Chapter 924 I suspect all this has something to do with her

"Hmph, what are you being so proud of? Let's see if I'll pull off your proud head one day and use it as a stool for my old lady, so that you can submit to my mother's pomegranate skirt." Li Jiaojiao looked at Ji Qingshan who left indifferently, and hummed heavily. said.

  Return the electrocardiogram, heart color Doppler ultrasound, hell, I don’t have this disease!

  However, in order to tease Ji Qingshan, she also had to do a thorough inspection, so that she could use the result to find a chance to tease him.

  She giggled, put the checklist in her bag, and went to find Shen Ning.

  But in her heart she still doesn't agree with this malpractice, she thinks, one day, when Ji Qingshan becomes her man, she must let him change this rule.

  In the hospital.

   "Lengxue, how is Zhenting?" Li Wanqing, who hurried over, asked hurriedly to Lengxue who was guarding outside.

   "Madam, the operation will be performed immediately, please come and sign first." Leng Xue replied in a low voice.


  Leng Xue led Li Wanqing inside.

  Li Wanqing walked quickly towards the ward after signing at the nurse's station with trembling fingers.

   "My son." In the ward, Li Zhenting was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, and fell into a coma. Her heart was in severe pain as if being cut by a knife, and she threw herself on him and burst into tears.

   "Ma'am, don't worry, it's just a minor operation. President Li's brain examination results are very good, and nothing will happen."

   Soon the nurse came in and sent Li Zhenting into the operating room.

   "Leng Xue, what's going on with Zhenting? What's going on in his brain?" Just as Li Zhenting was sent away, Li Wanqing asked Leng Xue anxiously.

   "Ma'am, don't worry, this matter is very strange, but please rest assured, Mr. Li's brain is absolutely fine." Cold Blood said in a low voice, "According to the examination, there is an unclear light spot in his brain."

   "Ah." Li Wanqing's face turned pale, "It can't be a tumor or something?"

   "Don't worry, it's definitely not, if it was checked out a long time ago." Leng Xue comforted her.

   "Then what's going on, tell me in detail." Li Wanqing asked anxiously.

  Leng Xue immediately told her about the situation, and finally made a suggestion:

   "Ma'am, I want to tell you that after the surgery, President Li should change his ward."

   "Okay, I think so too." Li Wanqing nodded in agreement as soon as he finished speaking, his eyes were sharp, "This time, I will never let that woman know the whereabouts of my son."

   "Yes." Leng Xue nodded understandingly.

   "Since that woman came to Zhen Ting's side, Zhen Ting's current physical condition is getting worse day by day. This woman is a disaster. I suspect that all of this has something to do with her." Li Wanqing gritted her teeth with hatred.

   "Ma'am, we will figure out the situation after the operation." Leng Xue knew it well, he had long suspected that there was something wrong with Xiaofeng, but he just couldn't find any evidence.

   Half an hour later.

   Li Zhenting was pushed out.

  They rushed him to the hospital in a big villa by the sea.

   "Director, what's going on in my son's head?" After Li Zhenting settled down, Li Wanqing immediately asked the chief doctor who followed him.

  The doctor looked solemn, took out a small bottle, and said, "Madam, this is such a non-metallic object that we took out from President Li's brain. It has never been seen or heard of before."

  Li Wanqing's face turned pale. After taking it over and looking at it, she clenched her fingers into fists and muttered.

  (end of this chapter)

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