Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 108 - Beauty And The …Necromancer?

"It's okay Jenin, it seems that this year's class has some rather promising prospects," said Frode with a smile on his face, as he watched the fight intently.

"I'll contact the school the healers," announced Jenin before leaving the room.

'Hmm, that's the kid from the Oroboros family. They're well known for their necromancy ability but even still, for him to be able to summon an undead at such a young age is unheard of,' thought Frode, stroking his beard as he watched the necromancer control his summoned undead.

'But who's the other kid? He doesn't seem to have magical talent of any sort, however, his speed and agility don't match that of any first-year I've ever seen. Actually he might be on par with some of the third-years from the A-class. Perhaps he's not fully human?' wondered Frode as Jenin entered the room.

"Jenin, can you get me a file on that kid,"

"The Oroboros kid?" asked Jenin, as she removed files from a blue spatial rift in front of her.

"No the other one," said Frode, as he watched Arya block another one of Valkuy's attacks.


"Interesting, are you perhaps a hybrid of some sort?" asked Valkuy as he slashed at Arya with his claws, pushing Arya several feet away as he tried to block it with his dagger.

"Aren't you taking this a bit too far? Isn't this supposed to be training?" asked Arya, sweat, and blood running down his face, as his right arm lay limp from the impact of Valkuy's attack.

"You're right, I'll take full responsibility for this later. Now answer my question. At first, I found the necromancer interesting, but it's to be expected from the Oroboros family, and anyway, his summon is rather.." as Valkuy said the last part he gestured toward the undead which could barely walk straight for two meters without falling over.

"However you are something else. Even though I'm not using my vampire abilities, I've still been attacking with enough force to take down some of those arrogant punks from class 3-A. And to top it off, you haven't even used a slither of mana the whole time," said Valkuy, as he turned to a blur and rushed at Arya.

Arya barely dodged the oncoming attack as he rolled over to the side, tumbling all over in the dust. 

"Come on! Can't that thing do anything other than roll over? Did you perhaps summon it as a pet?" asked Arya as he turned to the necromancer who was struggling to control his summon.

"He's blocking my control over it, I'm struggling to keep it on my side as it is," replied the necromancer, looking at Valkuy with a determined gaze.

'So not only is he fighting me without using his full prowess. He's also keeping the undead spawn at bay by contesting ownership over it? It seems I enrolled to the right place,' thought Arya with a smile on his face as he stood up straight and moved the dagger to his left hand.

"Hmm, is something funny?" asked Valkuy as he saw Arya smiling.

"No, I was just thinking how fun magic is," replied Arya, surprised by his own words. Never once had he though of magic as something fun ever since his family died. But now things were changing, this school was changing him.

"Say, you better get serious, or you won't be able to keep up with me," taunted Arya, before  throwing the dagger at Valkuy.

"Was that your master pl-" Valkuy was about to say as he dodged to the side, however, the bottom of Arya's shoe was waiting for him as he looked back.

"Ahh, I admit, I'm impressed that you're still able to move at this speed, however that won't be enough" said Valkuy as he caught Arya's foot.

As Arya hung upside down he used his good hand to push off against the floor, pushing Valkuy back.

"Indeed- your strength is also com-" Valkuy's talking was cut off by a stab to the leg. Arya had picked up the dagger when he had pushed off the ground and stabbed Valkuy in the leg before he had time to realize it.

Caught by surprise Valkuy dropped Arya, prompting him to rush at Valkuy, his dagger in a backward grip.

"Annoyin-" Valkuy was about to say, but Arya kicked sand towards his face, effectively blinding him, and stabbed him once again in the arm.

"Dirty," scowled Valkuy, as he rubbed the dirt out of his eyes. His eyes gleaming red in anger.

"Dirty is fighting against kids and expecting them not to use every possible method," replied Arya, his posture low, and his knife hand in front of his torso, covering his vitals.

'Hmm, it seems this kid has some combat experience. Perhaps he isn't a noble, but someone who has had to live by themself for some time,' thought Valkuy, before turning into black mist and appearing right beside Arya.

"There!" shouted Arya as he held his life hand to the side to block Valkuy's attack, however although his instincts were fast enough, his body couldn't keep up.

"It seems you've answered my question for me. With instincts like those, there's no way you're human," commented Vallkuy, as he watched Arya stand there, with both of his arms lying limp on the side.

Arya had a smile on his face as he stood in front of Valkuy, exhaustion making his eyelids feel heavy.

"You keep smiling, is something funny?" asked Valkuy, before a wrinkly, decomposed arm wrapped around his neck, holding him down.

The shadows around him then turned into tendrils and rushed at him, piercing through both him and the undead spawn.

"Isn't there a rule against killing teachers?" asked Arya, as he stood up straight and looked at the necromancer behind Valkuy's dead body.

"Shouldn't there be a rule against trying to kill students?" asked the necromancer, as he walked over Valkuy's body.

"But still, I didn't expect someone without magic to be of actual use. You did well to distract him in order for mew to take full control of the spawn," said the necromancer as he held out his hand in gesture for a handshake.

"My name is Draven Oroboros. And if I remember correctly you said your name was Arya right," said Draven as the two shook hands.

"I apologize for not extending my greetings earlier, it's just that I don't quite like nobility," added Draven

"Yeah sure, but I'm not nobility. Anyway, what were you saying about magicle-" before Arya could finish his sentence Valkuy's body turned into a black mist.

"Very well done boys," said a voice coming from the dead oak tree at the center of the field, before Valkuy's figure came out of it.

'I-I didn't even sense him,' thought Draven, as he turned around on high alert.

Arya already had his dagger in his mouth ready to fight.

"Calm down boys. This was just a test, did you really think I would try to kill you?" asked Valkuy as he picked up his cape.

"Then what was all that about then?" asked Arya, suspicion still visible on his face.

"What you were fighting was a dark doppelganger. A tier 8 dark spell, however I toned down it's power level a bit so that you wouldn't die."

"However, I must say I didn't expect you to defeat it. My plan was to have you all overwhelmingly defeated, so that I could teach you you're flaws. But it seems you two have passed. Anyway, Jenin when will you stop hiding there and come out already," asked Valkuy as he turned to look at a dark spot in the field.

A blue rift the size of a human appeared out of thin air, and out of it walked Jenin and three healers.

"I was simply making sure that you wouldn't take it too far," said Jenin as she instructed the healers to pick up the injured students.

"Take them to the infirmary," ordered Jenin before creating another rift.

"Oh, and the headmaster wishes to have a word with the three of you," said Jenin before her and the three healers carrying the unconscious students left the field.

"It seems I made her angry," smiled Valkuy, before raising his hand and turning the field back to its original state. The sun was beginning to set, meaning that the group had been fighting for a few hours.

"Time flies when you're having fun I guess. I wish I had people with your spirit in my homeroom class, but sadly all I got are snorty arrogant brats," complained Valkuy as he walked towards the exit.

"Well, let's go get our punishments," said Valkuy, an embarrassed look on his face.

"Let's? Why are we going to get punished? This whole thing was your idea," complained Arya, as Valkuy scratched his head and walked out the exit, acting like he couldn't hear Arya.

"Hey, don't ignore me when I'm talking to you!" complained Arya, however Valkuy was already gone.

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