Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 109 - You Want Us To What?

"Valkuy, I believe you understand my reason for calling you here, don't you?" asked Frode as he signed some documents on his table, not even looking up as the three entered his office.

Jenin gave Valkuy a sideways glance from a nearby table where she was working on as well, she seemed to be compiling the documents that Frode had finished signing.

"Y-yes headmaster, we acknowledge our mistakes and are ready to receive any punishment," replied Valkuy, avoiding eye contact with Jenin.

'Did this bastard just say we? What the hell is he doing?' thought Arya, however he couldn't voice his discontent as they were right in front of the headmaster.

"Very well then," said Frode, as he pulled out one of the drawers from his desk and took out a black envelope.

"There have been several disturbances in the forest, and Dregnar already has a lot of work on her plate as it is," added Frode as he handed the document over to Jenin, who then walked over and handed it over to Valkuy.

"Very well then headmaster. I will take care of it and return shortly," replied Valkuy before turning around to leave.

"Make sure you do a thorough search. If you miss any intruders you will have to take full responsibility for it. And you know what that means right," said Frode before Valkuy left.

"Yes, yes. You will take away my meal privaledges, I know," replied Valkuy in a nonchalant manner.

"That guy sure is more easy going then he appears to be," whispered Draven.

"And you two," said Frode, finally taking his eyes of the papers he had been signing.

"It was all his idea, we were just defending ourselves," said Draven and Arya in unison.

"You don't have to be worried. I didn't call you boys here to punish you," laughed Frode as he stood up from his seat and approached the two boys.

"I saw your fight against Valkuy, and I must say I'm impressed. Not only did you manage to defeat his doppelganger, but you were able to work with each other effectively, something you don't see quite often amongst first years," said Frode giving Jenin a sideways glance.

"And that is why we've decided to assign you two to the disciplinary committee on a probationary basis. Of course, this doesn't mean you are a part of the student body, but rather assistants to the actual disciplinary board members," said Frode as he handed Arya and Draven red badges.

"W-wait. Isn't this a bit too much? Aren't we just first years, how are we going to discipline students at a higher level than us? And Arya here doesn't even know any magic yet," replied Draven, clearly taken aback by his new role.

'This whole not knowing dark magic thing is getting really annoying.' thought Arya as he listened to Draven make his point.

"I'm fully aware of that, and that's why you will only be working as assistants. Eight other students from the first-year class have also shown a high aptitude and will be joining you in your probationary period," said Frode as he went back to his seat.

"The school is counting on you. Try your best, and remember Diis Major." said Frode before going back to his papers.

"You will find the others waiting for you in the disciplinary office. Try not to be late, Ms. Lucia rather hates tardy students," said Jenin as she opened a blue rift in front of the two, and a gust of wind pushed them through.

"Was that necessary Jenin?" asked Frode, stopping what he was doing for a second.

"They have no idea where the disciplinary room is, after all, it isn't covered in the first year guidebook," replied Jenin, as if it were common sense.


"Who is that woman anyway?" asked Arya as he rubbed his elbows, trying to relieve the pain from landing on them.

"She's the school secretary, a 5-star dimensional mage. How don't you know her, she's quite famous across the whole kingdom," replied Draven before looking in front of him.

"You too huh?" asked Sheela as he gave out his hand to help Arya up.

"Are you guys the other two students headmaster Frode was talking about?" asked Lucia as she stared down at Arya and Draven.

"Y-yes" replied Draven.

"Very well then, let's proceed," said Lucia before showing a black badge to the door in front of her.

The group seemed to be in an underground hall way of some sort, the walls were made of earth, and the door in front of them had ancient runes marked all over it. With a series of circular geometrical structures at the centre, that unlocked and began moving as Lucia showed it her badge.

"Welcome to the disciplinary office," said Lucia briefly before entering.

"Rival it seems you have made it here too," said Averos as she walked up behind Arya.

"Yuuki and Marya too?" asked Arya, as he turned around and realized that Yuuki and Marya were there as well.

"You know them Arya?" asked Draven as he turned around as well.

"Yes, these are my acqu- I mean colleagues. We fought in the forest together." replied Arya.

The disciplinary office was much like any school office, except that the only staff members present were students dressed in black uniform instead of robes.

There were about sixty members present in the office which was large enough to fit two basketball courts.

"Who're the peepsqueaks?" asked one of the disciplinary members as Lucia and the group passed by him.

"Revlan don't bully the new comers," replied a man, or atleast what looked like a man?

She stood at 1.89 meters tall, and had a muscular build, her face reminded Arya of someone.

"I know what you're thinking. Yes, instructor Arden is my father," said the enormous girl, as she stood next to Revlan.

"Attention everyone," announced Lucia, prompting all the members present to stop what they were doing.

"Headmaster Frode has deemed these ten first-years worthy to join the ranks of the disciplinary committee on a probationary basis. Even though they will only act as assistants I want you all to treat them as if they are already full members of the committee."

"Any ill treatment towards these new recruits will result in direct punishment from me personally. And I'm sure you are all aware that I have no mercy towards those who were supposed to uphold the law but instead made a mockery of it," said Lucia before turning around to look at the new recruits.

"Now, please introduce yourselves," 

"W-what?" stuttered Marya, her cheeks red from stage fright.

Sheela who had no qualms about public speech decided to get it over and done with.

"My name is Sheela Ortrera, and I'm an earth mage from class 1A. Is that all?" asked Sheela, with a laid back expression, and both arms folded behind his neck.

"Otrera? Then does that mean he's royalty from the Amazonia Kingdom?" murmured on of the members at the back.

"No way, look at his hair. The royals from Amazonia all have hazelnut hair." replied another member, prompting Sheela to look away for a second, a slight hint of sadness visible across his face.

"Yes that's enough," said Lucia, straightening Sheela's posture.

"I am Averos Otrera, an air mage from class 1A," said Averos loudly, without a trace of fear or hesitation in her voice.

"The Amazonian princess?" gasped one of the members.

As Averos finished her introduction she stood next to Sheela.

"Are you okay brother?" whispered Averos.

"Of course I am. You know I never cared about what people say anyway," replied Sheela, with a relaxed smile on his face.

"My name is Anclara Sivos, from the proud Sivos dutchy. And I'm a fire mage from class 1A" said a boy with dark hair, and a rather snobbish demeanor.

'He's the guy from my magic theory class if I remember correctly,' remembered Arya.

"M-my name is Alice Orfoldo, a divine mage from class 1A" introduced a frail girl with hair so pale it looked almost white. 

She was rather beautiful, causing some of the male members to look at her with a lustful gaze.

"I am Ayaz Dragonaus, and I'm a fire and Air mage from class 1A," introduced Ayaz in an uninterested tone, like everything here was unnecessary.

"I see, the Student Body president's younger brother huh? Well, it's to be expected," murmured some of the members.

"I am Yuuki Tachibana, an ice mage from class 1A"

"More royalty? It seems that these guys must've bought their way in," murmured Revlan.

"But he's an ice mage, aren't those kind of rare?" asked a girl with blue hair and glasses, as she stared at Yuuki with a hint of envy in her eyes.

"I-I am Marya Ashinera, an air mage from class 1A" 

"An elf," murmured several members.

Among them was a female elf with dark skin, who looked at Marya with an interested gaze.

"I am Draven Orobos, a necromancer from class 1A" 

"Talk about all-star team. It seems all the new recruits are either from a well-known family or have some sort of uniqueness to them," said a short blonde member, with a grin on his face.

"My name is Dio Luminos, a light mage from class 1A," said a boy with platinum blonde hair.

'Luminos? Where have I heard that before?' wondered Arya before stepping up to introduce himself.

"Sigh might as well get this over with,"

"My name is Arya, and I'm a dark mage from class 1A"

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