"Ah." Suddenly, Reines approached Li Zhenting, grabbed his arm and quickly turned it back and pressed it hard, only to hear a crisp "click", Li Zhenting's arm immediately dislocated and fell powerlessly. He screamed, his forehead was so painful that sweat oozed out, and his face turned pale.

   "Auntie, Auntie, help me, he hit me." Li Zhenting shouted helplessly at Li Xuexi.

   Li Xuexi looked at this scene in shock, secretly surprised in her heart, this Renes is really ruthless, he can do this to a fool, but what does it matter to her, Li Zhenting deserves this abuse.

   "Don't yell, the more you yell, the more you will be beaten." She threatened fiercely.

  Renez's gloomy eyes stared at the sweat on Li Zhenting's forehead, and there was a fine cold light and a triumphant smirk in his eyes.

  He was testing him.

  If Li Zhenting was not stupid, he would definitely react if he suddenly attacked him, but now it seems that he is indeed stupid, and he doesn't even have the instinct to resist when he is beaten.

  He felt very satisfied with the result.

   "Okay, let's go." He finally said and walked inside.

   "Mr. Reines, are you satisfied with the result?" Li Xueyan followed up and asked with a smile.

   "Yes." He nodded slightly.

   "After that is done, you have to keep your promise." Li Xuexi was a little worried, and reiterated.

   "Don't worry, you will be the president of Li's Group after the event is completed. We need further cooperation." Reines solemnly promised.

  Li's Group is a high-tech enterprise with an unlimited future. Destroying it is one of their development plans.

   Next, the acquisition of Li's Group, turning Li's Group into their company, and the high-tech technology it possesses is their ultimate goal.

  Li's Group is now under the leadership of Li Zhenting, with amazing profits and terrible development momentum, especially in recent years, it has achieved amazing results in mobile phones, telecommunications, networks, etc., which they never want to see. If this continues, their living space will be completely swallowed up.

  Now, they are not reconciled to just dominating the Li Group, but want to own it completely.

  Of course, Li Xueyan will never know this.

   "Thank you, Mr. Reines." Li Xuexi was very happy thinking that she would be the president of the Li Group in the future.

She is well-informed and has stayed in large enterprises. She has learned a lot of advanced management experience and mastered the development and survival of developed enterprises. Integrating into the upper class economic circle, she believed that she would be able to make the Li Group bigger and stronger, and make Li Jichun look up to her with admiration.

   "Don't worry, as long as you are obedient and work hard, we guarantee that you will have countless dollars, gold, silver and jewelry." Reynes promised with certainty.

  With Li Xueyan's identity and family background, they are the best people to use. For those who are still valuable, they are always willing to invest.

  The cruise ship moves on.

  After Li Zhenting's arm was broken, Reines was completely relieved, and went into the luxury cabin to eat, drink and have fun.

"Mr. Reines, what shall we do with Li Zhenting?" After she was full of wine and food, Li Xueyan held the tall red wine glass lightly with her fingers, leaning against the railing, with the sea breeze blowing against her face, she was extremely comfortable. She shook the red wine glass, tentatively ask.

  Renez drank a little too much, but he was not drunk: "Of course it is to control him and let him destroy the chip that is about to be developed first."

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