Chapter 923 Can this be considered a disease!

   "How is it? Is my heart beating very fast? I feel shortness of breath and tightness in my chest." The woman stared at Ji Qingshan who was auscultating herself with **** eyes.

He is really handsome, with deep and delicate facial features, picturesque sword eyebrows, gentle and polite, fair skin, especially on his unsmiling face, there seems to be a particularly mysterious aura, which made her unable to help thinking, and her throat couldn't help hesitating Down.

  Ji Qingshan listened carefully, his heartbeat was young and strong, without any noise, but it was indeed a little fast, but adolescent boys and girls would have a fast heartbeat due to the influence of hormones.

   "How old are you?" He asked suddenly.

  But he asked several times, but no one answered. When he looked up, he saw a pair of big eyes staring at him, as if trying to dig a hole in his face.

  He froze for a moment.

  Why do these eyes feel familiar?

  He straightened up.

   "I'm nineteen years old." Li Jiaojiao didn't wake up until Ji Qingshan looked at her with puzzled eyes, and immediately sat up straight, straightened her voice, and replied with a serious face.

Nineteen! How could a young girl at such a good age have heart disease, unless she had congenital heart disease!

   Listening to the sound of the heartbeat, it is almost faster, but it is strong and regular. Can this be considered a disease? I'm afraid it's a heart attack!

   "Well, you can go for an electrocardiogram and a color Doppler ultrasound first." He took back the stethoscope and was about to issue a bill.

   "Hey, Professor Ji, don't." Li Jiaojiao was enjoying herself, but she didn't expect Ji Qingshan to put away the stethoscope so quickly, and hurriedly reached out to grab his hand.

  This hand is too warm and comfortable, Li Jiaojiao was agitated for a while, and touched the back of his hand with her fingers again.

  Ji Qingshan's face darkened, and he frowned.

   This is the first time he saw such a female patient!

   "What? Is there a problem?" He withdrew his hand, his serious face covered with frost.

   "No, no problem." Li Jiaojiao hurriedly shook her head, sitting upright, very serious.

  Ji Qingshan gave her another suspicious look and then began to order.

   After a while, he handed the list to Li Jiaojiao.

  Li Jiaojiao reached out to pick it up.

  But when he took the inspection form in his hand, he couldn't help touching the man's long and slender fingers with his fingers.

  Ji Qingshan was startled, as if getting an electric shock, he immediately retracted his fingers, and became very uncomfortable.

   "Well, Doctor Ji, it's already 12:00, is there a doctor on duty who does B-ultrasound and ECG?" Li Jiaojiao smiled and asked cautiously.

   "Go to the line first, the doctor will make arrangements."

   "Then are you still on duty here at noon?"


  He only visited the clinic for half a day, how could he still be there at noon.

   "In that case, where can I find you after I get the result?" Li Jiaojiao blinked and asked.

   "You can see another doctor." Ji Qingshan stood up and got ready to leave work.

"How can I do that?" Li Jiaojiao immediately called out, "Professor Ji, I have admired you for a long time before I got your number. If I do a test, I won't show it to you, but to another doctor. The level of other doctors is not as good as yours, isn't my number hanging up in vain? This can't be done."

  She pouted, very dissatisfied.

  Ji Qingshan said: "If you must show it to me, that's fine. You can log in to the website to make an appointment later, and just sign up for my appointment next week."

   While speaking, he had already cleaned up his things and was about to go out.

Li Jiaojiao heard this, and shouted: "Professor Ji, this is very unreasonable. If I came to see you from other provinces, I finally hung up your number, and you are gone in the afternoon, so why don't I You have to wait for several days in the imperial capital. Most patients are poor themselves, and they have to stay here for several days. Isn't this a waste of their financial resources and make them worse? Moreover, since you have registered your number, the inspection will be very difficult. It should be done at one time, but now you have to register again, what if you can't register? You have to wait, and your account is not cheap."

  She opened her mouth like a cannonball.

  But at this moment Ji Qingshan ignored her and left.

  (end of this chapter)

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