Chapter 949 We will have revenge

   Li Zhenting looked cold-blooded: "Send the children back to Li's Castle, don't let them run around."

   "Yes." Cold-blooded came over to hold the little guy's hand.

   "Don't touch me." Coco shouted stubbornly, shook off his cold-blooded big hand, looked at Li Zhenting, "We will go by ourselves."

  His small face is tight, his whole body is cold and stern, and at a young age, his aura is powerful and intimidating.

   "Daddy, let me tell you, as long as you marry this woman, Ding Ding and I will bankrupt the Li Group. We will treat you as you did to our mommy." Ding Ding was even more ruthless.

"Daddy, you are a big bear in my eyes, and I will never worship you again." Xiaoxiao sobbed, her eyes and nose were red, and she rarely cried in front of Daddy when she was wronged. But he was not good to Mommy, she wanted to cry.

   While the children were in a stalemate, suddenly, the phone and watch in Coco's hand rang.

  Ke Ke lowered her head and looked down, a soft color flashed in her eyes, her indifferent lips were bent, her small mouth opened and closed, and she called out in a childish voice, "Mommy."

   "Ke Ke, where are you now?" Shen Ning didn't see the three little guys for a while, and was anxious, fearing that they would go to Xiao Feng again, so he hurriedly called them.

"Mommy, we're playing outside, we're buying some snacks, and we'll be home soon." Coco said sweetly, the indignation and indifference to Li Zhenting just now was completely gone when she was facing Mommy, only the innocence of a child casual.

   Shen Ning smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Okay, then you guys go home early, Mommy will make kebabs for you." Shen Ning urged gently.

  The time to leave the children is getting closer, how much she wants to stay with the children.

   "Okay, then we'll be back right away, thank you Mommy, we love you." Coco was very happy, and the little milk's voice became more and more sweet and cloying.

  The whole room was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop to the ground, and everyone was praising the cute and sensible little ones in their hearts.

"Li Zhenting." After Ke Ke hung up the phone, he directly called Li Zhenting by his name, "If you marry this bad woman, then we will follow Mommy, and I tell you, we will take revenge. The system of the group has all collapsed, let you cry."

   After speaking, he took Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao's hand and said, "Let's go."

   "Okay." The two little ones answered loudly.

  Three little males, Jiu Jiu, strode outside in high spirits, followed by five mighty and majestic Bao Biao, whose handsome and domineering style was shocking.

In fact, Ke Ke and Ding Ding said that they wanted to destroy the Li Group's system. That was really not to scare Li Zhenting. A shield that resists any malicious attack.

  Now they can remove the shield as long as they move their little fingers. They are more aware of the protective wall of the Li Group and can easily destroy it.

  The little ones look at such an annoying Daddy, they really want to clean him up and vent their anger on Mommy!

   "Young master is really domineering."

   "That face is unbelievably beautiful, so cute, I really want to touch it."


  The secretaries and sisters in the office stuck their heads out one by one, looking at these three pink and jade-carved little guys in a craving, wishing to come up and touch their tender little cheeks.

   "Hi, Coco, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao." As soon as the three little guys walked outside, they saw Li Jiaojiao standing at the gate and waving at them, smiling wickedly.

   "Hmph." The three little guys turned their faces away and snorted heavily, ignoring her.

   "Hey, what's the matter with you? Why are you ignoring me? I didn't offend you." Li Jiaojiao was very puzzled and came up to stop the three little ones.

   "Hmph, bad aunt, you lied, didn't you say you wanted to help us find our daddy? Now that our daddy is married to that bad woman, how can we find him?" Ke Ke yelled at her with red eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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