Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 110 - Disciplinary Scrubs

"No second name? Is he perhaps a commoner?" whispered one of the committee members a little too loudly earning him a glare from the committee captain.

"Welcome to the disciplinary committee. I expect you all to read the rules and guidelines before taking your oath of office later today. For now the rest of you may go back to work," said Lucia as she gestured for everyone to go about their duties.

"Wait, Seren a word," commanded Lucia, referring to the boy who had whispered about Arya being a commoner.

As the committee captain had a word with Seren, the dark elf approached the group, her arms crossed under her chest showing off her sultry figure as she looked at the group with a little too much interest.

She stood at 1.76 meters tall, looking down on the new recruits who were yet to hit puberty as of yet.

And although the committee uniforms weren't supposed to be a tight fit, it seemed as if her curves would rip out of her black uniform at any second.

"My name is Aishe and I'm the committee secretary. I'll be running you through what will be expected of you as committee assistants, and will be responsible for making sure you understand the rules and guidelines of the committee," announced Aishe in a slow mesmerizing tone.

"Play nice Aishe. If I were you guys I wouldn't be fooled by her pretty face, she'll probably eat you up alive if you were left alone in a room with her." said the blonde-haired boy as he approached the group from behind, his arms folded behind his neck in much the same realized laid back demeanor of Sheela.

"Hi, I'm Gabriel, the committee vice-captain," introduced the boy with a mischievous smile on his face. He stood at 1.68 meters, taller than the new recruits, but a good head shorter than any other male in the committee.

'Strong,' this was the single thought that Averos and Arya had as the boy spoke.

Although Averos hadn't received formal training like Averos and therefore couldn't tell how strong an opponent was merely by looking at their stance, his instincts were telling him that the boy in front of him was leagues above him.

Although Gabriel did nothing but stand there and look at them, Averos and Arya couldn't help but feel like the boy in front of him was an impenetrable tower.

"You two are rather interesting, I see why Frode brought you here," said Gabriel, his smile only growing wider as he looked at Averos and Arya.

"Anyway, I'm in charge of you guys for the duration of your probationary period. Since the captain is too busy to be dealing with mere scrubs, you'll be reporting to me instead. Rules require you to hand in a report every day after your patrols, however, I'm not obligated to read them." said Gabriel, yawning as if he were already bored of what he was saying.

"Anyway finish up with Aishe and come to me when you're ready to take your pledge of service, I'll be waiting here for you after school," said Gabriel, walking away before he even finished what he was saying.

"Truly an unsavory man," commented Aishe with a look of disgust.

"Anyway as I was saying, here is a book containing everything you are required to know. Read the first few pages for your oath, and the rest are merely guidelines on what to do in certain situations," said Aishe, as ten thick books fell out of a small rift in the air, stopping in mid air before floating to every member in the group.

'Another dimensional mage? Aren't these supposed to be rare?' wondered Draven as he saw the books fly out of the dimensional rift.

"How is she doing that?" whispered Arya to Draven as he grabbed the book floating in front of him.

"Oh, that's just basic forth tier magic. Anyone can do that once they reach the 3-star level." replied Draven as he grabbed his book as well.

"That's all for now. I hope to see you guys later," said Aishe, looking at Marya for a second longer before leaving the group.

"How did a commoner like you get into the disciplinary committee," scowled Anclara once Aishe was gone, looking at Arya as if he had a sour taste in his mouth.

"Huh? Who're you again?" asked Arya, playing dull.

"I'm Anclara Sivos, I'm sure you've heard of the prestigiou-" before Anclara could finish what he was saying Sheela interrupted. "Did you say Sickos?" asked Sheela, playing dumb as well as he stood beside Arya.

"Sickos!? How dare you make a mockery of my family na-" Anclara was about to shout in outrage, however, Draven interrupted again.

"I think he said Spinoff," added Draven, a smirk on his face as Anclara's face reddened.

Seeing that he was outnumbered and that most of the other students present seemed to be acquintaces with Arya, he left thr group, mumbling something to himself as he marched off.

"I hate stuck up nobles," whispered Draven as Anclara walked away.

"Well anyway I have to get going as well. I have to prepare for classes tomorrow and read this book before we take our pledge," said Draven, before walking away as well.

"Uhm where is the exit?" shouted Anclara, as he walked back with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Follow me," replied Dio, before walking away.

'He said his name was Dio Luminous huh? I can't quite put my tongue on it, but I remember seeing that name some where' though Arya has he and the group followed Dio past the door and into the underground tunnel system that extended under the school.

'How does he know about the tunnel system?' wondered Ayaz as he followed Dio closely, his uninterested expression changing to one of suspicion.

"If you're wondering how I know about these systems, it's because of a spell." said Dio breaking the silence, almost as if he could read minds.

"That doesn't make sense. Motherly call isn't a spell that can be used here, these walls block all magic and there aren't any tremors signifying that an earth spell is currently being used." retorted Ayaz, suspicion tinged in his voice.

"What's motherly call?" asked Arya, causing Anclara to roll his eyes.

"Seriously, I can't belive you gave me a hard time in the magic theory class, when you don't even know about basic spells," commented Anclara, speeding up his pace to catch up to the front of the group, leaving Arya and the rest behind.

"Motherly call is a an earth spell that uses vibration in  the earth to detect path ways underground. Though Anclara said it's basic, it's actually a mid level earth spell, I's be surprised if anyone in the first year class could use it," replied Draven.

"I never said I used earth magic. I simply said it was a spell," replied Dio, his tone seemed to be uncaring, as if he were only replying as a courtesy.

"Than what other spell could poss-" before Ayaz could finish they reached the end of a massive door much like the one in front of the committee office.

"We're here," announced Dio.

"Ahh, there's a door. How are we supposed to get out of here?" asked Anclara, as he walked to the front of the door and tried using an earth spell on it.

"Perhaps we use the badges we were given," said Arya, a smirk on his face as he watched Anclara fail to open the door with his earth spells.

"Ahh, perhaps your right," replied ANclara, embarrassment audible in his voice as he showed his badge to the door.

The geometric shapes on the door began moving, and the door opened, leading out an alleyway within the Academy residential area.

"Well, this is where we oart ways I guess. I'll be seeing you guys later," announced Dio before walking away.

"Hey I'm not done with you. How did you-" Ayaz was about to complain before Dio disappeared into thin air.

"I remember him. He's the guy who passed by the manticore by disappearing. The illusionist." commented Yuuki, as he remembered the final trail of the forest.

"A light mage?" whispered Ayaz, a determined look on his face.

'Why is he so worked up about?' wondered Arya before leaving the group as well.

He returned to his room and immediately opened the book he had received from Aishe.

"God I forgot how much I hated studying," muttered Arya as he read the required pages for the oath.

***(A few hours later)

"Ahh, studying already?" asked Neville as he entered the room.

"Yeah," replied Arya, not even bothering to look up.

"I didn't see you in battle orientation today. Weren't you placed in water class since you're an ice mage?" asked Neville as he jumped on his bed.

'Fuck! I forgot that I told him about me being able to use ice magic. How the hell am I going to talk my way out of this one.' wondered Arya, looking at Neville for the first time since he entered the room.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Neville as he opened a book as well.

"I need to ask you a favor, a really big one," said Arya, closing his book as he said this.

"If it's money then I can't help you. My allowance is currently being withdrawn because of a little accident I got into before I came here," replied Neville.

"Its not money. I need you to keep a secret," said Arya, approaching Neville.

'There's no way around this. If he discovers this by himself later he might go around spreading it..' thought Arya.

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