Three Thousand Female Students Ranked In Immortal Class

Chapter 204 [Big Chapter] Your Legs Are Very Long

Chapter 204 [Big Chapter] Your legs are very long

From Princess Huayue's point of view, no matter how bad Jiuhuxian's father is, no matter how embarrassing the Immortal Court was with that scandal, Jiuhuxian also has a Semi-Saint female bloodline and is her biological sister.

This is beyond doubt and cannot be changed!

Especially when the legend of an illegitimate daughter is well known to everyone, deliberately concealing it will only make the world more suspicious.

Only if she becomes an upright fairy, no longer living a chaotic life, and preferably has the correct sexual orientation, so that her saintly bloodline can surpass the Immortal Thief bloodline, can the reputation of the imperial court be restored.

For the Wine Fox Fairy, the outcome of the game is meaningless, and the Spirit Ascension Order is worthless.

She once gave up the opportunity to go to the seminary to practice and insisted on living the life of an Immortal Thief. She spent her own money to buy wine for her, so she went to Dongfu Immortal Court to take a job.

From this perspective, this City Lord Lu has done a good thing!

Let the wine fox fairy fall in love with a man and stop harming good fairies; stabilize his status as a resident envoy and stop running around; the other party is the lord of a city, so he will not be short of money to buy wine, and will not do boring things anymore Spy work.

If there was no important matter at hand, Xuanyuan Huayue would even want to meet City Lord Lu and thank him in person, or kill him in person——

If this person was really a pervert with a wide harem as Mizuki Nishirozawa said, she would definitely twist off his head with her own hands and use it as a chamber pot for her sister.

Thinking like this, Xuanyuan Huayue glanced at the direction of the Jiuhu Immortal, then at the Great Sword Sect team that was rushing towards the Jiuhu Immortal's team, then at the shadows swimming deep under the sea, shook his head and sighed.

This competition is more than just a competition.

You must know that the biggest shame of the Immortal Court so far is not the affair between the Saint and the Immortal Thief, nor the successive rise of the four Immortal Thief Organizations, but the fact that the Seven Underworld Gods infiltrated the Immortal Court headquarters and stole the Seven Seals.

After the Battle of Zhu Ming, the Immortal Court announced to the public that the Seven Gods of the Underworld were backlashed by the Seven Divine Seals, and all of them were punished to death by Heaven.

However, various recent abnormal phenomena indicate that the Seven Underworld Gods have been resurrected, and their true purpose is still unknown.

The only thing that is certain is that Zhu Shen Perfected Being seemed to have foresight and was already prepared for this.

In the Immortal Court headquarters, the Zhu Shen family is the biggest political enemy of the Holy Queen's Imperial Court, and it seems that they have been plotting something.

This is the reason why she came to the Immortal Class Conference this time.

In such a grand event, the Imperial Court cannot stay away from the event.

"Let's see what happens next."

Saying this, Xuanyuan Huayue waved his sleeves, the hippogriff flapped its wings, pushed away from the empty wall, and disappeared from the map.

at the same time.

On a raft eight hundred miles away.

Lu Ya, who was sleeping on the recliner, opened her eyes slightly and looked at the sky eight hundred miles away, but saw nothing.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to have seen a beautiful woman just now.

It's not because of lust, but simply because of his good eyesight. After all, he can see beautiful women with his eyes closed.

While the Jiuhu Fairy was drunk, he seemed to sense the aura of some annoying person, so he continued drinking without saying anything.


The hanging fishing rod moved slightly.

"Took the bait!"

Zhang Lianxin frowned slightly, feeling that something was not right in the water.

Then he grabbed the fishing rod and pulled with all his strength. The force was so strong that the raft tilted and almost capsized.

This also caused the Jiuhu Fairy to drink up all the wine in one sip. Half the bottle of wine leaked into his collar, making him wet all over, making him feel greasy and uncomfortable.

"What are you doing?"

She reacted in a flash, and immediately opened her five tails, shrouding the entire raft in the golden body of the orange fox, and then barely stabilized the boat.

Seeing the Jiuhu Fairy stabilizing the boat, Zhang Lianxin pulled the pole with all her strength.

However, the "fish" under the water was so weird that it followed the fishing rod and forcibly absorbed the spiritual power of Zhang Lianxin and Jiuhu Fairy.


Anger gradually arose in Zhang Lian's heart, and the dim lotus seal between her eyebrows instantly turned red and twisted into a reverse spiral.

He quickly reversed the direction of his spiritual power and forcibly extracted the spiritual power of the big fish underwater.

After a brief confrontation, it was obvious that Zhang Lianxin's anti-spiral power was even better.

The spiritual power of both parties waxes and wanes.

Soon, Zhang Lianxin caught the big fish with a swing of her pole.

The fish was not big, three feet long, carp-shaped, black, foaming at the mouth, and had lost the ability to fight anymore.

The appearance is too ordinary.

In other words, it was originally very large, but after Zhang Lianxin extracted a large amount of spiritual power, it became only more than three feet long.

Lu Ya took a closer look and found that his cultivation level was that of an Immortal Emperor. When he opened the fish's body, the belly was completely black, with a white eye growing out of the center...

Everyone was shocked!

This is the breath of the abyss!

This fish has become semi-netherworld.

The leisurely atmosphere came to an abrupt end, as if the sea breeze had stopped blowing.

Everyone felt vaguely uneasy.

Nether transformation is not a common phenomenon in the Immortal World.

Lu Ya has never seen it in her five-year gaming career. After transmigrate, she has only seen it in the Forest of Beast Den.

The wine fox fairy lost all his drunkenness and curled his lips and said:

"What the hell is Zhu Shen doing with Perfect Being? Are you using this thing as a competition resource?"

Lu Ya nodded and analyzed blindly.

"You think, with so many forces paying attention to this game now, there has to be a little surprise to make it worth the price of admission."

The Wine Fox Fairy was a little embarrassed and glared at Lu Ya with bared teeth.

"Tch, you are not afraid of death, what about others?"

Lu Ya smiled and asked:

"You mean King Immortal Thief?"

"The Immortal Thief kings are all experts this time, so what's the problem? I'm talking about the weak Immortal Class, or those who have withdrawn from the competition who are already trapped in the abyss. If something goes wrong in the game, who will protect them? Safety?"

The reason why the Jiuhu Fairy said this to Lu Ya was obviously to ask Lu Ya to shoulder the responsibility of being a strong person.

Of course Lu Ya was a little surprised.

"You are quite righteous."

The Jiuhu Fairy crossed his arms, completely forgetting that his chest was wet with half a bottle of fairy juice.

"I am the deacon of the Immortal Court. Isn't that how it should be?"

Theoretically, it should be true, but Lu Ya was a little surprised when these words came from the Jiuhu Fairy.

Lu Ya stared at Jiuhu Fairy's transparent mind and began to re-examine this woman.

If you think about it carefully, although the Wine Fox Fairy is very romantic, he does have the feeling of protecting the weak and having the world in mind.

For example, she constantly freed some kind and weak beast fairies from the clutches of the Kunpeng brothers.

For another example, if she was really completely heartless, she should continue to live a happy life in the Immortal Thief King. With her father by her side, there was no way she would be short of wine. Why did she end up taking a temporary post in the Immortal Court?

For another example, when she was working as a spy, wherever she went, the Immortal Thief Organization was unlucky. Could it be that her own subconscious behavior was also involved?

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lu Ya could faintly feel a trace of the holy heart of the saint in the wine fox fairy's transparent mind.

Perhaps, this is the power of blood.

The Jiuhu Fairy was stunned by Lu Ya's eyes, and subconsciously hugged her chest even tighter.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"There are weeds on your head."

Because the tail was used to weave a straw rope before, the Jiuhu Fairy did have a waterweed on her head. It was green and beautiful.

Lu Ya smiled and reached out to brush away the water plants above her head, which made the Wine Fox Fairy feel uncomfortable all of a sudden. Her fox ears were stunned, her round face was red and green, and she didn't know what her expression should be.

"Don't worry blindly. No one will die except the enemy."

The Wine Fox Fairy shrank, never expecting that Lu Ya, who was always lazy and stinky, could say such unwholesome words.

"Tch, why are you talking to me, being so disgusting?"

"Hey, didn't you ask me to say that?"

at the same time.

Zhang Lianxin put the semi-underworld black fish into the black ring.

Spiritual power is halved.

It means that the part transformed into the netherworld does not count for spiritual power.

Lu Ya said:

"That's good. Even if you only have half of your spiritual power, it's still quite a rich resource. Keep fishing. If you catch three like this, we'll go to the next level."

Zhang Lianxin nodded and suddenly frowned.

"Wait a minute, there's an Immortal Emperor-level force approaching!"

Lu Ya just remembered something.

"Oh, I almost forgot, that guy named Toucheng Zhan Meiyue is coming towards us. If the Great Sword Sect really has Bai Ye's secret support, we can make a fortune by defeating them, so we don't have to fish anymore."

"Even Xichengze is no match, we..."

"Don't be nervous. Except for this Dongcheng Zhan Meiyue, the rest of the Great Sword Sect are all hot chicken immortal saints. It's equivalent to four of you against one, and the resources are sufficient. If this guy is determined to kill Meiyue, he will definitely despise us. We can win. ."

"And you?"

"Last time you didn't have my command and you performed well. You don't need my command this time either."

The wine fox fairy quits.

"Aren't you even too lazy to do the conducting?"

Lu Ya looked at the calm sea in front of her and said meaningfully:

"It's not that I'm lazy, I may have guests again."

The wine fox fairy was stunned.

"Are you selling yourself too?"


The Dajianmen team consists of ten rafts. They come in a mighty manner and ride on the wind, giving people the feeling of rowing without oars and relying solely on the waves.

There are not many people in the Dajian Sect, but their equipment is extremely sophisticated. They have huge long-range weapons similar to bows and crossbows, which are very suitable for raft combat.

Dongcheng Zemeiyue stood under the giant crossbow with her hands behind her hands.

Wearing a slightly tight dark blue robe, as straight and straight as a Mao suit.

Completely opposite to Saijo Sawa Mitsuki's baby-faced appearance, Tojo Zhan Mitsuki is a tall, somewhat manly man.

Lu Ya can imagine that this kind of unyielding person will indeed be unconvinced if he loses to a bastard like Mizuki Nishijozawa, so that in his later life, he is too addicted to revenge and ignores people other than Nishijozawa.

Failure will not make him humble, but will make him arrogant.

This is a very strange and very true thing.

Ten rafts and boats were parked a hundred feet away.

Dongcheng Zhan Meiyue stood with her hands behind her back, bowed briefly, and said proudly:

"I appreciate the courage of some of you. They knew I was coming, but they didn't run away to the next level. They resolutely chose to fight me head-on."

The wine fox fairy sat back on the giant gourd and frowned.

"Who are you?"

There is no place for Jiu Huxian in Dongcheng Zhan's eyes, or in other words, there is no place for anyone other than Zhang Lianxin.

Because his cultivation level is too low and he is not qualified.

"I hope Senior Sister Zhang can understand that this is not a personal grudge. Dajian Sect and Huaixiang Valley have always been friendly sects. He will definitely come to apologize in the future."

Zhang Lianxin had a gentle expression and a calm tone.

"You don't have to apologize for losing."

Lu Ya was stunned. She didn't expect that Zhang Lianxin had been getting along with him for a long time, and her level of pretentiousness had also improved day by day.

Dongcheng Zhan closed his eyes and shook his head, sighed, and said nothing more.

The other people in Dajian Sect looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, and laughed.

One half-step Immortal Emperor, one half-step Immortal Saint, two Immortal Lord realm tiger immortals...

That's it?

Who gave you the courage to stay?

Dongcheng Zhan showed no expression on his face, waving his hand to control the giant crossbow.

"excuse me."

The battle begins quickly and heats up quickly!




The two tiger armors piloted by Muyu Feifei sprayed lasers and spirit pills wildly, accidentally catching the opponent off guard during long-range combat.

Dajianmen never expected that the high-level long-range Spiritual Weapon provided by Bai Ye would be suppressed by the tiger armor controlled by two Immortal Lords in long-range combat!

This forced them to close the distance and start hand-to-hand combat.

The disciples on both sides quickly started the Xianjie battle.

The violent spiritual pressure set off waves more than one foot high...

The battle was exciting, but Lu Ya only found it noisy.

He was sitting alone on the edge of the raft fishing.

His body was completely wrapped by Zhang Lianxin's red lotus golden body and Jiuhuxian's orange fox golden body, and he felt the warmth of the two women.

Although women fighting looks good, he really has a guest——

A small boat floated ten feet away.

As if it had been there a long time ago.

The boat is not big.

But very old.

There were fish, shrimp and shells in twos and threes in the boat.

It just looks like fish, shrimp and shells, but if you look closely, it's completely different from the fish, shrimp and shellfish of Immortal World, like something from another world.

There was a deep notch on the edge of the boat, which was covered with moss, as if many years had passed.

Outside the edge of the boat, a middle-aged man stepped into the seawater with his feet, rolled up his trouser legs and cuffs, and the water was not even up to his knees. He bent over and touched something in the sea.

He was dressed in shabby clothes, with an unkempt beard, his hair was tied into rough braids with seaweed, and there were traces of seabed mud on his face.

Most of what he touched in the sea were strange monsters. Only when he touched something similar to fish, shrimp and shells, he threw it into the boat.

However, judging from his anxious look, it seemed that what he was looking for was not fish or shrimp.

But something deeper.

The existence of this person and a boat can only be seen by Lu Ya, as if they have entered a world of two people isolated from the world.

"Your legs are quite long."

This is the only thing Lu Ya wants to complain about. After all, this guy is stepping in sea water hundreds of miles deep, and the water surface is not even above his knees.

The middle-aged man raised his head and glanced at Lu Ya, feeling surprisingly young.

But his eyes were very simple, without any contempt.

"No, I just stepped a foot under the water. It's too deep to be meaningless."

Lu Ya smiled.

"Then your hands should be long enough to touch what you want."

"Really? No wonder."

The middle-aged man also smiled awkwardly and continued to touch in the sea. After touching for a long time, he suddenly asked:

"My limbs are short, how can I touch things far away?"

Lu Ya really can't stand it any longer. It's very hard to pretend to be superior, okay?

"The devil knows! Who are you? What do you want from me? Isn't it impolite to try to trick me with nothing?"

The middle-aged man said:

"I was asked to arrest a man named Lu Ya, but I don't know if he deliberately tricked me. He also said that maybe you can enlighten me."

Lu Ya suddenly thought of someone.

Lianchengzi carrying a telescope!

It means that the guy in front of me is also from the singles organization?

It feels a bit strong.

Much better than Lian Chengzi!

Lu Ya didn’t mince words and said bluntly:

"Whether I can inspire you depends on how much money you have."


The middle-aged man was shocked by Lu Ya's layout and was stunned for a long time before saying:

"I have no money, but if you can help me find my sword, I can kill you with that sword. You know, it is too disrespectful to fight with your bare hands against a strong man like you."

If you don’t have money, what can you say?

Lu Ya shook her head with a straight face.

"You don't have to provoke me. I'm not good at finding things, especially a sword to kill me. This thing doesn't exist."

The fierce duel was like sword strikes, clanging on the turbulent sea.

The middle-aged man said again:

"It won't be too troublesome, because when I threw the sword, I carved a mark on the edge of the boat, so it won't go far."

Lu Ya glanced at the edge of the boat.

He looked at the middle-aged man again.

The sword is clearly hanging on the middle-aged man's waist!

Hidden with a very subtle restriction...

But the man turned a blind eye.

Maybe it's not missing, but forgotten.

(end of this chapter)

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