Li Zhenting sat in the underground cabin with his eyes slightly closed.

  Reines and Li Xueyan really thought he was stupid, so they controlled him and locked him up.

  Li Zhenting obediently quits!

   It is necessary to find their hiding place, gather them together, and wipe out the gang. He has to follow the past deeply before he can start to act.

   After a while, the cruise ship started.

  His ears moved slightly, and a pair of sharp eyes looked around.

  The cruise ship is heading south.

   "Li Zhenting, you have today too." After a while, there was a contemptuous mocking sound from above his head.

   Li Zhenting's narrowed eyes slightly opened.

   This is Li Xueyan's voice, he can hear it without looking.

"Li Zhenting, if you don't match your virtue, there will be disasters. You have no virtue and incompetence. Why are you the sole heir of the Li Group? Why are you the president of the Li Group? Where do you put us? We are the number one heirs, so we should inherit the property of the Li family, but we have nothing, and now I have to take back what belongs to me. I am not sorry for you by doing this, I can only blame your grandpa for being too much Eccentric, I gave you everything, he hurt you, you can blame him if you want." Li Xuexi spoke coldly with a gloomy face, her eyes were full of anger and unwillingness when she spoke at the end.

   Li Zhenting turned to look at her, giggling: "Who are you? Why don't I know you?"

"Hey, I'm your aunt. Now that you're in my hands, please please me. If you behave well, I'll save your life for you to live a chic life with your own part of the property. Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel."

"You are my aunt, are you really? Auntie, I want to go home, please take me home!" He was full of surprises, begging like a child, not seeing any wisdom and wisdom that belonged to the president. shrewd.

  Seeing that he was completely dumbfounded, Li Xueyan felt an unprecedented joy in her heart.

   Now, the Li family will no longer have a sole heir, and she can return to the Li family to inherit the family property openly and aboveboard.

   "Stay here first, do what I ask you to do later, and cooperate with us obediently. After the task is completed, I will take you home." Li Xuexi sneered and walked out.

   Li Zhenting pursed his lower lip, and a strange and unpredictable smile appeared on the corner of his lips

   "Reines, shall we go back to the base now?" After a while, Li Xuexi's voice sounded outside.

  Reines looked at Li Zhenting inside with cold eyes, and asked vigilantly, "How is he?"

   Li Xuexi understood what he meant. He was worried about Li Zhenting's mental state. After all, he was not an ordinary businessman.

   "Don't worry, he has lost his mind." Li Xuexi said disapprovingly.

"you sure?"

   "I'm sure, the shrewd Li Zhenting has already been hurt badly by the greedy Xiaofeng. It's impossible for a normal man to pretend to be like this." Li Xuexi smiled confidently.

  She absolutely believes in high-tech hard work, where can a man with a chip implanted in his brain go normally!

  Reines' gloomy eyes looked at Li Zhenting again.

  The place they are going now is their core base. If Li Zhenting is not stupid, the consequences will be unimaginable.

  He must be cautious!

   "Auntie, where are you? I want to go home." At this moment, Li Zhenting yelled again, looking like a fool.

  Looking at his stupid look, Li Xueyan smiled at Reines: "Now you should believe it."

  Correnus walked towards him sullenly.

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