Three Phantom Gods Trump Card: I Didn't Know That This Was A Pokemon World

Chapter 87 To me it was a moment, to her it was fifteen years

Two days later, return to Alola on the cruise ship from Galar.

Lusamine stood alone by the fence of the cruise ship, quietly looking up in the direction of the Crown Snowfield.

There, there remain the happiest and most painful memories of her life.

A light blond hair is no longer combed into a youthful ponytail, but is allowed to drape freely behind her shoulders.

The original innocence and gradually faded away, and the direction of the future chairman of the iceberg beauty is gone forever.

Lusamine reached out and stroked the millennial jewelry around his neck.

Until the end, Lusamine still didn't do anything to Thor and Dragon God.

Using the power of the millennium jewelry, Imprison them in the ruins again, and left Galar without hesitation.

All kinds of memories with that man played in my mind like a slideshow.

A beautiful smile appeared on Lusamine's iceberg-like face.

However, when the memory disappeared and disappeared again, when she wanted to reach out and hold the other's hand, she found that the other party was no longer by her side.

Lusamine's expression turned grim in an instant.

"I will definitely resurrect you, Li."

Lusamine's hand on the Millennium Jewelry tightened a little, and he whispered to himself.

Lusamine's judgment based on what he saw.

It was the battle with those three Pokémons that led to the death of both parties.

His lover disappeared at the same time as the masked man, this is the proof.



A few days later, Lusamine returned to his hometown of Alola.

After handing in the thesis he wrote in Galar, Lusamine didn't care about anything else.

Dive into the Pokémon texts of ancient legends.

She had long heard that the legendary Pokémons who were super-ancient and possessed the priesthood had powers unimaginable by humans.

Manipulate the ocean, expand the earth, reverse time and space... Naturally, including immortality and Reversal that everyone dreams of!

However, human research on the legendary beast Pokémon is too little.

It's good to know their names, and it's even rarer to know the performance power.

Not to mention capturing them, or even subduing them.

"Since you don't know which god has the ability to resurrect the dead, just catch them all!"

in Alola's library.

Lusamine closed the documents and secretly made up his mind.

That is the realization that no one can refute the change!


At this moment, Lusamine only felt a strong sense of nausea coming from Yuexiong's mouth, and it instantly rushed to the throat.


Lusamine didn't even have time to run to the bathroom, and immediately fell to his knees, retching.

"This, this is..."

Lusamine clutched her flat, smooth stomach, and a thought came to her mind that she couldn't believe herself.

Ten months later, the newly established Alola Pokémon Rescue Society—

Inside the Aether Foundation base.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa"

With bursts of cries, Wicke, who was Lusamine's assistant, held the newborn baby in his arms, and said to Lusamine who was lying on the hospital bed with excitement:

"Chairman! Tests show that this child is healthy! What a cute Stephanie!"

Lusamine leaned back against the bed back of the hospital bed, sullen and said nothing.

Wicke gulped nervously, and then Lusamine spoke slowly:

"How is the investigation of Pokémon with resurrection power?"

"This...most, recently we are researching the Ultra Wormhole, the legendary research of Alola since ancient times..."

Before Wicke could finish reporting, Lusamine chatted about the sheets and got off the bed.

Wicke was shocked and hurriedly discouraged:

"Chairman! You just gave birth and need to rest!"



Time flies, another time and space.

Crown of Snow Plains and Hills Region.

Lurina, who has finished a day of model work and gym challenge work.

Once again, he rode his own violent devouring turtle and took the waterway to this small wooden house that carried many memories of himself and his boyfriend.

20-year-old Lulina opened the door of the wooden house and saw the empty living room.

On the exotic and beautiful face, there is an unstoppable look of loss.


Lu Rina softly called her boyfriend's name, hoping that he could be like before.

After walking out of the room with a bright smile, he hugged himself tightly.

However, after more than a few minutes of silence.

Lurina also had to come back to reality from fantasy.

he's not here.

"Where have you been..."

A Pearl dripped to the ground from Lurina's eyes.


At this moment, the Tortoise Tortoise who followed Lurina's feet roared loudly.

"Raging Turtle, what's wrong?"

Lu Rina turned her head in confusion, and the next second she found the green light blooming from the top of the snow-capped mountain.

"what is that?!"

Lu Rina stared at the boss.

After a brief silence, he said to the Tortoise Devourer:

"Raging Turtle, let's go and see!"


The Tortoise Turtle nodded, followed behind the master, and ran towards the top of the mountain.




Accompanied by a landing sound.

Zu Li and Lei Guanwang fell to the ground one after another from mid-air.

"This is... the Temple of the Crown?"

Zu Li turned his head and looked around.

Familiar, but a little strange scene.

【Looks like we are back】

King Lei Guan used Confusion to float beside Zu Li, turned his head to look at Celebi soaring in the air, and said:

[It seems that the god of the forest has been restored, and it is a blessing in misfortune that there is no chaos in the order of time and space]


Celebi flew around Zu Li excitedly, expressing his gratitude.

Although it doesn't have the memory of being manipulated by Dusk Ball, it can still be judged based on a little memory before being controlled.

It was this human being who saved him.

However, for this little cutie who goes in circles around herself.

Zu Li didn't cast a glance.

Now his eyes were full of the poignant, weeping face that Lusamine had revealed at the end just before he passed away.

Zu Li understands better, for himself.

Just a few seconds before and after.

But for Lusamine, it was a full 15 years!


Zu Li suddenly let out a snarling roar, punching the ground full of bluestone bricks in the temple.

The huge force shattered the broken stone bricks.

With Zu Li's continuous beating, the stone bricks were gradually broken into powder.

But at the same time, because the protection of the dark power was not used.

Zu Li's fist soon seeped blood.

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