"Uncle Marley, let's have a meeting immediately." Shen Ning walked straight towards the conference room.

This time, she is going to introduce Gucci's perfume into the Asian market. In Europe, Gucci perfume has been a big seller, squeezed into the upper class circles, and has become a fashion. Gradually, many Asian upper class people Elites also came here to buy in Europe. Shen Ning saw this period and prepared to win the Asian market in one fell swoop.

  After all, it is a benchmark in European and American countries, and products that are popular there can easily enter the Asian circle.

 So, she must take advantage of this momentum to expand her business territory.

At the same time, during this year, she has devoted herself to researching several new varieties, and is also preparing to create a batch of mid-range products for the Asian market.

 She is extremely busy, and sometimes she doesn't even bother to eat.

A morning passed in the middle of a busy meeting. At noon, Shen Ning was lying on the sofa in the CEO's office, looking at the ceiling. A face suddenly flashed in her mind. She was so shocked that she sat up. Inexplicably, she felt a slight pain in her heart. .

 During this year, she used busy work to enrich herself, but in her heart, the figure that was once embedded in the depths of her soul would always appear from time to time and interfere with her life.

Especially during this period, she was increasingly disturbed by the feeling of being unable to hold down her pressure and had trouble sleeping and eating.

 She knew it was time to come back and have a look.

 What concerned her the most was the three little guys, Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao. I wonder how they are doing now, are they living well?

 She really missed them.

 She turned over again, still not asleep, and looked at the ceiling.

Li Group once acquired Guqi Building, and Li Zhenting set up an office upstairs. Is the office still there now?

 She closed her eyes.

 After a while, I fell asleep in a daze.

“Mommy, why did you leave us alone?”

“Mommy, where have you been? Come back quickly.”

“Mommy, we miss you so much, where are you?”…

 In his ears, the children's shouts came, one after another, Shen Ning's face was filled with pain.

 Coco, Dingding, Xiaoxiao, I’m sorry, there’s nothing mommy can do!

 She shed tears.

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen, wake up." Until Secretary Yang pushed the door open and came in, bringing her steaming hot tea, waking her up.

Shen Ning sat up and realized it was another dream!

 She checked the time and it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Thank you, please put down the tea." She lowered her head and wiped away the tears in her eyes, and ordered the secretary.

“Okay.” Secretary Yang put down the tea and went out.

 Shen Ning went to the bathroom to wash up.

In the afternoon, after she had a meeting, she handed over the work to Marley and drove out in the car.

 She is going to visit the children at Blue Whale Kindergarten.


 When she arrived at the entrance of Blue Whale Kindergarten, she waited for a long time but did not see the children coming out.

 She couldn't help but feel uneasy.

 It’s been a year, how are the children doing now? Why didn't I see them coming out? Did they change schools, or had Li Zhenting moved?

No matter what the outcome was, it was not something she could accept. The more this happened, the more uncomfortable she felt and she couldn't wait to see the children.

When she first went to the United States, Aunt Dong told her that Li Zhenting would take the children to visit her every once in a while.

From Aunt Dong, she knew that the children were fine and felt relieved. But later, especially in the past six months, Li Zhenting rarely took the children to see Aunt Dong, and she did not understand the children's feelings. situation.

 This may be one of the reasons why she wanted to come back in a hurry.

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