Three Thousand Female Students Ranked In Immortal Class

Chapter 22 [Big Chapter] The Organization Has An Important Task For You

Chapter 22: [Major Chapter] The organization has entrusted an important task to you.

Leaving Liu Xuanye's bedroom.

Lu Ya turned back and walked into the bamboo forest.

Red lanterns arranged by Ning Zhongzi hung on the bamboo branches, resembling ripe tomatoes.

The rosy light pierced through the branches and leaves, sparsely shining down, blending with the morning mist. It sprinkled on the red lanterns soaked in dew, making the double happiness characters on the lanterns faintly visible, like a veiled palace beauty.

Lu Ya felt dizzy and his legs went numb.

Sitting cross-legged all night, even your legs go numb.

The mortal's five senses are truly remarkable, but after all, Lu Ya felt a bit happy in his heart for having completed a major event in life.

The feeling of getting married is quite strange.

Is Liu Xuanye, who exudes a hint of lazy sexiness in her high coldness, actually a natural?

Can't even figure out the concept of weekends?

Or is Ning Zhongzi intentionally deceiving her?

Could it be that Ning Zhongzi's so-called group cultivation is just a way of practicing together?

You two are really something!

Returning to Sword Plateau.

The green light and sea of clouds, the morning glow filled the sky, and the vast Sword Plateau bathed in warm morning light.

Ning Zhongzi would stand at the edge of the cliff every morning to watch the sunrise.

Her broad mind was lifted by the gentle morning breeze, exuding a touch of elegance and charm.

She loved this land more than anyone else.

Lu Ya yawned as he passed by and casually said:


"Senior Brother, morning."

When Ning Zhongzi turned around, Lu Ya had already entered the bamboo house next to the bamboo forest.

He wanted to sleep a little longer.

Pushing open the door, he found Muyu Feifei lying on his bed.

Upside down, with a chestnut on her head that hadn't disappeared yet, drooling from the corner of her mouth, she mumbled in a daze.

"I... just... want to... make a fuss... in the bridal chamber..."

"It's not... your bridal chamber... why can't I make a fuss..."

For a moment, Lu Ya really wanted to kick the two little troublemakers under the bed.

But after thinking about it, he let it go.

Enduring his sleepiness, he went out.

He bumped into the sunrise head-on.

In the hazy morning glow, suddenly golden light burst forth, like boiling molten steel, splashing out, surrounding the sun as it rose slowly in the distant floating mountains!

The clouds that had been there for half a day gradually turned from dark red to dazzling golden, and the intensity increased. In the blink of an eye, the entire sky and earth were dyed red.

Ning Zhongzi didn't turn around, just said softly.

"The sunrise is beautiful, isn't it?"


Lu Ya nodded, feeling a bit dizzy from looking at the sun.

"I hope to see it every day for the rest of my life."

Ning Zhongzi's voice was calm, filled with infinite affection for her homeland.

Lu Ya suddenly said:

"What if it rains?"

Ning Zhongzi:


Lu Ya looked at her back and saw determination and desolation.

"If you're strong enough, you can still see the sunrise on a rainy day."

Ning Zhongzi didn't understand, so she turned around.

Looking at Lu Ya's puffy eyes, darkened forehead, hands on his waist, and floating legs, she understood.

"How did Senior Brother rest last night?"

"What do you think?"

If it weren't for you foolishly educating Liu Xuanye, I would have dedicated myself to the sect last night.

Ning Zhongzi shook her head and smiled, a beautiful smile.

She only dressed elegantly, but in fact, she was only about 800 years older than Liu Xuanye. According to the standards of her previous life, she would only look like a young woman in her thirties at most.

Upon closer inspection, her features were very delicate, but being by Liu Xuanye's side all year round and deliberately dressing up seriously and conservatively made her less outstanding.

In her rare gentle smile, Lu Ya saw a trace of exhaustion.

As a five-star Immortal Master, Ning Zhongzi had to bear all the internal and external affairs of the sect because Liu Xuanye couldn't interact with outsiders. This was too heavy a burden for her.

Not for a day.

Not for a year.

Since she picked up Liu Xuanye from the snow, more than three thousand years had passed!

The bright morning sun reflected on her beautiful face.

Her exhaustion surpassed that of Lu Ya.

Lu Ya was deeply moved...

And then continued to be a salted fish.

At this moment, Ning Zhongzi took out a green bamboo tube from her pocket and said softly,

"I made a bamboo tube for Brother, knowing that he enjoys drinking. Inside, there is last night's immortal rice wine and some medicinal herbs that can relieve fatigue and nourish the body."

Lu Ya shamelessly accepted the green bamboo tube.

The green bamboo tube was only as thick as an arm and a foot long, with glazed bamboo skin, looking very exquisite.

The side wall was also engraved with a bamboo carving, depicting a scene of the five members of the Bamboo Spring Sect together -

Lu Ya holding Liu Xuanye horizontally, looking up at the night sky in silence; Ning Zhongzi standing beside, gazing at the sky; Muyu Feifei riding on a slanted pine tree, pointing at the night sky.

In the night sky was a galaxy as clear as water.

The artistic conception was beautiful.

Ning Zhongzi obviously transplanted a scene from last night's wedding banquet to the Sword Plateau.

Muyu Feifei, riding on the wine fox fairy's gourd, was changed to riding on the slanted pine tree.

The night sky was not filled with darkness and countless eyes, but a starry sky as clear as water.

It was extremely romantic.

Lu Ya was quite touched and said softly,

"Sister has thought of everything."

Ning Zhongzi pointed at the bamboo tube.

"Give it a try."


In reality, Lu Ya, as a homebody, didn't like drinking. It harmed the liver and stomach and wasted time.

But in the game, he was a wine god, with great skill in brewing, mixing, and tasting wine.

This skill also transferred to the True Immortal realm, making him feel that it was not a bad thing to have a drink in the Immortal World.

He opened the bamboo stopper.

A strong grain aroma rushed out, mixed with a faint medicinal fragrance and sweetness.

The clear wine surface was dotted with a few red jujube-like dried fruits.

Were these goji berries?

Lu Ya was dumbfounded.

Just married and she's giving me goji berries?

Am I not concerned about my image?

Fortunately, goji berries were delicious.

Lu Ya took a mouthful of goji berries and drank it down, feeling a refreshing sweetness that quickly spread throughout his body.

The fragrance of wine, the fragrance of medicine, and the sweet taste of goji berries all entered his dantian, intertwining and generating a faint heat.

Although the taste was slightly inferior to Lu Ya's immortal beer, these spiritual grains, spirit medicine, and goji berries were all high-level immortal ingredients, completely different from the ordinary wheat down below.

With one mouthful, Lu Ya felt refreshed and clear-headed.

His back was no longer sore, his legs were no longer numb, and the dark circles under his eyes gradually disappeared.

Lu Ya was still not satisfied and thought to himself that this woman really had some skills!

Please bring more goji berries like this.

I don't care about my image.

"Is Brother still tired?"

"Mm, much more comfortable now."

Seeing Lu Ya's exhaustion disappear, Ning Zhongzi's solemn expression softened, and she asked gently,

"Can we discuss the plans for Qingluan City now, Brother?"


This woman is waiting for me!

Lu Ya suddenly felt uneasy, his eyes drooping, and he rubbed his forehead, saying,

"I'm a bit sleepy, can I take a nap first?"

Ning Zhongzi remained calm and nodded slightly.

"Then I'll go wake up Muyu Feifei. They rarely helped at the wedding banquet last night and only came back to rest when it was almost dawn..."

Lu Ya also remained calm.

What a joke!

They were arguing about going to the bridal chamber. Did she think I didn't know?

Did she think I was active all night?

I won't expose her, Lu Ya yawned and said,

"No need to wake them up, I'll sleep in your room."

"Sleep in my room?"

Ning Zhongzi's face suddenly turned red, then frowned and said,

"That's not appropriate."

"What's inappropriate? Do you think this is a bridal chamber?"

"Do immortals sleep besides when they are injured or sick?"

"You have no idea what I went through last night. Your goji berries can only relieve my physical fatigue, but not my spiritual exhaustion. I must rest... cough cough, I must rest."

For the sake of the happy salted fish, Lu Ya confidently fired off a series of attacks.

Lack of soul?

Ning Zhongzi thought, do men really become lazy after getting married?

Helplessly, she said, "I'll take Senior Brother to rest."

Lu Ya nodded.

Following Ning Zhongzi, they arrived at the eastern medicinal garden.

Outside the palace, there were over ten acres of medicinal garden, filled with various immortal flowers and spiritual herbs. Butterflies fluttered, insects chirped in the spring, and a divine aura enveloped the area, with a fragrant scent filling the air.

In the medicinal garden, there was a pavilion with a stone table and stone chairs.

On the stone table was a chessboard, with black and white chess pieces placed on it—Ning Zhongzi said it was used to awaken Muyu Feifei's intelligence and train her thinking.

What a view.

What an aura.

This is likely the most comfortable place to live in Bamboo Spring Sect!

Without paying attention to the scenery, Lu Ya pushed open the bamboo door of the palace and went straight into Ning Zhongzi's bedroom.

It was no different from Liu Xuanye's bed, with an ancient and desolate atmosphere.

Casually lying on the bamboo bed.

Lu Ya propped up his arm and crossed his legs, with a gentle breeze bringing a faint medicinal fragrance.

"Sister, you really know how to enjoy."

Ning Zhongzi lowered her head slightly, her beautiful face blushing, and her hands not knowing where to place them.

Most of the time, Muyu Feifei slept on this bed. She hadn't slept in a bed for decades.

This was also the first time a man slept on her bed.

But there was no ambiguous atmosphere as imagined, just a pure laziness on her bed...

Senior Brother, you really know how to take care of yourself, don't you?

Ning Zhongzi knew she couldn't persuade Lu Ya, so she stood coldly by the bed, not saying a word, giving off a sense of "I'll just quietly watch you sleep."

Lu Ya crossed his legs and said, "Sister, you can leave now."

Ning Zhongzi's face turned slightly red, but she still didn't say anything.

"Sister, I'll tell you a secret—I kill people in my dreams!"

Ning Zhongzi's chest trembled, but she still didn't say anything.

She's actually quite cute. Well, you win!

Lu Ya's thick-skinned face finally softened.

After some thought, he received the other party's gift, drank the fatigue-relieving wine, and even slept on their bed. It wouldn't be right if he didn't do something in return.

In addition, building a city was also an interesting thing.

In this lifetime, he didn't want to go out every day like in the game, adventuring for happiness like a hero. It would be best if interesting things actively came to him, allowing him to develop various fresh industries such as food, entertainment, and games, so that he could experience a happy life without leaving home.

With this in mind, Lu Ya sat up straight, crossed his legs, and put on a serious expression.

"How is the progress of building the city?"

Ning Zhongzi respectfully replied with slightly widened eyes, "In response to Senior Brother, many Earth Immortal citizens have written letters asking their families to come back, and most of the refugees from other places have registered their households and left their fingerprints. The number of registered households in Qingluan City has exceeded 1,500."

Lu Ya nodded slightly.

"That's good, isn't it?"

"According to Senior Brother's plan, I have already hired ten craftsmen at the wedding venue in the east of the city. They are building a row of bamboo shops ten zhang away from the cliff. The plan is for thirty sets, each with three floors and double entrances. It is expected to be completed within three days."

"Sister, you've worked hard."

"Senior Brother, do you have a clear plan for what comes next?"

Since he didn't have to do it himself, he could just casually come up with a plan. Lu Ya roughly calculated and said with a serious expression, "To build a good immortal city, we need to focus on three points."

"I would like to hear the details."

"First, Bamboo Spring Sect should invest in building a large-scale bar... cough, I mean a large-scale restaurant that combines food, wine, and accommodation, providing all-in-one services."

Ning Zhongzi furrowed her brows slightly.

"Who will be in charge of cooking and brewing? Ordinary people don't have Senior Brother's exquisite skills."

Glancing at Ning Zhongzi's eager eyes, Lu Ya suddenly felt immense pressure.

You're such a cunning woman, setting traps for me everywhere. You're truly my greatest enemy as a salted fish!

But how could I fall for such a trick? Lu Ya wouldn't be fooled.

"You go to Dongfu City and hire several Immortal Lord-level chefs at a high salary. When they come back, we can sign contracts, and I will have a way to make them reach 80% of my level."

Ning Zhongzi nodded slightly.


"Second, Bamboo Spring Sect should invest in farming and animal husbandry."

"Since it's just the beginning, we can't let the Immortal citizens take risks. Bamboo Spring Sect will act as the landlord and hire them at a high salary to engage in farming and animal husbandry. When they reach the Late Stage, we can lease the land to them for their own operation."

"But we need to grow advanced immortal wheat and cultivate chickens, ducks, cows, and sheep that are at least Immortal Lord-level. This way, we can make a profit and attract people from other places."

Ning Zhongzi was shocked by Lu Ya's grand plan.

"Are they all immortal plants and animals?"

"They are all."

"But can the spiritual energy and soil of the Floating Mountain support the growth of so many immortals?"

Lu Ya naturally considered this point.

"It's still a little lacking. You need to dig eight canals, one zhang wide and one zhang deep, in all directions around the Floating Mountain, extending all the way to the edge of the mountain."

"Then you need to prepare more fertilizer. I'll give you a formula for fertilizer, and you can mix the medicine and let it flow down the mountain through the mountain springs to promote the growth of spiritual plants."

"But preparing the medicine also requires a large amount of raw materials. The resources of the Bamboo Spring Sect won't last until harvest."

Lu Ya had long been prepared and took out all the spoils he had plundered from the Black Lotus in his spatial ring.

"There are many valuable treasures in Yun Zongzi's spatial ring. I don't need them for now, so you can sell them and exchange them for the necessary medicinal materials."

Ning Zhongzi was slightly surprised.

"These are the personal gains that Senior Brother risked his life for. How can they be easily taken out?"

Damn it, I risked my life!

Lu Ya was prepared to cast a long line to catch a big fish.

"Consider it my personal share."

Suddenly, Ning Zhongzi pursed her red lips and said softly,

"There are no personal shares anymore. Now the entire Floating Mountain belongs to Senior Brother and the Sect Master."

Lu Ya was instantly stunned.

What you said makes sense, I have nothing to say.

This woman repeatedly urged herself, giving this and that, even handing over the sect to herself, just wanting her to take on the responsibility and work hard for the development of the Bamboo Spring Sect.

She is truly a formidable opponent on my lazy journey!

What should I do?

Should I kill her?


Considering her dedication to Liu Xuanye for three thousand years, I'll spare her life.

Lu Ya continued to analyze,

"Thirdly, we need to establish an effective security system for the Immortal Citizens."

"The protective bamboo pieces can only provide simple self-defense and cannot protect the fields, livestock, and shops. We also need to establish an army to resist the invasion of beasts and the harassment of rogue Scattered Immortals, ensuring the safety of the Immortal Citizens' property."

"With Senior Brother here, will any Scattered Immortals dare to cause trouble?"

"What are you saying? Don't I need to sleep?"

Ning Zhongzi:


Lu Ya thought to himself, I still want to make a fortune from the beast tide or the invasion of Scattered Immortals. Don't boast too much about my strength and scare away the enemies.

"I mean, as the City Lord of Qingluan City, how can I personally engage in fights?"

Ning Zhongzi's eyebrows twitched slightly.

You still remember that you are the City Lord of Qingluan City!

"Senior Brother doesn't need to personally take action. You can lead and organize a city defense force, teach the Immortal Citizens to fight, improve their cultivation, and teach them skills. This way, you can settle it once and for all and enjoy an easy life."

Settle it once and for all?

Sorry, I only want it to be settled, not once and for all.

I've been grinding in the game for five years, and I'm almost bald.

You still want to deceive me into taking disciples and training soldiers?

That's not happening.

Lu Ya's face darkened slightly.

"Somebody else will lead the training, not me."

Ning Zhongzi asked in confusion,

"Besides Senior Brother, who can take on this heavy responsibility?"

"A scapegoat."

Lu Ya looked meaningfully towards the sky outside the window.

Just then--

A slightly tipsy female voice enveloped the Bamboo Spring Sect.

Like a sea of wine, waves crashing against the mountaintop.

"How dare you do such a thing to my sister Xuan Ye!"

"Even I haven't... unforgivable, unpardonable!"

"Where is Lu Ya? Get your ass out here!"

Ning Zhongzi's eyebrows twitched, about to go out and drive away the guest, when she suddenly saw Lu Ya raise his hand.

"You better come in."

In an instant--

On the giant gourd floating above the Bamboo Spring Sect, a woman wearing coarse robes with a fierce expression was suddenly grabbed by an irresistible force, her feet slipped, and she tumbled down from the sky.

Her petite figure spun and flew in the air, passing over the medicinal garden, and rolled into Ning Zhongzi's room.

In the blink of an eye, she rolled onto a bamboo bed.

Before she could react, sitting next to her was a refined and easy-going man, smiling and saying,

"Hello, I'm Lu Ya. I have an important mission for you to undertake."

(End of this chapter)

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