Chapter 197 [Big Chapter] Crunchy

Lu Ya and the others no longer cared about stupid spies like Jiu Huxian. After all, her information was of no use other than allowing King Immortal Thief to avoid Lu Ya.

This wave of indiscriminate sneak attacks, although it delayed a lot of time, also made Bamboo Spring Sect's team fatter.

Even though Lu Ya embezzled a large number of spiritual stones, she still seized resources equivalent to more than 30,000 spiritual stones.

Get back on the road.

Because she suddenly became rich, Lu Ya no longer sat on a shabby gourd, but directly integrated the body of the two tiger armors into a large tiger armor. Several people rode the tiger forward, pretending to be the tiger's power, and rushed towards the finish line in a mighty manner.

The majestic figure of the huge tiger beetle running wildly in the jungle, the wind howling from the rain, shaking the mountain forest, seems to be Muyu Feifei's lost youth.

The nearby teams gave in one after another, only daring to watch from a distance, not daring to play.

This time, Lu Ya also brought Zhang Lianxin on the road.

The main reason is that without the influence of Qi Ming and others, Zhang Lianxin can absorb nearby spiritual energy through reverse spiral to offset the loss of resources. What he pays is what he gets, and he can also play dirty tactics with the Double Tiger Armor.

This made the Jiuhu Fairy very dissatisfied.

In the ship's nuclear room.

The Jiuhu Fairy crossed his arms and held the wine gourd in front of his chest. While drinking some wine, he looked at Zhang Lianxin and then at Lu Ya.

The round little face has a stern expression, but it is not cold at all, at most it is a bit bold and cute.

Zhang Lianxin was once her idol.

Even now, she envies Zhang Lianxin.

Think about it, what a cool skill it is to level up in battle? It is simply the template for the protagonist in all legendary stories!

Her nine-tailed beast Sacred Body also looks very awesome, but it needs to digest a lot of the power of the sacred beast and cooperate with the special mental skills provided by the fox-shaped jade Perry to upgrade step by step.

This is very tiring.

If she hadn't met Lu Ya and eaten a lot of delicacies from mythical beasts, it would have taken her a thousand years to reach her current level of Immortal Venerable.

Of course, cultivation is a trivial matter. The most important thing is that Lu Ya is a money-making expert and an experienced driver who knows how to appreciate art, so he can lead her to be cool together.

Now that Zhang Lianxin is here, Jiuhu Fairy not only feels that she is being outclassed, but is also afraid that this woman will be as nosy as Ning Zhongzi and will not be able to live freely.




All of a sudden they are alive!

The Jiuhu Fairy's face sank, pretending to be profound, as if he was concerned about the country and the people.

"Teacher Zhang is here, what if we are besieged again?"

Lu Ya was stunned.

"Teacher Zhang?"

With Lu Ya beside her, Zhang Lianxin calmly explained without losing her temper.

"Back then, Master Jiuhu was my student at Dongfuxian Academy."

The words "Master Jiuhu" made the Jiuhuxian's momentum shake. His envy and jealousy were still there, but his hatred was suddenly reduced by seven points.

Speaking of the past events of Dongfuxian Academy, apart from the competition with Liu Xuanye, Zhang Lianxin also has memories of the Jiuhuxian.

"Teacher Zhang was the idol of a bunch of bad students among us. He couldn't teach anything, and he came first in fights. I remember one time during a group fight, Teacher Zhang came and beat everyone on the other side with three strikes and two divisions. Then when he came back, he beat them all down again. We beat him to pieces."

Lu Ya looked at Zhang Lianxin in surprise, making her a little embarrassed.

"Master Jiuhu is exaggerating."

The wine fox fairy grabbed the wine gourd on his chest, raised his head and took a few sips, and wiped the fairy juice from the corner of his mouth boldly.

"Teacher Zhang is the target of public criticism now. What if he is besieged again?"

Lu Ya explained.

"It's very simple. Teacher Zhang is in the light and we are in the dark. Teacher Zhang has a lot of blood. We can sneak attack and copy the tactics just now to continue the wave of fat."

Zhang Lianxin got goosebumps when she was shouted at by Lu Ya, her face was slightly dizzy and she said:

"Why are you called Teacher Zhang..."

Lu Ya smiled.

"It's so exciting."


Zhang Lian didn't know why.

The wine fox fairy seemed to understand but not quite.

It was Muyu Feifei from the Heart Shield Chamber who said in a slightly mechanical voice.

"I understand this stimulation."

"The wet nurse educates us as a teacher, bosses around and uses corporal punishment at every turn. When we return to the academy in a tiger armor as the Immortal Emperor, we will let the wet nurse know what cruelty is. This will be very exciting."

Lu Ya:


"We need to make the nanny understand that the bigger the breasts, the lower the combat effectiveness!"

"You see, Mr. Jiuhu has smaller breasts than the nanny, so he is much stronger. Senior Zhang is even stronger, but the two of us are the strongest!"

"I want the nanny to understand that if your breasts are too big, you won't be able to be a teacher!"


Zhang Lian's heart was full of black lines.


The Jiuhu Fairy almost burst out laughing. After thinking about it carefully, what these two naughty kids said really made sense, and she finally had a project that could crush Zhang Lianxin.

She used to be bothered by her breasts, but now they feel even more precious, especially after Zhang Lianxin agreed to join Qingluan City. These two pounds of flesh are the source of her confidence!

Lu Ya finally understood why the senior sister punished children corporally.

These two naughty kids just deserve a beating!

Resisting the urge to hit someone, Lu Ya tried to crush the two naughty kids with her IQ.

"If you say so, won't your combat effectiveness decrease as you grow up?"


Muyu Feifei said in unison.

"Why do we have to grow up?"

“When I grow up, eating candied haws on a stick is no longer sweet!”

Lu Ya was speechless for a moment, feeling as if her IQ had been heightened.

The Jiuhu Fairy came back to her senses and felt that the two naughty children had taken the conversation into the ditch. She was discussing Zhang Lianxin's problem.

So he asked Lu Ya again:

"But if Teacher Zhang participates in the battle, aren't you afraid that her reverse spiral will suck your spiritual power?"

"What are you smoking?"

"Are you deaf? It's spiritual power!"


After coughing twice, Lu Ya sat upright and said:

"Teacher Zhang's reverse spiral power is to absorb part of the spiritual power of others when they cast Immortal Law. I am only responsible for commanding and do not use spiritual power. The Cracking Heart Shield has a special design and is difficult to absorb, so absorbing it is also absorbing. Your spiritual power.”

The wine fox fairy, who was drunk one breath ago, suddenly woke up in the next second, got up and ran away.

"You gang up to bully me. Since I'm so useless, I'm going to join the Immortal Thief King!"

Lu Ya grabbed Jiuhu Fairy's shoulders from a distance, forced her down, smiled and comforted:

"It's not completely useless. Can you bring me tea and water to rub my back?"

"I'll hit you on the head!"

Zhang Lianxin held back her smile.

Tiger Armor continued to run wildly.

The nuclear room of the ship was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

Lu Ya and the others quickly arrived at the teleportation array.

This is an open, clear area. The ground is paved with black stones. A high platform rises in the middle, with colorful virtual swords hanging in the air and looking at each other. In the middle is a teleportation array.

Lu Ya removed the tiger armor, and a group of five people stepped onto the teleportation array.

People around him automatically got out of the way, curious about Lu Ya's identity.

In the teleportation array, there is a deduction restriction that automatically deducts resources equivalent to one thousand spiritual stones from Lu Ya.

This means that the teleportation array charges tolls based on the number of teams, and deducts money from Lu Ya and Zhang Lianxin respectively. Zhang Lianxin is left destitute and Lu Ya bears double the cost.

The teleportation array is activated.

Everyone's eyes went dark, and a dark tunnel appeared in front of them.

It is not the time and space tunnel of the teleportation array, but the second level track.

The tunnel is one foot wide, as tall as a person, and only a dozen miles long.

Compared to the misty jungle of the first map, this level is simply too mini.

Lu Ya soon received official information.

[Second level: Magic Dragon Tunnel. ]

After looking at the introduction, it turns out that the second level is not a public track.

Each teleportation array will send the grouped contestants to a separate tunnel.

There are numerous tunnels throughout the map that have no contact with each other.

Each tunnel is short and doesn't have any extra resources.

There is a monster in the middle. If you defeat or bypass the monster, you can pass the level.

Extremely simple track.

Because the second level was so different from the first level, Lu Ya was a little curious, so she turned on the full level of consciousness again and took a comprehensive look.

It turns out that the second level is also a huge flat land on the top of a mountain.

Thousands of artificial tunnels, like thousands of giant matches, are placed head to head in a large circle, with a unified and shared teleportation array in the middle.

In the final analysis, the idea is still to march from the outer ring to the middle of the circle. The difference is that each team in the group can only fight monsters on a single track.

What's even more interesting is.

On the edge of the huge mountain top, there is still a Jueshen Formation close to the Divine Level. Below is a straight cliff with no bottom as far as the eye can see. There are some miscellaneous moss and vine leaves growing on the cliff.

Lu Ya can be sure that this mountain is definitely not the same as the mountain in the first level, but the structure is surprisingly similar.

This made Lu Ya have to suspect that these two mountains may not be natural floating mountains, but huge man-made mountains!

Zhu Shen Perfected Being is so rich...

Lu Ya sighed sincerely, thinking that this trip was not in vain.

Because the tunnel was too narrow, Muyu Feifei could not open the tiger armor, and the awe-inspiring emperor suddenly succumbed. He had already climbed up on Lu Ya's shoulders, shrinking his head for fear of hitting the roof of the tunnel.

At this time, Jiuhu Fairy and Zhang Lianxin also gathered around Lu Ya. Zhang Lianxin raised a ball of fire to illuminate the map information suspended above Lu Ya's black ring.

According to the map, there are no extra resources in the tunnel. In the open space in the middle, there is a roadblocking monster——

Magic dragon!

The word demon is somewhat ancient.

Immortals, especially immortal people, are afraid of the underworld. What the hell are demons?

Obviously, you can easily pass the level by defeating the dragon and obtaining its resources.

Or if you have enough resources, you can pass through the dragon's blockage directly.

The Jiuhu Fairy proudly patted his chest in front of Zhang Lianxin.

"This level is simple. There are no enemies to intervene. Just fight the monsters. You go ahead. A big guy like me doesn't have to do it myself."

The loose green robe was photographed in waves, mixed with a hint of the fragrance of wine.

Muyu Feifei was also very confident and patted her flat chest, hoping to outshine the Wine Fox Fairy.

"Our team has Muyu Great Emperor, Feifei Great Emperor, and now we have senior Zhang who is close to the Immortal Emperor to help out. We are the strongest team now. If we can't get through, then no one can!"

"Speak nicely and don't slap your chest!"

Lu Ya sternly drank to stop the unhealthy trend caused by the wine fox fairy, and then explained.

"You're overthinking this. Not only do you have to fight with all of us this time, but you also have to have someone to protect me - if I don't cheat to protect myself."


Several people were confused, including Zhang Lianxin.

Until they walked all the way, they finally saw the magic dragon in a high stone room in the middle of the tunnel.

Suddenly confused!

A coercion that towered over the Immortal Emperor enveloped everyone.

"Half-step Beast King?"

"Is this really the second level and not the seventh level?"

Lu Ya was also a little surprised.

Cultivation level didn't matter. The demon dragon in front of me had nothing to do with the dragons of China. It was clearly the two-winged evil dragon of the West.

The evil dragon is about ten feet tall, with a black body, as thin as a dead tree, huge wings that are disproportionate but very coordinated, and red eyes that are dark and deep but point directly at people's hearts.

Especially those eyes, which are more like glowing blood-stained human eyes than dragon eyes.

The first impression given by the whole dragon's temperament is not one of terror, but an invisible coercion pressing on one's consciousness and thinking, giving people a sense of wholehearted and unreserved surrender.

Staring into the black dragon's bloody eyes, everyone felt the blood boiling in their bodies and their brains almost suffocating. An invisible pressure made people's hair stand on end, they held their breath and concentrated, and forgot to speak for a moment.

It wasn't fear, it was shock.

Lu Ya was not shocked at all, she just felt weird.

He has never seen this kind of monster in the game. The ancient dragon he encountered after transmigrate, Yinglong, also has a shape in traditional Chinese mythology.

If this dragon was enlightened, he wouldn't be able to speak English, right?

Lu Ya thought.

At the same time, a series of settings that were very different from those in the game made him realize that this world might not be the parallel world he originally thought.


This made him look more closely at his invincibility, the scope of the world that his extreme consciousness could observe, and the significance of everything he did during the one-hour daze after transmigrate.

Zhang Lianxin frowned slightly.

"If every team encounters this kind of monster, there won't be many teams in the third level."

Lu Ya smiled.

"No, this demonic dragon is neither random nor unified, but is based on the total strength of the group in a single transmission, matching monsters with corresponding strengths - that is to say, the total strength of our two teams is judged to be Half-step Immortal Emperor."

Even if Zhang Lianxin's battle escalates as usual, she is only a Nine-Star Immortal Saint after all, and she is too far away from the Half-Step Immortal Emperor.

Looking up at the black dragon in front of her, even Zhang Lian hesitated a little.

"Are we really that strong?"


Lu Ya nodded, her eyes firm.

"But there is a prerequisite, and we need to work together, otherwise it will be a defeat."

"In addition to the strong cohesion of each team in the group, there is also a need for a very wise coach to direct the battle - that's me. You send someone to protect me and take good care of me. As soon as my spirit chicken moves, I will come up with clever tricks to kill the enemy. !”


The Wine Fox Fairy nodded seriously, secretly extended a tail, and while Lu Ya was still immersed in the fantasy of being served by Mei Mei, he quietly tied up Lu Ya and threw her in front of the black dragon.

The black dragon opened his mouth.

It's crunchy.

I recommend a friend's good book "Rebirth from a Blind Date": The life of nonsense has taken a turn since the blind date!

(end of this chapter)

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