Three years after D Genesis Dungeon

§ 194 Legacy of the Victors 3/14 (thu)

Earlier that morning, I was woken up on the phone.

"... fuuuuuuuu"

"Are you Mr. Fangmura! It's Narise!"


"Not if you're falling asleep! I will be right out of your way, please go down to the office!!

"Phew...... yes?

The phone was already dead when I realized it.

If you look at the clock, it's only 6: 00. I wonder what the hell happened.

"I wonder if the Earth is a x2, big pinch,"

Out of the futon, I shrugged myself by accident. That day, it was a very cold morning.


"Ho ho ho ho"

"Good morning. What the hell, Sancho, you're becoming a shitty little familiar kid"

Trinity with a twisted sleeping habit came down the stairs with a sleepy face.

"Yep. But that's enough. I only have seniors anyway."

That said, he closed his eyes, basically with his cheeks on the dining table.

"What the hell. When did you go to bed?

"It's past four o'clock. I feel like dying of jet lag in the world."

"Is this about checker manufacturing? 4: 00 in the morning means 19: 00 in London, 20: 00 in Amsterdam, 11: 00 in San Francisco, 14: 00 in New York?"

That's what I said, thinking about the time difference between countries.

"Well it does. But senior--"

When he woke up there, he opened his eyes and laughed. Did Super Recovery start working?

Although the sleeping habits remain intact.

"San Francisco is 12: 00, New York is 15: 00."

"Is that it?"

The time difference with Japan is 14 hours on the east side, not 17 hours on the west side?

"Pfft. American Daylight Saving Time starts at 2: 00 a.m. the second Sunday in March."

"So this year... is it from the 10th?"


When I said that and stood up, I put water in Yakan and began to boil.

"The American guy is tired of being a pound for yards and twisting to the summer time boundary. I wish I could start April 1st."

It's a strange country, isn't it?

Sanhao was taking out his coffee beans and drifting his gaze into the air blurring as he grinded his hand for today.

"It looks like a seemingly rational-thinking country, and with the exception of science, medicine, and international relations, we still haven't adopted the Metric method. Liberia and Myanmar are the only countries like that."

"Liberia says it's mostly a metric notation right now. Besides, America is not a particularly rational country. I just like to be in my own interest."

With the exception of some scientific thoughts, many actions seem far from rationality.

When I pursued my personal interests, I felt that I had gone to rationalization. If the organization gets huge on top of that, the system that supports it has to be rational because it demands efficiency even if it doesn't like it.

"I don't know about the miles and yards of UK road signs and then pints and pounds"

"Uh, you're not gonna pin the amount of steak you say in pounds."

The difference between weight and volume units is the same idea as Japanese stone (kokoko) because the unit was originally conceived from the food consumed by one person per day.

Throughout the community, I guess these units were useful when thinking about how many humans could support them.

"But you like pints. It feels like beer, doesn't it?

"Pint is what makes it so different in volume in America and England, I think you're kidding me."

"When you pint, English pint is justice. There's almost 100 millimeters less rice liquid pint. By and large, some stores use a glass of rice liquid pint while saying pint or something."

"Huh. Fair enough."

With his sleeping head, talking like an idiot, Narise, who made a loud noise and opened the door without ringing a bell, jumped into the office.

"Ha, I want to... What!

Trinity gave her water to say so out of breath. in English Pint Glass.

"Oh, thank you..."

When she drank the water in one breath, she took the tablet out of the bag and placed it on the table.

"Ko, look at this!


What was displayed there was an inscription, which retained its complete shape.

"Actually, this was brought back from the tenth floor yesterday by a French search party, and it hasn't been released yet."

"Huh? Well, maybe..."

"Isn't that the page you were supposed to be resting in the example hall?

Narise nodded loudly.

"The question is what it is."


At her trembling fingertips, she said quickly, pointing to the tablet inscription.

"This says how to take energy out of Factor D!


"It's a relatively small power, though,"

The moment I heard that, Sanho rose out of the chair, making a noise, and with a small leap of momentum, he spun a circle.

"Manual, Kiteruuuuuuuuuu!!


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Well, you haven't slept in two hours.

Anyway, just yesterday, I have a manual in front of me that I was talking about wishing I had.

I even felt kind of strange about the timing. That being said, we talked about the battery a while before the French team got the inscription. Maybe it's some kind of service?

"What does it say more about that page, the nonbull place?


By nonbull I mean the part where the number of pages in the book is written.

Narise took up the tablet and enlarged that part, even though she put her neck around it in such a way as to wonder why she cared about that.

"... apendix1?

"I knew it."

appendix is an appendix to the book, additional information.

I mean, the one that says it's information that you didn't originally want to have available in this part.

"What is it after all?

"Uh, I don't know, I mean, I think that's a feature that was built rapidly to move the laptop we took,"


So I told her the last interaction I had with the Doctor.

The video I gave her was not audio included by way of example.

"So this is Dr. Tyler?

"It's more like Dantsk, but probably"

"So can I publish this?

"We can't hide the inscription because it was brought back by France, and Russia and the United States can find out about it even if we don't publish it. And you won't be able to hide it."

I hid it, and as long as there's Hivenleaks, any of it could go public there.

I mean, for two countries, it's no use hiding it. In the mountains of Seoul, where it is condemned where it is hidden, it will have to be made public to the nations.

"But only after the inscription has been released to the public."

"Of course it is"

Narise laughed bitterly.

It's a new inscription somehow. If you publish it first, you'll find out that it's the DA people who are translating it, and even after it's published, if you want to look it up from your access records, you'll be able to look it up.

It would be better to publish the translation as long as possible after the data has spread to DAs around the world.


The search party sent by France had left a unit to carry out the remains of the porter asked by the developers to bring home the black box and inscriptions first.

The inscription has been submitted to the JDA under the Convention but will be returned to France at a later date.

And now, in one of the rooms of the French Embassy, Lieutenant Colonel Arteur-Boulange was stunned to see the contents of the black box taken out by the technicians sent from Dassault.

"What, this?

We were watching it together, Laurent Picard, the French ambassador to Japan, who was not so sure about the footage.

In the first half, battles were documented against a constantly attacking herd of undead. The Ark was quite helpful, but maybe that was what drove them ahead.

Was it this attack where the bar guest appeared and the hellhound attacked him, repeated an intense attack where the arm was about to bend, and the porter was crushed? The next moment I thought, the monsters were gone so that the tide would draw.

Thus, when he climbed up the hill to chase something forward, the spire seemed far away.

They approached the building, still without turning back, with a porter whose movement was a little less smooth (the screen was shaking as they moved).

The undead, who were so overflowing, lurked the ringing as if it were a lie, and it even seemed to have hidden somewhere, depending on the terror visited.

From that infiltration into the hall until the screen blacked out, it was just fitting to call it a hell of a painting.

"What is this?

When the ambassador, who accidentally turned away, muttered so as to pray to God, Lieutenant Colonel Boulanger let the footage park and say:

"Show me again where you crept through the gates of the hall."

As the technician nodded and played the scene, Lieutenant Colonel Boulanger stood in front of the monitor and pointed to the upstairs window.

"Right here."

There was something like a person in the window.

The ambassador shrugged when he saw it.


"I heard there was a seeker who entered this hall first?

'That's just an imagination. There is no evidence that the party that was actually being pursued entered this mansion'

"On the tenth floor of the night, there's a hall and a yakuza, right? If it wasn't Viktor and his team that brought it up, who else would it be?

"That's just a guess."

shrugged his shoulder to the ambassador's cautious line, Boulanger turned to the technician and said, 'Can you wash it?' I only heard.

The technician being dispatched from Dassault nodded at that line, utilizing about ten seconds of comma it was showing to increase the resolution of the still image.

"Here, you can't do this any more"

That's what I said and displayed, and the enlarged image, which can't even be flattered, showed two people.

One to the Orientals, the other...

"Don't look like a western person. I heard the party we were chasing was a pair of Japanese. '

So who the hell is this Western-looking guy? The moment Boulanger thought that, the phone in the room made a noise and one of his men took it.

A subordinate, who had been talking to the other side for a while, looked back at Boulanger and gave him a receiver and just said 'It's your call'.

Surprised at his men for not telling him who they were dealing with, he took a receiver and put it to his ear.

"It's Boulanger."

"I got to see what's in the black box."

Beyond the phone was a high-ranking official he knew well too (...) eh (...) was a man.

"Lieutenant Colonel, do you know David from Altum Foraminis?

"Just talk. You're the representative of the church where that rumored Virgin is, aren't you?

'That's right. I made him chase a party at his request. "

"Until I interrupt my mining assignment, what the hell?

"You said I'd show you to God."

"God? Is it?

From the other side of the phone, there was a leak of laughter.

'I know exactly what makes you skeptical. I don't believe in that either. "

Around the end of the eighties, France had some historic things to do, and 80% of the population were Catholic followers.

But now, Christianity as a whole is only half the population. Forty percent are non-religious. I mean, I don't believe in religion.

'Whatever the retreat, that's what he said. There was some suggestion that you were referring to something beyond the dungeon.'

"When I say it sounds like the Dungeon Church, it seems"

"Ha, that man is not such a balls"

What David admires is something more realistic. For example, it was called gold.

"Even if there was someone living in the hall and the dungeon, there was no guarantee that it was someone beyond the dungeon."

Instead, Lt. Col. Boulanger thought it was more natural to think of it as some kind of monster.

Like vampires, for example.

"The man says Japan is already in contact with something like that."


Boulanger saw the two men still on the screen.

So is this Oriental-style man still a Japanese explorer?

If that's the case, shadows like Westerners...

Did you hear about the Yoyogi dungeon?

"Yes. It's hard to believe, but it was true."

"Who do you think Viktor and the others chased, after coming into contact with something, were able to communicate?

'It's possible in time...... no way'

"I don't know the truth."

If that's true, it means you're in contact with something with paranormal technology that says create dungeons, etc., and you're getting some kind of return.

If you're keeping that a secret, you wouldn't even be able to see it in the security of the world.

'That's right. He said he had proof of that. "

The man over the phone said that as if he remembered something.


"I don't know what it is."

If that's true, you'll need to ask David.

Instead of France, it could be a story involving the entire planet.

He's in Yoyogi's apartment right now.

"Is this the nest of the sea turtle?"

I guess it's like a nest of squid bugs where intelligence departments from all over the country gather in one apartment to build a base.

From the other side of the phone, there was another atmosphere that made me laugh.

'That's right. Say hello to the rest of you. "

"I understand."

"This will be the last piece of information I can leave you."

"You've done too much damage"

It's a shame.

That's what I said, he put the receiver down.


"Hey, Sandy."


"This is a manual, but isn't it kind of frigid?

"Oh, that's what seniors thought?

I saw the description of the equipment that was scattered on the table, written by Narise, to turn the D factor into electricity.

"A spherical flask made of crystals? An unusual form of furnace?

"As far as the description goes, it looks like atanol after all, this"

Trinity grinned bitterly as she pointed her finger at the part where the furnace description was written.

If Narise had any knowledge of alchemy, it would most likely have said "philosopher's egg" or "atanol".

I slapped a piece of paper with a flat hand that copied the translation that Narise had written.

"I thought you were a sage stone!

"He's the one who writes Klingon on the last page of the book of the wanderers."

Sanhao shook the page flickering when he put on his cheek wand.

The information written here is mostly pointless garbage, the majority of which I feel is likely to be Dr. Tyler's joke.

There's a lot of platinum and gold used in the catalyst, and "I need stability," where it says the most seemingly, it really sounds like it.

"I'm going to turn these modern chemists into medieval alchemists, that teacher"

"But seniors. When I saw this, I thought," Factor D does sound a little like a sage stone. "

"Well, maybe if you say so"

The stone of the wise is not merely to gold the lowlife metal, to silver the lowlife metal, and then to immortalize man.

The Book of the Revelation of Hermes, written by Parakellus around the sixteenth century, features ever-burning lamps made of sage stones. Think about this, it's the same thing you can take out electricity forever.

It would be like Arcana's secret to have your body healed.

"When you alchemize your soul and integrate it with God, Factor D kneels down and listens to everything you say."


"So, are you the Pluto?"

"No, you. That would be too much of anything."

Nonetheless, we decided to consider a different approach, hinting at the way it was written there.

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