Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 982: will have a sweet night there tonight

  Night falls and the lights are bright.

   Didu Hotel Catering Department.

  Xiaofeng stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows. The luxurious evening dress made her look sexy, hot and enchanting.

  She was waiting for Li Zhenting.

  At this time, Li Zhenting was rushing from the airport to attend the meeting with her.

  Thinking of their lingering passion tonight, Xiaofeng's pink cheeks flushed.

  This time, she will never miss this good opportunity again.


  A man with a tall and straight figure, long legs, straight and long, exuding a dignified and dignified aura, wearing a long windbreaker is a beautiful landscape from a distance.

   Li Zhenting strode towards the lobby with long legs.

  Xiaofeng's eyes clung to his figure, and his heart was full of spring.

  Li Zhenting, you are finally here!

  She reached out and took out a packet of white powder from her bag, poured it into a red wine glass, held it in her hand, and shook it gently.

  Downstairs, Li Jiaojiao dragged Shen Ning's hand and walked towards the lobby.

"Cousin, I beg you, please help me, now Ji Qingshan has been fascinated by that vixen, I can assure you that that vixen doesn't really love him, he will definitely be fooled, we have to save him In the midst of water and fire." Li Jiaojiao looked around with her big eyes.

  It turned out that Li Jiaojiao started to look for Ji Qingshan after taking away the red envelopes of Ke Ke, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao and Lan Lan, but no matter how hard she searched, she couldn't find him.

  Later, she bought Ji Qingshan's special assistant in the cardiology department and found out that he was hosting a dinner for Chen Xie at the Imperial Hotel today.

  Li Jiaojiao was stunned.

   This news gave her a thunderbolt, like a blow to her head.

  It seems that that woman Chen Yuxie is very resourceful and scheming.

   If this continues, she is sure that Ji Qingshan will be conquered by her in a short time.

  She is not reconciled, she must mess up this matter!

  Of course, her ability was not enough, so she pulled Shen Ning.

   "Are you sure he's here?" Shen Ning was dragged by Li Jiaojiao all over the lobby but didn't see Ji Qingshan's figure, so he couldn't help expressing doubts.

   "It must be here, the information I got must be accurate." Li Jiaojiao nodded affirmatively, and dragged Li Jiaojiao to go upstairs involuntarily.


  They just turned around.


  Shen Ning's heart skipped a beat.

  On the stairs in the lobby, Li Zhenting in a suit and leather shoes was striding towards the private room upstairs.

   "Hey, why did my cousin come here?" However, before Shen Ning could speak, Li Jiaojiao saw Li Zhenting first, and cried out in surprise.

   "Jiaojiao, let's go first." Shen Ning was about to leave holding Li Jiaojiao's hand.

   "No, I have to find Ji Qingshan and find out what my cousin is doing here?" Li Jiaojiao dragged Shen Ning back, hid them under a pillar, and poked her head out.

  I saw Li Zhenting striding upstairs.

  Li Jiaojiao dragged Shen Ning to follow.

   "Waiter, we are here to find Mr. Li, may I ask which box Mr. Li is in?" Li Jiaojiao deliberately asked the waiter who was guarding outside.

   "Miss, President Li is in this box."

   "Oh, does he have any entertainment today? Who else is in this box?" Li Jiaojiao asked very politely.

The waitress looked at the notepad and replied with a smile: "Today is Ms. Xiaofeng's birthday, President Li is here to have dinner with her, they have already booked the President Hotel upstairs, and they will be there tonight Spend a sweet night, Ms. Xiaofeng is really happy."

  Celebrating a birthday? A cold smile floated on the corner of Shen Ning's lips.

   "Damn, what a scumbag, what a pair of scumbags and scumbags, it's too hateful." Li Jiaojiao was so angry that she cursed, rolled up her sleeves and was about to rush in.

   Shen Ning grabbed her.

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