
Just when Zu Li roared in grief.

The sound of a call suddenly came into his ear, causing him to stop the movement in his hand.

Turning to look to the right.

But seeing Lu Rina holding her hands together in front of her mouth, Xingyan's eyes widened and she looked towards this side with tears in her eyes.

When Zu Li turned around, Lu Rina had already rushed up and hugged Zu Li's arms.

"Lurina... um..."

Zu Li was just about to call his girlfriend's name.

But the other party had already blocked his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person was thrown to the ground.

Lu Rina seems to want to pour out her thoughts during this period of time into actions.

Sitting on Zu Li's waist, he threw away the thin red dress.

The two of them are in this temple, with the sky as the quilt and the ground as the seat.

The ensemble staged the men's and women's concertos that were bombarded with fire.

The genderless Lei Guan Wang and Celebi stepped back obediently.

Although I don't understand what it means for these two humans to collide.

But instinctively, if I disturb Zu Li at this time, there will be absolutely no good fruit to eat.



Just when the Palace of the Crown in the Galar Region was under fire.

Sinnoh Region, located in the headquarters of the Galaxy Group in Eterna City, is also in the Contest Condition under fire.

This is the artillery fire in the physical sense.

Disguised as a department store, it is actually the Eterna Building at the base of the Galaxy Group.

The Galactic Corps in grey uniforms fought against the Aether Foundation in pure white uniforms.

The two sides each command Pokémon to fight to the death, and the shot is to take the other's life!

"My God! These people are crazy!"

"Escape! Escape!"

"My child is gone! Who saw my child!?"

"Wow! Mom! I'm so scared, where are you!?"

The people ran out of the city in panic.

The sound of chaotic running, the grievously wounded Growl, and the cries of children.

The slamming sounds mixed with the unique tricks of the two sides became a mess.

The tricks of the Pokémon are not only Pidgey and passing pedestrians, but also bombing the surrounding overpasses and buildings, overwhelming the fleeing pedestrians.

The battle between the Galaxy Group and the Aether Foundation seems to have burned the entire Eterna City into a sea of ​​fire.

"Chairman! If the enemy's strength is higher than ours and we continue like this—' ˇ—"

Zaobo, who was commanding an Alakazam, was really unable to resist the combined attack of the two executive stars and gangs of the opposite galaxy group, and turned his head to Lusamine in the center of the battlefield and shouted bitterly.

And in the middle of the battlefield, in front of the Eterna building.

The leaders of the two groups, Lusamine and Cyrus, are also in the Contest Condition.

Hearing Zaobo's cry, Lusamine looked around with his eyes narrowed slightly.


After all, Sinnoh is the territory of the Galactic Group, and the Aether Foundation is an external force.

Lusamine also brought only part of his men to Sinnoh.

The strength of the two sides is simply two extreme contrasts.

"Forget it, anyway, I already know how to summon Dialga and Palkia, so I don't need to hide anything."

Lusamine muttered to himself and threw the three Poké Balls from his waist.

Moltres, the swirling swirl of fiery flames!

Zhenyu exudes the Articuno of extreme cold and ice!

And Zapdos, who spread his wings and exploded with millions of Volts!

Seeing the arrival of the Three Holy Birds in Kanto, whether it was Executive, many members of the Galaxy Group, or Cyrus, who had a long poker face from beginning to end, all had expressions of disbelief.

The Three Holy Birds of Kanto! ?

Cyrus said coldly:

"It turns out that the mysterious person who assisted the Rockets in Johto Region last month was you!"

As the leader of the galactic group, he is also Sinnoh's premier Entrepreneur on the surface.

Cyrus's intelligence network is also not covered. Of course, I know that the Rockets VS Johto Region Alliance, which shocked the entire Pokémon continent a month ago, happened in the Johto Region.

It is said that there was a mysterious person Instruct Kanto Three Holy Birds and Poseidon Lugia to assist the Rockets at that time.

However, no one thought that the mysterious person was actually the famous beauty philanthropist Lusamine.

"each other~"

Lusamine smiled coldly, then exuded an extremely dangerous breath, and shouted:

"Get out of the way quickly and hand over the Three Holy Artifacts and Three Holy Mushrooms, so that I will leave your Galaxy Group alive."

The three holy relics, of course, refer to the three necessities for summoning Dialga and Palkia.

That is, the keys to the robbery, Adamant Orb and Lustrous Orb, which were taken away by the Galaxy Group before.

And the three holy mushrooms in Lusamine's mouth are also necessary to summon the gods of space and time.

That is, the three Legendary Pokémon that symbolize "wisdom", "emotion", and "will"——

【Yellow Holy Mushroom】 Uxie.

【Red Holy Mushroom】Mesprit.

【Blue Holy Mushroom】 Azelf.

These three holy mushrooms, like the three holy relics, are necessary for summoning Dialga and Palkia.

Originally, the three holy relics of the Galaxy Group had already been obtained.

Later, the Galaxy Group joined forces with the Aether Foundation.

In addition to the three sacred objects, the three sacred mushrooms are also needed to summon the gods of space and time.

So it took some effort.

Caught the Sansheng Mushroom.

The original purpose of both parties has been achieved, and then it is only necessary to go to Mt. Coronet in Sinnoh to perform the ritual of summoning the dual gods of time and space.

However, at this last moment, the two sides had a tacit understanding and betrayed each other and attacked each other.


how is this possible?

They are just using each other!

They all want to monopolize the power of the gods of time and space.

Cyrus couldn't trust Lusamine, and Lusamine couldn't trust Cyrus either.

Therefore, for the ownership of the Three Holy Objects and the Three Holy Mushrooms.

The Galaxy Group and the Aether Foundation have launched a life-and-death battle!

".what on earth is it!?"

Just as the second round of Lusamine's fight against Cyrus was about to begin.

A group of uninvited guests fell from the sky.

Even people who have seen the big world can't help being stunned by the hell-like scene in front of them.

Those who came were four of the five strongest members of the Sinnoh Alliance.

Champion Cynthia.

Fire Elite · Big Leaf.

Bug Type Elite · Aaron.

As well as super powers (Are you okay) Elite Lucian.

In addition to the Ground-based Elite, Kanto Elite Agatha's sister Bertha is currently guarding the Sinnoh Alliance.

The other four heard about the tragedy in Eterna City, and they all arrived immediately.

Seeing the surrounding scene, Da Ye was stunned and stunned:

"Hey hey hey! What's the situation! Miscellaneous?"

Aaron trembled: "It's so miserable... it's too much..."

Lucian pushed down the glasses on the bridge of his nose, stared at Cyrus and Lusamine, and said in a low voice:

"Those two..."

The champion Cynthia stepped forward and locked on Lusamine in disbelief.

To be precise, it is the three sacred birds of Kanto behind Lusamine!

"Miss Lusamine, when you were in Johto Region, it was you..."

Cynthia's tone trembled slightly.

Lusamine lightly brushed the hair behind his head and smiled:

"Ahh~ this is the end, there's nothing to hide, right? Miss Cynthia.".

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