When night falls, I can’t see my fingers.

Shen Mei secretly got out of bed, tiptoed and walked toward the door of the study.

 Fortunately, Lin Shouyu is no longer in the study. It seems that he finally went to bed!

Shen Mei breathed a sigh of relief and immediately went back to put on her clothes, picked up her small bag, picked up her toes, and walked quietly outside.

"Meimei, where are you going?" But when she walked through the study and came to the door, suddenly, Lin Shouyu's voice came from behind.

She was startled and turned around, only to see Lin Shoyu standing behind her in pajamas with a serious face.

“Brother, you’re still up so late?” Shen Mei was very surprised and kept smiling.

“Hey, how can you let me sleep like this?” Lin Shoyu sighed, “It’s so late and it’s snowing heavily outside. How can you go out like this without catching a cold? Besides, what are you doing out there?”

Shen Mei smiled awkwardly and said, "Brother, I slept too much during the day and couldn't sleep at night. I want to sit in the cafe downstairs."

"There are also cafes, cinemas, and even game arcades here. The reason why I changed to the presidential suite is to prevent you from getting bored, so that you can have fun here. There is only tomorrow, can't you control it? Wait until you get to the United States. You can play as you wish." Lin Shoyu's face was full of disappointment.

"Okay, brother, I won't go out, I'm going to bed." Shen Mei knew she was in the wrong, so she immediately accompanied the smiling face and took Lin Shouyu's arm to act coquettishly. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, she rubbed her **** slightly. Lin Shouyu's arm.

Lin Shouyu's face was stern, and he immediately threw away her arm and took a step back.

Shen Mei laughed, turned around and walked into the suite inside.

Lin Shouyu's face was gloomy, and he didn't walk back to his sleeping place until the door of the suite was closed.

It turned out that Lin Shoyu just slept in a small room next to the study, which was connected to the study and opposite Shen Mei's suite.

As long as Shen Mei makes any movement, he can see it.

When Shen Mei opened the door to the suite, he heard it before he fell asleep. He immediately opened his eyes and saw Shen Mei sticking her head in, obviously checking to see if he was still there. No need to think about it, she was Wanted to sneak out. Then, not long after, he saw her dressed, holding her bag and walking out, and immediately stood up to stop her.

 After Shen Mei returned to the suite, she sat down on the sofa, very annoyed.

If Lin Shoyu doesn't sleep all night, won't she be unable to get out?

 The old house of the Li family.

“Sister Wang, you haven’t gone to bed yet.” Sister Wang was making milk and bird’s nest supplements for Shen Ning when Aunt Luo came over and asked with a smile.

“No, Madam ordered me to stew some tonic for the young mistress.” Sister Wang replied with a smile.

“Hey, madam is really kind to young mistress. This bird’s nest costs 50,000 yuan per catty. Madam bought it with her own money.” Aunt Luo sighed after smelling the smell.

"Yes." Sister Wang smiled, "Young Mistress is indeed a good person and deserves to be cherished by Madam."

 “Well, indeed.”

Aunt Luo is a servant in the old house, and Sister Wang was brought here by Shen Ning from the Li Family Castle. Normally, Aunt Luo and Sister Wang get along well with each other, and now the two of them were standing there chatting. .

 After a while, Sister Wang had to go to the bathroom and asked Aunt Luo to take care of her.

 Aunt Luo readily agreed.

 Sister Wang walked towards the bathroom.

As soon as she left, Aunt Luo stared at Duan An closely, her eyes glowing darkly. She walked over and opened the cover, and quickly took out a packet of white powder from her pocket.


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