"Jiaojiao, can you tell me now? What happened to the child?" Shen Ning took Li Jiaojiao back to his villa. Everything was settled and the children were asleep. The house was quiet. Ning called Li Jiaojiao to the study room, and the two sat on the sofa. Shen Ning was very serious.

“Sister-in-law, I...” Li Jiaojiao started to speak but stopped.

"Don't you believe me? If you don't want to say it, forget it. I don't want to meddle in other people's business. After all, I'm not your sister-in-law anymore." Shen Ning stood up with a sullen face and was about to leave.

“Sister-in-law, no, I tell you.” Li Jiaojiao panicked, grabbed her hand and dragged her to sit down.

Shen Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tell me, don't have any worries, I will help you." Through this period of observation, Shen Ning has concluded that this child was born by Li Jiaojiao herself. As for why she gave birth to the child, she looks like this now. , she doesn’t know.

"Sister-in-law, I'm really miserable." Li Jiaojiao held Shen Ning's hand and burst into tears, and then she spoke in detail.

It turned out that a year ago, that night, after Li Jiaojiao was slept with by Professor David in the hotel, she soon discovered that she was pregnant. She was so panicked that she took advantage of the school to start and fled to the United States.

She wanted to find Professor David and ask him for an explanation, but when she went to great lengths to find him, he refused to admit it, saying that he had not slept with her that night, and even mocked her for messing around outside. , got pregnant and framed it for him.

 She was so angry that she almost killed him with a knife.

 No matter how she pressed, David would not admit it and promised that the child in her belly was not his.

 She did not withdraw.

Abortion is not allowed in the United States, and she did not dare to return to the imperial capital. Later, her belly grew bigger day by day, so she had no choice but to give birth to the child.

Shen Ning was stunned when he heard that such a ridiculous thing could happen in this world!

“So, you have been alone in the United States for more than a year and given birth to this child?”

“Yes.” Li Jiaojiao shed tears and was very sad.

"Since Professor Davell said it was not his, what evidence does he have?" Shen Ning felt that the child in Li Jiaojiao's belly must be Davell's. He was chasing her at that time. If it wasn't his Who else could it be? If he doesn't admit it now, he is bullying Li Jiaojiao, so he is very angry.

But Li Jiaojiao lowered her head for a while and then raised it up, almost crying: "Cousin, it's true, the child in my belly is really not his. Later, I was unwilling to give in and went to Professor David's hospital again. , under pressure, he had to agree to do a paternity test with my child. In the end, it was true that the child was not his, and I had wrongly blamed him. "

 Shen Ning's eyes widened again.

 “Then who is the father of this child?”

"I really don't know. I've been tortured this year. I wake up every night and think of this problem, but I just don't know who to go to." Li Jiaojiao burst into tears after saying this.

  Getting pregnant out of wedlock, a 19-year-old girl gave birth to a baby alone and didn’t even dare to go home. Now her temper is much more irritable than before.

"Then how did you go to school? How did you spend this year?" Shen Ning asked immediately.

"Cousin, I haven't gone to school a long time ago. I've suspended school. How can I go to school with such a big belly?" Li Jiaojiao sobbed, "I dare not go home. If my family knew that I was pregnant before we were married, how could they still go to school?" Don't beat me to death, my brother is still exiled in Belvedere."    "Then how do you live? Who takes care of you?"

"Fortunately, my cousin gave me a card before, and there was a sum of money in the card. I rented a house, and then I did some part-time work, and that's how I survived until now. Now I really don't have a penny. Even the box of milk powder just now was the last box. I had no choice but to buy a plane ticket to return to China. This year, no one took care of me, I came here by myself." Li Jiaojiao said and cried loudly again.

Shen Ning felt mixed emotions in her heart. She seemed to have seen herself back then. The only difference was that Li Jiaojiao was only pregnant with one child and still had some money. She was luckier than herself. This was because she didn't know who the father of the child was. Who, there is no way to find someone to take responsibility, and she was persecuted at that time. She knew who the child's father was, but he didn't love her, and she didn't dare to go to him to take responsibility, or even let him know the existence of the child. .

It's just that Li Jiaojiao is only eighteen years old and has grown up in a pampered way. After such a comparison, she seems to feel that she is even worse off than herself.

"Hey, it's really strange. How could this happen?" Shen Ning sighed and asked, "Then what are your plans in the future?"

This question seemed to hit Li Jiaojiao's heart. She cried bitterly again, with a confused face: "Cousin, I don't know either."

Looking at her helpless look, Shen Ning felt pity.

"In that case, then you should stay here with me first, and we will find a way to find the child's biological father." She pondered for a moment and said.

“But will I disturb you too much?” Li Jiaojiao cried.

"What's the matter? Don't forget, I am your cousin-in-law." Shen Ning smiled and held her hand. The fingers of the former rich lady were rough.

 “Okay.” Li Jiaojiao really didn’t know what to do? She didn't dare to take her child back to the Li family. Now that she heard that Shen Ning was willing to take her in, she was eager to take her in, so she readily agreed without much refusal.

"Okay, don't be sad in the future. Now that the child is born, it is a gift from God. You must treat him patiently and raise him well. Look at Keke, Dingding and Xiaoxiao, aren't they the same? Now they are all smart and good children, even more sensible than others." Shen Ning took out a tissue and wiped away Li Jiaojiao's tears and comforted her.

Li Jiaojiao felt more at ease now that her life was settled. She nodded with a smile on her face.

 Since then, Li Jiaojiao has temporarily lived in Shen Ning.

 Early in the morning the next day.

 Shen Ning drove to the company.

 Marley brought all the senior executives of Gucci to greet her at the door of the company.

A year later, Shen Ning is no longer the same mother she was before. After a year of training, and with the blessing of being the daughter of the Lin family, Lin Zhenxun specially trained her and personally taught her in order to improve her. She went to her business circle to replenish her connections, which gave her unprecedented care and love emotionally. Now Shen Ning has long been reborn and has become the president of a multinational group, a female entrepreneur, and her strength cannot be underestimated.

Lin Zhenxun even gave all the spice companies under the Lin Group to Shen Ning.

 After this year's development, Gucci's business is not only getting bigger and bigger, but it is also slowly moving towards international standards.

 And Shen Ning's net worth is also rising.

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