"Brother Kang, let me tell you, this time we must not let that old witch Liang Ruqi play tricks on us. We must get those 400 million, otherwise, we are finished, you know? It's finished, and now, I have also encountered it here Trouble, I can't go out, I won't have anything." Shen Mei cried bitterly as she said this.

A'Kang put down the cigarette in his hand and sat up: "Meimei, what's going on? Don't cry. Tell me clearly so I can help you."


Shen Mei cried and explained in detail what happened just now when Lin Shouyu forced her to take a paternity test.

"Brother Kang, what do you think we should do? If I follow him for a paternity test, then I will be betrayed and the only hope here will be gone." Shen Mei whispered with tears.

A'Kang took a deep puff of his cigarette over there and asked, "He said this is the last paternity test you will do? After this test, you will be protected in the future, is that right?"


A'Kang narrowed his eyes and said, "Then do it."

"What? Are you crazy? Just do it and you'll be in trouble." Shen Mei's eyes widened.

"That's not necessarily the case." A Kang chuckled, "Isn't Shen Ning his biological sister? With this living specimen, are you still worried that the paternity test won't be successful?"

 “What do you mean?” Shen Mei asked in confusion.

"It's not interesting. I just want you to boldly go and do a paternity test with Lin Shoyu. Leave the rest to me. Hasn't your mother already had a lie once? What's so difficult about it? She can do it, and so can I. Do it, isn’t it just this time? It’s not like we are in the United States. In the imperial capital, there will always be a way to think of it. This time, let’s just solve this problem once and for all. Lan Lan has been Li Zhenting’s daughter for so long, so you can I can be Lin Shoyu's sister forever." Akang chuckled evilly.

 Shen Mei's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Brother Kang, can you really think of a way? If so, then I will really become Lin Shoyu's biological sister forever, and I will have endless glory and wealth in the future. It is really great." She asked happily.

It’s not that she hasn’t thought about this, but she thought it was impossible, so she didn’t think about it. Now when she heard Akang say this, her tone was firm, and the light of hope in her heart was lit again. “Hehe, there will always be a way, let’s take our time.” Akang smiled.

“But how can you get Shen Ning’s blood?”

"There are many ways to test paternity. It doesn't necessarily require blood. Hair or nails can be used." Akang said slowly.

"Yes, yes, yes." Shen Mei's eyes rolled around, as if she had thought of some way, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Isn't it right now that you haven't gone to the United States? Then you ask for a paternity test with Lin Zhenxun. If he can't come to the imperial capital, then get some nails, hair, etc. As for Shen Ning's nails, hair, etc., you need to get them It's not difficult." Akang replied slowly.

 “Yes, yes.” Shen Mei’s eyes were bright.

"This way..." Akang put out his cigarette **** and began to whisper.

Shen Mei listened carefully, nodding her head while listening, with a bright smile on her face.


Lin Shouyu returned to the presidential suite directly after finishing his work.

As soon as he entered the room, he thought of Shen Mei. He wondered if she had eaten. He remembered that she was still crying sadly before leaving, so he knocked on her door.

"Brother." As soon as the door opened, Shen Mei called out affectionately.

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