyes flashed with a cold and sinister look, and he picked up the phone:

“Wu Bu, please keep the batch of rare earths from the Lin Group.”


“Okay, thank you.” Li Zhenting hung up the phone with a sly smile on his face.

He put down his cell phone, picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip.

There was a form on his desk. He glanced at it. It was the charity foundation's last quarter's report.

He glanced at it casually, and suddenly felt that the account was inexplicably familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

After taking a few more sips, he put down the tea cup and opened the drawer. When he was about to take out a document to look at it carefully, it was the copy of his lawsuit against Shen Mei who was released on bail by Lin Shouyu. Suddenly, he saw something under the drawer. A note.

 He glanced and saw that it was Shen Ning who asked him to transfer an account worth one billion.

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he immediately picked up the charity foundation's account number and compared it with the account number that Shen Ning asked him to transfer money to. Isn't this the same account?

 He sat upright immediately.

The one billion Shen Ning asked him to transfer turned out to be transferred to a charity foundation, so why did it go there?

He thought for a while but couldn't think of a reason to turn away. He suddenly remembered that he had just cold-bloodedly said that Liang Ruqi had gone to Liang Xiaohui from the charity foundation several times. Could it be that she went there for the one billion?

If so, isn't that one billion a bait deliberately placed by Shen Ning?

 Suddenly, the corners of his lips quirked up. As expected, this little woman was acting in secret, and she didn’t even tell him! No wonder she asked him for money. In the past, she had never asked him for money. It turned out to be to lure the enemy deeper!

 Her thoughts were so deep that she even hid it from him!


Shen Mei has been lying in the presidential suite of the hotel for a long time. She was resting in the suite inside, while Lin Shouyu stayed in the study outside to work.

 If she went out, she would have to pass by his study.

 In fact, she was being watched over by him in disguise.

Shen Mei was very helpless, but luckily Lanlan ran over after playing games in the game room for a while.

“Lan Lan, do you want mommy to take you to Hongcai?” Shen Mei pulled Lan Lan in front of her and asked affectionately.

"Of course I have. I want to go. Mommy, can you take me out there to play?" Lan Lan was very happy after hearing this. Hongcai is a new type of playground, which is very suitable for little girls to play. There are various All kinds of latest trendy toys.

"But uncle won't let us go out. Go ahead and tell uncle and let me or uncle take you to play." Shen Mei seduced.

"Okay." Lan Lan was very happy when she heard this. After all, Lin Shouyu had been obedient to her these days. He would agree to any request that was not excessive, let alone for fun.

"Uncle, I want to go to Hongcai." Lan Lan ran to Lin Shoyu's side and pulled the hem of his clothes to act coquettishly.

When Lin Shoyu heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Okay, I will take you out to play with your mommy tomorrow after your uncle has finished his work."

Since he was about to leave the imperial capital, it meant that Lan Lan wouldn't be able to see her mother for a long time. This was very cruel to a little girl, so Lin Shoyu tried his best to fulfill Lan Lan's wish.

"Okay." When Lan Lan heard that she could play, she happily ran back and told Shen Mei.

When Shen Mei heard this, she couldn't wait until tomorrow. She had to go back to the United States the day after tomorrow, so she had to take action tonight.

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