Chapter 951 Someone bullied Mommy

   "What are you proud of? You are a little girl." Ke Ke got angry when she saw Lan Lan's schadenfreude, glared at her fiercely, and yelled angrily.

   It happened that Shen Ning was going upstairs and downstairs.

   Lan Lan was terrified by Keke's yelling, she pursed her lips, and burst into tears.

  She knew that Shen Ning generally would not favor Ke Ke.

   "Auntie, Ke Ke glared at me and yelled at me." She pouted at Shen Ning and complained.

  Shen Ning came down and immediately asked Ke Ke: "Ke Ke, why are you glaring at Lan Lan and yelling at her, she is your sister."

   "She laughed at us, I'm angry." Ke Ke couldn't come up with a good reason, after all, Lan Lan didn't do anything, even if she laughed, it was only on her face, so she could only answer in a low voice.

   Shen Ning looked at Lan Lan and asked, "Lan Lan, are you laughing at them?"


  Shen Ning immediately became serious: "Ke Ke, Mommy hasn't seen you for several days, why did you become like this, quickly apologize to Lan Lan."

Ke Ke was full of grievances, Lan Lan was obviously laughing at them, and Daddy had already married that woman, they felt very uncomfortable, but facing Shen Ning's seriousness, he had no choice but to tell Lan Lan reluctantly Said: "I'm sorry, I won't dare next time."

  Lan Lan smiled triumphantly.

  Ke Ke felt more and more uncomfortable, and walked upstairs with a sullen face.

  Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao followed closely behind.

Shen Ning looked at the appearance of the three little ones, and frowned, what happened to them, if they saw her normally, the three little ones would definitely open their arms and run towards her, but now it's like this, it's too strange up.

   She turned and followed.

   "Ke Ke, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao, what's the matter with you?" After going upstairs, she asked softly.

  The three little ones lined up and sat on the sofa without speaking, all with puffed cheeks and red eye circles.

  Shen Ning felt pain in his heart, stroked Ke Ke's little face, and asked gently: "Ke Ke, are you blaming Mommy for not letting you apologize to Lan Lan?"

   Ke Ke pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Ke Ke, you are a boy. Boys should be gentlemen. Don't haggle over every detail with girls. Usually, you can let girls do some small things. Even if girls are wrong, as long as they are not too much, you can give way appropriately. This is called Manliness, understand?" Shen Ning explained carefully while holding his little hand.

   "Mommy, we are not angry because of this." Ding Ding couldn't hold back and helped Ke Ke.

   "Why is that?" Shen Ning was taken aback and asked immediately.

   After the three little ones looked at each other, they all burst into tears, tears streaming down their cheeks.

   Shen Ning panicked when he saw the seriousness of the matter, and hurriedly asked: "Tell Mommy, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you?"

  San Xiao only wiped her tears with a tissue: "It wasn't someone who bullied us, it was someone who bullied Mommy, and we feel distressed."

   Shen Ning's heart twitched and ached, and he asked carefully.

   After a while, San Xiaozhi told what had happened.

  Shen Ning's face quickly turned pale.

  Li Zhenting, you really can't wait!

  I have divorced you, do you have to hurt your children by marrying so hastily in front of them? Won't you change the date under cover?

  Even if you don’t think about yourself, you still have to think about the children, they are still so young, how can they bear this blow! I really think highly of you!

  She was dizzy with anger.

   "Mommy." At this time, the three little guys fell into her arms and cried loudly, feeling very sad.

  Shen Ning's heart feels like a knife is cutting, but facing the cruel reality, she has nothing to do.

"Ke Ke, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao, don't be sad. Mommy and your father have no love. He loves Aunt Xiaofeng and wants to marry her. Live with them, you will grow up soon, and you will have your own life when you grow up, don't look at them, don't blame Daddy, everyone has their own choice." She could only cry Soothe their young hearts.

  (end of this chapter)

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