
After Shen Ning put the children to bed, she went to the bathroom to wash up. When she walked out in her pajamas, Sister Wang came over with a smile and carrying steaming milk and bird's nest porridge.

“Young lady, drink it while it’s hot. It’ll be cooked just right and the milk will be white and thick.”

"Okay, thank you." Shen Ning smiled, "You put it on the table first, I'll drink it later."

"Young mistress, there is no need to thank me. Madam made me endure this. If you want to thank me, just thank Madam." Sister Wang smiled, "Madam is really kind to you, just like her own daughter. You have a good life. .”

Shen Ning smiled in agreement: "I really have to thank mom, she is really good to me."

"Now Madam is thinking about your body. She feels that she has wronged you before, and she wants to give you all the good things to make up for it. You have to drink them all, otherwise Madam will scold me." Sister Wang. He warned with a smile. "Not to mention, the complexion on your face is getting better and better day by day. It is much whiter and tenderer. You are really becoming more and more beautiful and blessed."

"Thank you for the compliment, don't worry, I will finish the drink. You go to bed first. I will wash the stew myself and take it down tomorrow." Shen Ning smiled and ordered.

Hearing this, Sister Wang turned around and walked out.

As soon as she left, Shen Ning checked on Xixi and Beibei, covered them with quilts, and dried their hair. It was already ten o'clock, and Li Zhenting hadn't come back yet, so he was probably working overtime.

She sat on the bed, picked up the steaming bowl of milk and bird's nest porridge, picked up a spoon, took a small spoonful, and was about to put it into her mouth.


What happened last night flashed through her mind. Today, through Butler Luo, she found out that Liang Ruqi added sleeping pills to her milk bird's nest last night.

A person added sleeping pills to the milk she drank. This was not just to make her sleep. There must be a conspiracy. So what was the conspiracy?

She smiled coldly, took out her mobile phone and turned on the monitoring system.

Since the surveillance system in the corridor was destroyed, she did not let Li Zhenting repair it. Instead, she secretly bought a surveillance system and placed it in the dark place where it was destroyed.

The other party destroyed those surveillance cameras, which means that those places are sensitive areas and the other party needs to commit crimes there. Therefore, it is better to follow their intentions and install another one secretly. After the surveillance was turned on, she checked and saw no suspicious person.

In the kitchen, Li Wanqing was instructing Sister Wang to stew milk and bird's nest soup for her. Sister Wang was stewing it carefully, and there was nothing unusual.

Just when she was about to turn off the surveillance, Aunt Luo suddenly appeared in the camera.

She was chatting with Sister Wang, and they were laughing and joking. There was nothing wrong with her.

Shen Ning yawned and thought she would sleep better after drinking the soup. At this time, Sister Wang walked towards the bathroom, and Aunt Luo actually took out a packet of white powder from her pocket...

Shen Ning's eyes suddenly widened, a cold chill on his face.

 In the presidential suite over here.

Shen Mei waited for a while, and then the WeChat message on her phone rang.

 She clicked it.

 This is a WeChat message from Liang Ruqi: Meimei, are you leaving yet?

"Not yet." Shen Mei replied with a dark face.

"Aunt Luo and I have made an appointment to start at four o'clock this morning. Now she has made Shen Ning drink sleeping pills. Shen Ning has already fallen asleep. Li Zhenting is working overtime tonight. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. , you must not miss it, look for opportunities to slip out."

"I know, but Lin Shoyu has been watching over me and won't sleep at night, so I can't help it." Shen Mei was very anxious and made a tearful expression.

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