one year later.

 Didu Airport.

A young and beautiful woman, carrying a small shoulder bag and wearing simple and trendy clothes, walked out from the exit with light steps.

Behind him, two special guards followed closely, each holding a little baby.

The male nanny has eyes as black as gems, delicate facial features, and white and greasy skin. The female nanny has a small bun on her head and skin that can be broken by blowing. She is incredibly beautiful.

“Mommy, mommy.” The two little babies shouted from time to time, “Kiss and hug.”

Shen Ning smiled slightly, passed the crowded area, turned around, and pressed a kiss on each little baby's face.

 The two little nannies screamed with joy, their eyes smiled like crescent moons, revealing a curve of fine teeth.

 Shen Ning continued to walk forward.

In front, a woman was busy holding a little guy.

The little guy was crying heart-piercingly at the top of his lungs, kicking his hands and feet wildly.

 The bag, clothes, and diapers on the woman's body all fell to the ground one after another as the little one cried.

  "Farewell, if you call me again I'll throw you away." The woman almost collapsed and roared loudly.

 The little guy cried louder and could be heard throughout the airport.

 Many people are looking this way.

The woman became a little angry and gritted her teeth: "Little bastard, I asked you to call someone else. Did you hear me? If you call me again, I'm going to beat you."

Shen Ning looked a little funny.

This young girl must have been a mother for the first time. She had no experience in dealing with this situation. She was in a hurry and looked very aggrieved.

What a little daughter-in-law.

There was a crisp "bang" sound, and just as she was about to pass her and walk forward, suddenly, a can of milk powder fell down and hit her in front of her. It rolled several times and the milk powder was scattered on the floor.

"Ah." The woman started crying suddenly, "You little bastard, you even kicked down your rice bowl. Let's see what you eat when you are hungry." She hugged the little guy while crying and ran to bend over. Pick up cans of milk powder.

Shen Ning stood a little helpless. When the milk powder was spilled, it even splashed on her trouser legs!

"Ah, it's all gone." At this time, the woman picked up the milk powder can and screamed, "Little bastard, what are you going to eat later? You can forget it if you starve to death."

 The woman’s face was full of despair and helplessness.

“Li Jiaojiao.” Shen Ning turned around and suddenly screamed loudly.

Until this moment, she didn't look at her face. It was a very familiar face, wasn't it Li Jiaojiao! The eldest lady of the Li family whom I haven’t seen for more than a year!

The woman was startled when she heard the shouting. She also raised her eyes and looked at Shen Ning. This sight made her so frightened that she dropped the milk powder can and turned around and ran away.

“Jiaojiao, stop.” Shen Ning hurriedly ran up.

Li Jiaojiao couldn't run fast while holding the child. Shen Ning caught up with her in a few seconds and grabbed her, with a serious face: "Jiaojiao, what's the matter with you? Why did you run away when you saw me? The one in your hand Whose child is it? Why are you bringing the child here?"

Li Jiaojiao's face turned pale. Suddenly, she squatted on the ground holding her child and started crying.

 Many people came to look at them.

Shen Ning suddenly realized that the matter was very serious.

"Mr. Shen." At this time, a row of luxury cars opened the way, majestic and domineering. Soon, the cars stopped on the side of the road. Marley and several senior executives strode towards Shen Ning, " Sorry, there was a contract delay for a few minutes.

"Uncle Marley." Shen Ning just looked at Marley, "There are a lot of people here. Please help Li Jiaojiao carry the child and get things, and we'll talk about it after we get in the car."

 Marley looked at the young woman holding a child next to him in surprise.

 At first, he thought it was Shen Ning's child being held by the special guard. It was only then that he noticed that there was a young woman here.

"Okay." Ma Li agreed, and the executives beside him immediately went to help Li Jiaojiao hold the child and get things.

“Jiaojiao, let’s go first and talk about it when we get home.” Shen Ning took Li Jiaojiao’s hand and walked forward.

 The child stopped crying and fussing after being hugged by the executive next to him.

Li Jiaojiao had no choice but to follow Shen Ning.

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