Three Thousand Female Students Ranked In Immortal Class

Chapter 23 [Big Chapter] Advanced Tool Man

Chapter 23: [Major Chapter] Advanced Tool Person

When she received the invitation from Blackstone, Jiuhuxian initially refused.

Just the thought of Liu Xuanye, that woman, made her feel unbearable pain.

Even more painful than menstrual cramps.

Her menstrual cramps were actually the aftermath of being injured by Liu Xuanye's Sword Intent restriction.

She hated menstrual cramps, but strangely, she didn't hate Liu Xuanye.

That was the most painful part.

The most rewarding task she had received so far was to investigate Liu Xuanye.

But no matter what methods she used, her divine sense couldn't get close to this woman even a bit.

She even got injured multiple times because of it, and the most severe injury directly damaged her Immortal Platform, which still hadn't healed.

Her feelings towards Liu Xuanye were higher than those towards her archenemy, higher than those towards her best friend, and higher than her mission. There was competition, nostalgia, and the unwillingness to admit defeat in an unfinished mission.

Her mission was not yet over.

She knew that one day she would meet Liu Xuanye again, but she wasn't ready to face her yet.

She didn't want to be enemies with Liu Xuanye.

Suddenly, one day Blackstone told her that Liu Xuanye was going to appoint a mortal as her partner to prove her innocence and develop the Immortal City.

Blackstone used his connections to ask her to become the resident envoy at Bamboo Spring Sect, secretly investigating Liu Xuanye's mortal partner.

She initially thought that this was just a superficial partner.

But Blackstone, who was always cunning and crafty, attached great importance to this, making her realize that perhaps it wasn't as simple as a superficial partner.

Last night.

After seeing Lu Ya, she was surprised to find out--

This young man seemed like a mortal, but he surpassed immortals.

Skilled in cooking, knowledgeable about food and wine, and even able to create bamboo pieces to protect Immortal Citizens from Liu Xuanye's harm. He could even counter her wine sound illusion formation.

In front of everyone's eyes, he kissed Liu Xuanye without causing harm, and even went straight to the bridal chamber.

Just the thought of Liu Xuanye being touched by a filthy man... made her Immortal Platform feel unbearable pain.

Although she vaguely felt that this man was hiding his strength, she still wanted to beat him up!

On one hand, it was to vent her anger; on the other hand, she also wanted to take the opportunity to investigate Lu Ya's true abilities.

After a night of drunkenness, she didn't go to rest.

Instead, she went straight to Bamboo Spring Sect, ready to give Lu Ya a lesson.

The battle scenario she envisioned was like this--

Under her relentless pressure, Lu Ya would gradually reveal his strength, bring out treasures, reveal his hidden cards, and fight her for three hundred rounds. In the end, due to his insufficient cultivation, he would reluctantly lose to her.

She had written her script.

But the battle she imagined didn't happen.

There wasn't even a battle!

Just as she finished speaking, she was suddenly seized by a terrifying force. Before she could resist, she had already fallen into Ning Zhongzi's bedroom, rolling on her bed, next to that man.

She heard a friendly voice saying:

"Hello, I'm Lu Ya. The organization has an important mission for you."


Who am I?

Where am I?

What was I supposed to do again?

Jiuhuxian shook herself awake, sat cross-legged on the bed, and sat up straight.

Facing Lu Ya, her fox eyes stared directly at the man in front of her.

I, a prestigious Three-Star Immortal Sect, haven't even made a move yet, and I've already been dragged onto the bed?

Jiuhuxian was extremely worried, feeling like she had been tricked by Blackstone.

You're good-looking, I can tolerate that.

You're skilled in cooking, I can tolerate that too.

You're good at wine, I can still tolerate it.

But how can a mortal like you be so strong?

If Blackstone doesn't come himself, does he want me to embarrass myself?

Jiuhuxian suddenly laughed coldly.

How could she be an ordinary person?

As a spy within spies within spies, she suddenly became just as interested in Lu Ya as she was in Liu Xuanye.

"Where am I now?"

In an instant, the awkwardness subsided, and Jiuhuxian acted as if nothing had happened, drunkenly saying,

"Brother, your wine is good. It made me drink all night last night."

After speaking, she pretended to retch and vomited directly onto Ning Zhongzi's bed. After vomiting, she even bit Ning Zhongzi, giving herself a perfect excuse.

"Ning Zhongzi, what kind of medicine did you give me? I can't even muster any strength now."

Ning Zhongzi calmly shook his head.

"Just a regular hangover remedy, Immortal Court official. You need to rest."

"What, are you kicking me out?"

Jiuhuxian suddenly changed her expression, a cloud of doubt appearing on her beautiful round face.

"Let me guess... clear sky, handsome man and beautiful woman in the same room..."

At this point, she suddenly became furious, perfectly shifting the embarrassment she had just experienced.

"You, Lu Ya, not only slept with my sister Xuan Ye, but also dared to betray her?"

Lu Ya remained calm, crossing his arms and looking at her with a caring gaze as if she were mentally challenged.

Ning Zhongzi blushed suddenly and quickly changed the subject.

"Let me introduce you. This is the senior executive of the East Floating Immortal Court and the newly appointed resident envoy of the Bamboo Spring Sect, Jiuhuxian."

Only then did Lu Ya glance at Jiuhuxian.

She was petite, with a delicate round face that could be considered cute, but her temperament was bold and unrestrained. Her skin was fair, her figure was particularly impressive, and her attire was unconventional. She wore an orange fox robe with missing lapels and short sleeves, revealing a seductive cleavage like floating snow on a mountain, making people blush and their hearts race.

Half-human, half-fox, with a cultivation level of three-star Immortal Sect, she had a wine gourd hanging from her waist. Her face was rosy, full of alcohol, but her scent was light and pleasant. It was clear that no matter how bold her appearance was, she was still a woman.

Lu Ya was not Pu Songling; he was not interested in foxes.

What he saw was just a high-end tool.

Releasing his crossed arms, Lu Ya pretended to be respectful.

"Greetings, Immortal Court official."


Jiuhuxian raised her round face and let out a cold snort, imitating Lu Ya's previous posture, crossing her hands in front of her chest, showing a touch of a spoiled curve.

Lu Ya didn't want to waste his time and went straight to the point.

"Our city-building plan requires a city defense force. Considering your cultivation level and connections, the organization has decided that you will lead this team."

"Do you really think I'm drunk?"

Jiuhuxian's expression turned slightly cold, and she retorted.

"Whether it's the resident envoy or the city envoy, they are only here to supervise and guide you Immortal Class and mortals. If I personally lead the team, what face does the Immortal Court have?"

Ning Zhongzi thought to himself that although Jiuhuxian was unreliable, she was still an Immortal Sect. As Lu Ya said, she had impressive connections and deterrence. Perhaps she would be a good choice.

He said,

"We can offer you generous compensation."

"People who offer me compensation usually die before they have a chance to pay."

Jiuhuxian's expression was proud, and she smirked.

"Don't tell me that the Bamboo Spring Sect is so poor that even your sect leader doesn't have money. Do you think I'm someone who lacks money?"

Lu Ya nodded and glanced at her snowy mountain.

"This way of saving fabric is a sign of being short on money."

Upon hearing this, Jiuhuxian quickly adjusted her collar to make the fabric appear more abundant.

As an Immortal Sect-level spy, she received a considerable salary, but most of it was spent on buying alcohol. She even sold an Immortal Court uniform to a Scattered Immortal...

The reason she refused Lu Ya's invitation was twofold: she didn't believe in the development of Qingluan City, and as a covert operative with secret missions, she didn't want to be entangled in trivial matters and stay away from her two investigation targets.

She had to keep a close eye on Liu Xuanye and Lu Ya, especially Lu Ya!

"No matter what you say, I may not be wearing an Immortal Court uniform, but I will never forget that I am an Immortal Court official. As a senior executive of the East Floating Immortal Court, I will not stoop to being a city defense team leader."

Ning Zhongzi suddenly asked softly,

"What are you planning to do then?"

Jiuhuxian closed her eyes slightly and spoke firmly.

"I will firmly stand on the side of the Immortal Court, representing the Immortal Court to supervise and guide your city-building plan, ensuring that Qingluan City follows a safe and healthy path."

Ning Zhongzi tempted her with fine wine again,

"We have free immortal wine. As long as you agree to be the city defense team leader, you can drink as much immortal wine as you want."

With a raised eyebrow, Jiuhuxian's firm determination wavered a bit, but she still gritted her teeth and held on.

"You scoundrel! Are you trying to bribe an Immortal Court official?"

Lu Ya squinted his eyes and thought to himself that this woman unexpectedly had some backbone. He then came up with a plan and said, "I heard from my senior sister that Immortal Platform and the sect master were classmates for many years. Due to the sect master's physical condition, Immortal Platform suffered a serious injury that has yet to heal. I wonder if this is true?"

The wine fox fairy became alert and asked, "What does this have to do with you?"

Lu Ya took out a piece of green bamboo and casually threw it to her, saying, "This is a protective bamboo piece I made. If you carry it with you, it can effectively suppress the injuries caused by the sect master's restrictions. Perhaps it can also help with Immortal Platform's old injuries."

"Is it true?" the wine fox fairy asked with a skeptical look on her face. However, she remembered what happened last night and decided to give it a try.

She picked up the bamboo piece and stuffed it into her empty coarse robe as if no one was around.

After a little effort, she suddenly felt a cool sensation all over her body. Her meridians became unobstructed, the accumulated stagnation dissipated, and she started sweating on her forehead and neck. Her lower abdomen gradually warmed up, and even the vortex left by the injury to her Qi Sea seemed to calm down.

Even the menstrual pain that had been bothering her was cured.

She looked at Lu Ya in astonishment.

Can this guy even treat gynecological issues?

If there were higher-grade bamboo pieces for protection, wouldn't Immortal Platform's old injuries be directly healed?

If she brought the bamboo piece to Liu Xuanye, wouldn't she be able to study her secrets more intimately and deeply?

How wonderful!

This man is really interesting.

Having been in the Caiyun Immortal Domain for thousands of years, besides Liu Xuanye, he was the second person she found interesting.

Now, Liu Xuanye and Lu Ya were both in the Bamboo Spring Sect and were also Dao companions.

And she happened to be sent as the resident envoy of the Bamboo Spring Sect.

It seems that her mission, which had been sealed for thousands of years and promised astonishing returns, was about to make progress.

With these thoughts in mind, the wine fox fairy felt excited in her heart, but she remained calm on her face.

"Do you have higher-grade bamboo pieces?" she asked.

"Of course," Lu Ya replied.

"Let me see."

Lu Ya smiled and remained silent, just watching her quietly.

Helpless, the wine fox fairy had to agree to Lu Ya's request.

"As the resident envoy of the Bamboo Spring Sect and the city envoy of the Qingluan City, I should contribute to the development of the city. In exchange for the bamboo pieces, our sect can take on the role of your city defense team."

Lu Ya nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, Immortal Court."

Ning Zhongzi breathed a sigh of relief and admired Lu Ya even more.

She didn't expect that these bamboo pieces would also have healing effects.

The wine fox fairy casually asked, "To build a city defense army, we need at least some Immortal Lords with considerable combat talent. Besides the two mediocre little tigers in your Bamboo Spring Sect, who else do you have?"

Lu Ya smiled and said, "As the leader appointed by Immortal Court, it is natural for you to recruit people to form the team. For example, your subordinates in the Immortal Court, the scattered immortals in the Beast Nest Forest, or the junior brothers and sisters in the White Lotus Sect."

The wine fox fairy's eyebrows twitched slightly, but she held back her anger and asked, "And what about you? What will you do?"

"I will supervise and guide your work," Lu Ya replied.

"Ha!" The wine fox fairy felt like she had been tricked, but for the sake of healing and her sister Xuan Ye, she could only endure it for now.

"When will you give me a higher-grade bamboo piece?" she asked.

"That depends on your performance," Lu Ya replied.

"I hope you know what you're doing," she said.

"Of course."

"If you play tricks on me, you're playing tricks on the Immortal Court. No matter how strong you are, you will be punished by the heavens."

At this point, the wine fox fairy patted her butt, got up from the bed, and walked proudly towards the door.

Her petite and unrestrained figure stopped at the door, and she added, "But if you play tricks on Liu Xuanye, you will suffer a disaster even more terrifying than heavenly punishment."


After Jiuhuxian left, Lu Ya felt a wave of sleepiness. In order to rest early, he resisted the urge to yawn and said seriously to Ning Zhongzi:

"Let me explain Qingluan City to you again."

"First, hire some chefs and wine experts with high salaries to run the tavern. I will be responsible for their skills."

"Second, you personally organize farming, animal husbandry, and the production of immortal fertilizer. I will give you the formula later."

"Third, let this fox find someone to create a city defense army. I will make sure she doesn't cause trouble."

Ning Zhongzi saw that Lu Ya was clear and quick-witted, completely unlike someone who pursues a healthy lifestyle. She also felt that he was unfathomable and sincerely said:

"Thank you for your guidance."

Lu Ya spread his hands and said:

"Sister, can I go to sleep now?"

Ning Zhongzi's eyebrows twitched slightly. For some reason, she had a faint feeling that she might have been played with.


Fifteen minutes later.

On the west side of the mountaintop, in the hot spring valley, by a pool.

Throwing his coarse robe on the stone platform, Jiuhuxian slipped into the pool.

A light mist covered the water surface, and fragrant flowers floated in the air, creating a fairyland-like scene under the soft green light.

The water was only waist-deep, warm and clear, with a refreshing coolness that melted like ice and snow. It was mixed with a hint of sulfur smell. The stones at the bottom of the water were visible, and there were abundant water plants. There were even colorful warm-water fish swimming around, nibbling at her snow-white skin, making her feel comfortable and relaxed.

She envied Lu Ya a little.

She tied the bamboo piece Lu Ya gave her to a string and hung it around her chest.

The protective power on the bamboo piece soaked into her skin, blending with the refreshing medicinal power of the water, slowly healing the old wounds left by Liu Xuanye in her Immortal Platform.

Thinking of past events, Jiuhuxian's thoughts were in turmoil, and she couldn't help but ask:

"How many years has it been since we last met?"

Liu Xuanye, sitting cross-legged in another pool, was separated from Jiuhuxian by a thick mist, and they couldn't see each other at all.

After spending the night with Lu Ya, she gained many insights and felt a bit tired.

At this moment, her eyes were slightly closed, and her beautiful face was shrouded in the mist.

Jiuhuxian was already very beautiful, but compared to Liu Xuanye's divine-like appearance, she seemed a bit dim.

"It has been over a thousand years."

She only vaguely remembered the events of that year.

But Jiuhuxian could never forget.

"I remember when we were in the academy, you were not as cold as you are now. You used to smile a lot. Many Immortal Venerables pursued you. I didn't expect that after becoming an Immortal Master, you would become so aloof, which makes me feel cold."

"I remember your injury."

"Unexpectedly, the injury you left me with ended up being healed by your man. Life is full of unexpected turns."

Jiuhuxian floated on the water's surface, feeling a sense of melancholy.

"I thought you would be single for the rest of your life, but I didn't expect you to find another half before me, and he is a young man three thousand years younger than you... Do you really understand him?"

Liu Xuanye remained silent for a moment before speaking like a suspended moon.

"No need to understand. If he wanted to harm me, he wouldn't have saved me. Since he saved me, half of my life belongs to him. If he wants to harm me, I have no objections."

"He is strong and young. Even in the Immortal Court continent, he is an absolute genius. Yet, he is willing to devote himself to this remote place. Could it be that he really likes you?"

"I don't know."

Jiuhuxian felt her snow-white skin turning green and sighed.

"You have changed. You have started to like men."


But then she thought again:

"But if I also liked men, I would probably be attracted to him. Besides being powerful, he can also barbecue, make food and wine, build cities, and even cured the dysmenorrhea that has troubled me for many years..."


"I'm curious, did you two really consummate your marriage last night?"

"Of course."

"Why do I find it hard to believe? Let me check."

With the protection of Lu Ya's bamboo piece, Jiuhuxian sounded more confident.

With a smile, a sharp divine sense slowly floated towards Liu Xuanye.

In an instant, the green bamboo piece hanging in her Immortal Platform suddenly broke.

A shocking Sword Intent, carrying the sorrow of the ancient primordial era, pierced into her Immortal Platform.


(End of this chapter)

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