Xiaofeng's eyes widened when she heard that, oh my god, one billion dollars, that's more than six billion dollars, this temptation is too great for her.

  She cheered up: "Renees, you are really trustworthy."

"Don't worry, I will definitely give you the money. For us, what we want is to monopolize the chip technology. Now we have adjusted our strategy. At present, only the Li Group in the entire imperial capital has the ability to research chip technology. Therefore, we All you need is Li Zhenting, so let's do it, you just need to find a way to bring Li Zhenting to the pier by the sea tomorrow, and the money will be yours."

"Then what do you want Li Zhenting to do? He is my husband, we have already obtained a marriage certificate, and I still want to be Mrs. Li." Xiaofeng's appetite is not limited to that little money, she also wants to be Mrs. Li. Mrs. Li is very valuable.

  Reneth's eyes flashed fiercely, and the murderous intent burst.

   This woman is so **** greedy!

   After asking for so much cash, I still want to be Mrs. Li!

   Okay, before you meet Hades, you might as well let you have more dreams!

"It's like this. The chip we implanted in his brain is now going to be replaced with a more advanced one. After the replacement, he will be more obedient, more obedient, and better controlled by you. He will do whatever you want, in his heart." You are the only one here, and no woman will be able to **** him away, so you should bring him here as soon as possible, otherwise, you will be in trouble after his original chip fails, and once he wakes up, you will be in trouble. You can't get anything."

   "Oh, so that's the case, that's good." Xiao Fengxin thought it was true, and smiled, "Don't worry, I will definitely bring him to see you tomorrow."

   "Well, see you tomorrow, by the way, you are ready to hold money."

  The next day, the sky was bright and it was at the Imperial Capital Airport.

   Li Zhenting and Leng Xue hurried out.

  A black off-road vehicle was parked on the side of the street, and they quickly got into the car.

   "Mr. Li, the whereabouts of the criminals have not been confirmed yet. These people are really cunning and hard to catch." Leng Xue was a little anxious.

  A trip to the United States finally made them understand that it turned out that the intelligence agencies of the United States wanted to monopolize the mainland's chips and blockade technology. Now the Li Group's chip research has achieved results, and they came to sabotage after hearing the news.

   "Don't worry, they will show up tomorrow."

   "President Li, are you planning to come forward in person?"

   "If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you find tiger cubs."

   "But Mr. Li, their main target is you. If you fall into their hands, the consequences will be disastrous."

   "If you don't do this, you won't be able to catch them. Don't worry, I have my own measure."

   "President Li..."

   "Don't worry, the National Security Bureau has already laid a net, this time it will definitely not escape."

  These people are too cunning, and their hiding places are weird. They have found some clues several times, but they disappeared without a trace.

   Li Zhenting pursed his thin lips tightly, and his eyes burst into a cold light.

   "How is Xiaofeng doing now?"

  "She is becoming more and more rampant in the company now. She thinks she has become Mrs. Li, showing her fox tail, and messing up the company these days."

   "Where is Fang Xianyun now?"

   "He was at home after being fired, and he was going to go north to work."

   "You immediately send someone to keep him. He is the most important backbone talent of our Li Group. We must not lose him."


  The car continued to drive quickly towards the city center.

  In the six-star presidential suite.

  Xiaofeng just came back from the beauty salon in a luxurious dress, with delicate heavy makeup on her face, and the gap on her chest is faintly visible.

   Li Zhenting has returned.

  He called her at the airport and was going to invite her to dinner at the restaurant downstairs.

  Tonight, they will have a spring night in this presidential suite, spending the most passionate night.


  Her heart hasn't completely let go yet.


   And the child in Shen Ning's belly has not been resolved yet!

  Today, she will do it herself.

  Shen Ning, are you still secretly pregnant with Li Zhenting's child in anticipation of a reunion in the future? Impossible!

   Huh, after tonight, you'll have nothing.

  I'll get rid of the ones in your belly first, and as for the three evils you left behind in the Li family, I'll take my time and get rid of them one by one.

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