Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 11 - 10: The Light In The Dark Part 1

City of Draquerth


'I have to get Arya to safety and deal with these vampires.' thought Lillian as she put out her palm.

"She's a mage! Don't let her cast!" shouted the male vampire a little too late. Lillian's body let out a pure white aura as rays of light shot out of her hand.

"Silent casting! She's stronger than we thought, get bac" the female vampire tried saying as a ray of light burned her face.

When the light subsided no trace of Lillian could be seen. "That was just a tier 1 spell. She must not be a light or life mage. But that doesn't mean we should underestimate her." said the male vampire. "Things have changed. Now that we know there is a mage in the city we have to get rid of her. We can't fail the court." continued the male vampire.

"It would be my pleasure." said the female vampire as she gave a curtsy. An evil smile formed on her face as her skin regenerated at a noticeable rate.

"Things are getting more complicated. What is a mage doing in Draquerth? I have to report this to the boss." said the male vampire as he turned into his quasi-bat form and flew into the night.


"Meriel step back! I don't have time to play around anymore. My wife and son are in danger." shouted Neel as an explosive force emanated from his body. His pupils became black slits as his iris changed from hazel to a light shade of red. His height grew from 1.94m to 2.5m and parts of his skin turned into black scales. His body shone a deep red aura and his muscles all tightened.

"A dragon born!" shouted Meriel to no one in particular. The dragon born were the descendants of ancient dragons. Although many people had dragon blood in their veins only some were ever able to awaken their quasi-dragon form.

"Last chance. Where is my wife?" asked Neel in a loud guttural roar. The noise from the fight alerted the city guards and soon they would storm the area.

"Fall back. We didn't come prepared to slay a dragon spawn." said the leader of the assassins as he looked at Neel. The assassins all turned into a black mist and disappeared into the night leaving Neel and Meriel do deal with the city guards.

"We have to get out of here before the guards see me." said Neel in his loud guttural voice. Meriel was still in shock finding out that there was a dragon born this far down south. Without warning Neel grabbed Merial as two humungous wings about 2m in length came out of his back. After a single flap of his wings he lifted of the ground leaving gusts of wind as he soared into the sky.

As the captain of the city guards arrived to the scene all he could see was a stream of air moving through the clouds. "That's it. The city lord has delayed long enough. We have to call the church for help. Something is going on in this city. Something that not even I can handle." thought the captain of the guards as he turned his horse around.


"We've been running for ages. This woman is overly cautious. I'm sure that those vampires aren't after us anymore. Why does she continue to run at such a speed even though she looks so tired." thought Arya as he looked at Lillian.

"You know I think the poison is catching up with you. You're way slower than when we started. But I have to commend you, no one has ever lived so long under the effect of Sebastian's poison. Anyway its time to die vermin! You will pay for what you did back there." said the female vampire as she seemingly appeared right out of the darkness in front of Lillian.

The female vampire clawed at Lillian's throat, but Lillian managed to block it with her arm. The female vampire used Lillian's arm as a pivot to flip over and aim a kick at Lillian's head. Lillian read her moves and quickly pulled back her extended arm, she caught the vampires kick midair and slammed her on the ground with one arm.

As the dust from the impact settled the vampire stood up unscathed. "You know you're pretty strong for your size. But guess what? So am I." said the vampire as she ran towards Lillian.

Lillian prepared for the impact but just as the vampire was about to hit Lillian she disappeared. "Wha-" thought Lillian as a punch to her back caused her to crash into a wall. As Lillian was about to crash she balled up in order to protect Arya from the impact.

As the dust settled and the vampire was about to leave Lillian came out. "You're pretty strong yourself. Though I honestly hope for your sake that that wasn't all you had to offer deary." said Lillian as she formed an icicle in both her hands.

"Ah, this will be interesting." said the vampire as her claws extended into short dark blades. Both women than ran at each other. As blade met claw shockwaves shook the nearby buildings.

"Who is this woman? She can't be human. How is she able to keep up with me when I'm in my element? Much less after being severely weakened by Sebastian's poison. I'll just have to wait until Sebastian's poison takes full effect. She is too dangerous to take lightly." thought the vampire.

"What? Why did this woman leave me here? What am I supposed to do here? At least let me see the fight!" thought Arya as he looked around the building that Lillian left him in. The people in the building ran away the second they heard the fight outside so Arya was there all alone. "So this is a new world and all types of beings exist here and on top of all that there is magic as well. Now that I think about it I don't think that woman is normal either. Although this is a different world I don't think normal humans can keep up with vampires the way she did. At any rate I don't think I am too unlucky. The fact that the people in this house ran away instead of fighting means that magic isn't very common. But it seems that most people in this family can use magic."

"That's it. I may have failed to live a happy life in my old world but I swear in this world I'll do my best. Yes first I will learn the language of this world. Than I will learn magic and explore all the wonders this world has to offer." thought Arya smiling as thoughts of all the pretty elves he would find made his heart flutter.

As Lillian fought with the vampire she was thrown back into the building and found Arya smiling.. "Well at least somebody is enjoying them self" said Lillian as she ran back into the fight.

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