The search party sent by France had reached the tenth floor on the morning of the 13th.

No support was requested for each country as it was known from the ranking list that the eligible personnel had already been lost.

The ten layers were wandering, as usual, with herds of undead everywhere as the desolate graveyard spread.

"I was asking, but this is disgusting"

One of the search teams muddled a sweat on his forehead as he looked around.

"Take it easy. They're not attacking. At least for a few hours."

"Ha ha..."

The man replied in an ambiguous manner as if to be asked a restless line.

JDA told me the location should be around here.

"Captain! A big metal reaction! Oh, that's it!

Ahead the man who shouted pointed, something like a chunk had fallen.

It wasn't until we approached the position of just a few meters that it turned out to be the remains of an ash that was destroyed as if it had been crushed by something.

"This guy's terrible."

"What the hell attacked you? You can't even be a Pyrenees hippo."

The legs of the crushed ash were fully lifted, and the body was peppered around the ammunition depot.

"How's the black box section?

"There, because it's designed not to be destroyed in plane crashes either -"

The moment I tried to say it would be okay, a technician who was kneeling down in front of Ash and examining it scattered a spark and started cutting something off.

- I hope you're okay.

"Right. I'm guessing the footage's been recorded, too, right?


If we get the black box, we'll know what the hell happened the last time.

Only that it was an event that wasn't even Rokuro, I could imagine without having to look at it.


Looking back at another crew call, he rushed closer with something in his hands.

"This is it, right there"

What the man has offered was a stone tablet that looks like a beautiful book page - what is called an inscription.

Of course I couldn't read it, but it seemed to him, as if it were the suicide note of the Victors.


"Since then, a month..."

In the Land Union, Yoshida, who was also a JADA commissioner, had his hands together with a serious looking face.

When it comes to the big news over the past month, three rounds of Oriental University have slapped a nine-second eighty-six (-0.2) while being unauthorized.

It's a comparable time to the world record in the early nineties, with a comma update of 9 seconds 98 (* 1) of the Japanese record for more than a second. And in a slight, albeit windy state.

Until then, the three rounds were regular players with a self-record of 10 seconds and 65, if you ask me.

It's a time when you might be able to win the Japanese Athletic Championships in the era of Showa, but 100 meters these days is hard to win without a record of at least about 10 seconds 3. And a 100-meter competition can be about a meter different from a comma by a second.

A man like that suddenly has nine seconds. Officials were uniformly surprised. The week before that, he was taking a dungeon boot camp.

In comparison, Yoyogi Boot Camp's achievements in sending athletes in the ringtone were not really fragrant.

"So, what's the effect?

"From time to time, we hold recording meetings, mainly with the people we trained -"


The woman reporting, closing her eyes as if she had given up, shook her neck left and right and handed him a record-lined form.

Yoshida, who received it, turned the form and accidentally closed her eyes. Because the record groups written there were miserable.

With the exception of the first three rounds, the only place in the current shore world that is exhaling was at Kanya.

Besides, the players there are members of the Explorer team who asked to hold a recording session to find out what the Explorer's status is.

Earlier in the recording session, they showed a sharp start in technology with borrowed shoes and still had a record of 9 seconds 46 (-1.2). With a record I can only laugh anymore, I'm pretty sure he's the leading candidate for the Tokyo Olympics gold medal. It was a good record to say it was definite that it would stay this way.

Kanya, who had been treated as an outlaw since her active life, was not regarded as a decent mentor in the sports world of vertical society.

As a result, they were scouting without any children's godchildren and without being tied to any fence.

Because of that, all the turning groups from the Seekers started knocking on the gates at Kanya's first. I was knocking on the gate of the tanchi, to be exact.

"Mr. Urabe. What's this all about? Whereas the record grows rapidly, it seems rather depressing."

"Even if they say so, I don't know. We're in trouble here, too."

"That would be called irresponsibility! Wasn't Urabe the one who recommended Yoyogi Boot Camp!

"Hayama-sensei invited you directly, didn't she? There's no way I can say no. I had no choice."

"Even if they told me I had no choice... I couldn't avoid liability issues more than paying an amount that wasn't cheap and not doing any good"

Anyway, the tuition is a million yen at a time.

It was branded a third of the dungeon boot camp, but I can also say that it's 33 times more than if I took it personally.

Still, the part that goes beyond the individual course minutes is that subsidies come out of the association, so they sent their godchildren there, but some of the players who leaked into the selection seem to have cut their bellies off. I hated the difference between an athlete assisted by an association and one at a time.

Until then, it will be only a matter of time before there is dissatisfaction.

Yoyogi Boot Camp has 14 people at two revolutions a day. The number of students so far exceeds 370, including multiple students.

If not all of them are in the Land Union, the total amount of money paid goes up to 370 million yen.

Current revenues for the eighth period of the Land Union (April 1, 2018 - March 31, 2019) are less than 2.3 billion. I had no headache about where to twist the budget out of to the spending that suddenly appeared.

"What you call practice is not something that works so quickly. Maybe we're still ahead of us, huh?

"Both Immaculate and Takada are beating the world record almost immediately, and three rounds seem to have immediate results."

Urabe, who was so blamed and raised his blue muscles, suddenly slapped his hands on the table, he said in a fierce high.

"I know that! So what do you want me to do?!

Firstly, showing it high and taking a mount with no meaning and quick mouth is a technique from Urabe's active days.

Those who don't know will have their thoughts stopped, but Yoshida went through fine because he had seen it many times.

"Isn't it your job to think about it?

"Damn... that would be your job too, wouldn't it?

That certainly was the case.

Besides, they were in a situation where they couldn't pull it off now. If I admit that it is ineffective here, I do not know what kind of problems will be raised before I refer it to other competition organizations.

You could be sued for being responsible for a single stick of fraud.

"And is that operating company okay? Officers seem to have foreign names lined up…"

"What's that? Discrimination? Nowadays"

"That's not what I'm saying, but no way is there a scam -"

Yoshida said that anxiously, but Urabe blocked it with a forced smile. I don't know where my ears are.

"Hey, it was Dr. Ip Shan who brought it in, right? Is that why?"

Yoshida thought that was why she was suspicious, but she was just told what to say.

I do go to foreign sports facilities to train samurai. But all the names in line were names I'd never heard of in sports.

Until then, Mitsuka, listening in silence, pinched her mouth as she reassembled her legs.

Speaking of which, D-Powers said they've been expanding the ground facility.

"Is that it?

Inside Urabe, he replied to the story of D-Powers, who had already established himself as' those abominable people '.

"They're already running a new facility, but the number of recruits hasn't increased."


Urabe was outraged at who the hell was taking the course, aside from the sports world.

Originally, they hadn't even left the dungeon boot camp in the corner of their heads that it was set up for dungeon exploration.

I had no idea what I was going to do with the rest of the year if all the athletes could take it.

Even Takada and Immortality are diving into Yoyogi dungeons without following the coach's warning that they are dangerous on holiday days.

Yoshida was thinking arm in arm as she looked sideways at the exchange between Mitsuka and Urabe.

Unbroken, Takada and Mitsuru are young. It is about the same year that Narumiya in Aoyagi showed his legendary monstrosity in District 2 of Hakone Station this year.

The athletes selected for Dungeon Boot Camp by the sports world are roughly 20-22. That's a 100% chance, not to mention just four.

Even if it was propaganda, it was strange that more fat generations would not be selected, and even more odd to skew there if it were random.

If it's random in the first place, it's strange in itself to say that there are still four people, even though I've applied so much.

(What do those guys have in common?

Yoshida was seriously starting to think about it as she listened to Urabe's words as if they were murmuring as she was fried with pneumonia.

At the meeting that day, as a land union, I settled on seeing how things were going until the Kanto Xuelian Spring Open competition in Komazawa at the end of the month.


The building stood so as to block the corner of the wide Roman sky due to architectural restrictions.

The eight-story building, which in Mussolini's time had an institution for the dream of dominating the African continent, was now used by an institution for even more uninterrupted dreams, such as eradicating hunger from the world.

At the headquarters of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), while looking down at the ruins of the baths built by Caracalla, the twenty-second emperor of the Roman Empire, senior AG (Agricultural Consumer Protection Authority) official Ambrose-Meigas had heard reports from his secretary, Mari-Nakayama, about certain projects that did not seem to be going forward at all.

"It's been more than a month since the case of" Lipop in Dungeon Crops and Conversion of Current Crops to In-Dunction Crops "was submitted to WDA, right? You've established intellectual property rights, haven't you?

"That was already super fast, she said. Still, it took me a month to try."

Mari blinded herself to the material at hand.

"Now laboratories around the world are challenging experiments with the reproduction of a phenomenon called D evolution in everything," he said.

At the ruins below, after twisting outside the window with seriousness as if the concert of the three great tenor were taking place, he looked back and said:

"'Veni, Redemptor gentium'!

Not to mention Pavarotti, who sings Carousau, but with his right hand up he said so.

Mari grinned inside when she heard it. No matter how much I hooked up to my name, I felt it was overstated.

Ambrose, one of the Christian saints, is a name derived from the bishop Ambrosius of Milan in the middle of the fourth century.

Veni, Redemptor gentium, is the title of the hymn to which he belongs.

A report submitted to the WDA by a woman called the Japanese Weissman would be exactly what happened according to the title of that psalm from the people in the impoverished area by the dungeon.

But from a FAO standpoint, what do you say?

The aim of the FAO is to "achieve hunger eradication through improved global food production and distribution and improved livelihoods".

In the world, even today, only enough quantities are produced to feed the world's population on a caloric basis. The problem is distribution. If crops were produced indefinitely at the point of consumption when they were rotting there, what would be the overall balance?

When the distribution structure of the food on which it depends is established, will it leave the world with only the propulsion to proceed with the multiplication of distribution structures?

For example, if this system were to be regarded as a "progressive realization of the right of all people to adequate food", the food being biased might be turned to the development of biofuels, based on the recommendations made by a high-level panel of experts of the CFS (Committee on World Food Security) in 2013.

Once that happens, even if this system suddenly disappears, it will not be easy to restore it to its original state. Can we rely on food, the most basic foundation of mankind, for the strange beings that say dungeons and so on?

If you twist the tap faucet, the water will come out, and if you plug it into the outlet, the electricity will be available. For the average user, you don't need to know why it is, but somewhere in the world there are people who understand it and realize it.

But what about the dungeon?

Mari didn't really think it was a good thing to rely on the foundation for something she wasn't sure about.

He also understood, however, that it would have effects close to those of special effects.

For a man like Maygus, who has grieved all sorts of helplessness "at the moment" in production and distribution, this study, like the special effects of eliminating the human pain now alive, was something worthy of jumping.

"Anyway, to Japan..."

"What are you going to do?

Whenever there has been a recent report on this matter, we have had the same interaction.

Exactly, Mari was used to it too.

"The latest findings are Yoyogi, right?

"No, even if they discover it, their interest in its applications and in-depth research is rare," she said.

"What? Is this the only way you're going to be able to sum up all the awards for biology and physics around the world?

"He doesn't seem to be interested in that kind of authority."

"What is that? Whose..."

This is Dr. Nathan Argyle's report from the DFA.

Ambrose, who heard it, frowned regrettably.

Nathan and Ambrose were like friends for once. Although in New York and Rome, we never looked at each other so often.

"Nathan... damn it, just take what sounds interesting"

"Once again, they are developing an Infinity Farm System in collaboration with Japanese manufacturers of agricultural machinery."

"Infinity Farm is also…"

Even though it was a vulgar name, it was certain that it was easy to understand.

"They say that dungeon wheat grown in Yoyogi will be delivered to various locations after ascertaining whether it will be recognized as belonging to other dungeons as it is"

It is available as is if it is recognized, but it is necessary to D evolve some grain in that dungeon if it is not recognized.

In any case, if you succeed...

"Poverty in the world should improve a little"

fiat panis. The motto of this institution meant "food to people".

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