Chapter 915 Vicious woman

   "Little bastard, if you don't give me your daddy's ID card and household registration book, I'll throw Xiaoxiao to death." Angry and angry, Xiaofeng raised Xiaoxiao as if he was about to throw her to death, and threatened loudly.

   "Wow." Xiaoxiao burst into tears in fright.

  Coco and Ding Ding were dumbfounded.

  She couldn't do anything to them, but caught Xiao Xiao, what should I do?

   "Brother, save me quickly, I'm afraid." Xiaoxiao cried loudly.

   Just then, a blue BMW drove over.

  Shen Ning only saw Xiaofeng viciously lifting Xiaoxiao above his head the moment he came over, and Xiaoxiao was crying loudly at the top of his lungs.

  Her heart was torn into pieces, and her face turned pale from the pain.

   "Put down my daughter quickly." She opened the car door and rushed out, yelling angrily.

Xiaofeng raised her eyes and saw Shen Ning rushing over, her eyes flashed with panic, and her heart sank quickly, realizing that she would not be able to get her things back today, and her plan might be disrupted by these little brats , it was simply irritating.

  Her cold eyes stared at Shen Ning's stomach, and a vicious plan formed in her mind.

   "Shen Ning, if you want me to let Xiaoxiao go, then you have to ask what good things your children have done?" She smirked.

   "Did what?"

"Hmph, don't be hypocritical. I think you ordered them to come here and steal Zhenting's household registration book and ID card. You should know that tomorrow I will go to get a marriage certificate with Zhenting, but your three children actually ran to I stole their father's ID in my office, they are still young, how can they understand this, this must be instigated by you, therefore, if you don't give me the ID today, I will not let Xiao Xiao go. "Xiaofeng said angrily.

  Ke Ke was stunned when she heard that, it turned out that this bad woman wanted Daddy's certificate because she wanted to get a marriage certificate with Daddy.

  God, how is this possible?

   "Nonsense, I didn't take it." He yelled loudly, and must not hand over Daddy's ID, otherwise, they will lose Mommy.

   Mommy is too pitiful!

  Shen Ning already understood what was going on, there was a cold chill on the corner of his lips.

   "Coco, Ding Ding, have you taken your daddy's ID?" She asked.

   "No." The two cubs said in unison.

   "Xiaofeng, do you hear that? They didn't take it, put Xiaoxiao down quickly, I'll go home and find it for you, and if I find it, I'll post it to you." She said coldly.

"No, it's the two of them who took it. You search it out and give it to me now, and I'll release Xiaoxiao, otherwise, never." Xiaofeng is sure that the documents are on Coco and Dingding, so she will not let this one go. chance.

"Mommy, leave me alone, let's go, this bad woman is too bad, don't give her Daddy's ID, we don't want her to be mommy." When this bad woman was going to marry Daddy, she was so angry that she was not afraid, and began to struggle hard.

  Xiaofeng was already thin and weak, but she suddenly struggled hard, Xiaofeng couldn't hold it with both hands, and Xiaofeng fell off Xiaofeng's hands.

   And below is the concrete floor.

  Shen Ning's eyes widened...

   "Xiaoxiao." She yelled and rushed towards Xiaoxiao.

  But because of the rain, the soles of her feet slipped, and she fell down, but even so, she still rolled forward regardless of her safety, trying to let Xiaoxiao fall on her.

   Xiaofeng looked at them condescendingly.

  When Shen Ning rolled over, she was lying on the ground under her feet, her slightly protruding belly was facing her.

   Xiaoxiao was falling towards Shen Ning's chest.

   There was a gloomy glint in her eyes, she raised her foot and was about to stomp **** Shen Ning's stomach.

  (end of this chapter)

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