Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 12 - 11: The Light In The Dark Part 2

*Swoosh* *Slash*

Sparks flew as Lillian's blade met the vampire's claws.

"I can't keep going on much longer. I have to end this soon before the poison reaches my mana core." thought Lillian to herself as she flipped backwards after their blades met. She began to circle the vampire looking for openings.


The sound of lightning could be heard as Lillian shot a lightning bolt at the vampire's feet. "So predicta-" the vampire wanted to say as she jumped into the air only to be caught by a ice spike that quickly trapped her body in a layer of ice.

"That won't hold her long. I have to contact Neel, those spells took all mana I had left. Anymore and I might put my mana core in jeopardy because of the poison." Lillian thought to herself.

She then pulled out an amulet releasing mana into it. "Never thought I would ever turn this on again." thought Lillian as she touched a rune and a holographic display of Neel came up.


Something in Neel's pocket began glowing as he was flying through the clouds. "Nobody has called my contact rune in years. Who could it be?" he thought as he dove downwards landing gently on a nearby roof. Meriel was still in shock, so the moment they landed she fell down to her knees.

"Don't you think you're over exaggerating?" Neel said without getting a response. He pulled out an amulet and a holographic image of Lillian came up.

"Neel I need your help. I've been poisoned and my mana is leaking at an alarming rate. I need a life mage before the poiso-. Why are you in your dragon form dear?" Lillian asked surprised that her husband had transformed.

"I had worries of my own dear. But Lilly who could be powerful enough to do this to you?" Neel asked more surprised than anything else.

"Two vampires attacked me. And I couldn't risk fighting them without endangering little Arya's life. I managed to lose one of the vampires but one of them caught up to me. I froze her using ice-cage but a tier 3 spell won't hold her long and I'm afraid with the poison in my system I'm out of mana." said Lillian.

"I'm on my way. Send out a distress signal using your amulet and I'll fly there in a second" said Neel as he went to pick up Meriel.

"Who is that woman Neel?" said Lillian surprised that Neel was with a woman almost as beautiful as she was.

"It's the life mage dear. I told you it was a woman." replied Neel.

"I didn't think she would be so pret-. Never mind just get here ASAP we will talk about this later." said Lillian as she ended the call and activated the distress call.

At that moment the vampire broke out of her ice prison and began laughing. "A distress call? How pathetic. It seems that little stunt you pulled really did quite the number on you huh? Well don't worry wench, I'll make sure to leave no trace of you once I'm done." said the vampire.

"Tenebras ligare" chanted the vampire as a cloud of darkness surrounded Lillian, binding her. "We can't have you running around anymore now can we? Not that it matters anyway, you're probably gonna die from the poison in a few minutes anyways. But I would love the pleasure of taking your life." said the vampire smiling.

"Too bad I can't savor her life force, I don't want to risk absorbing Sebastian's poison as well." thought the vampire as she walked towards Lillian with her claws extended and a smile on her face.

"Say hello to your god. Well that's if he exists." giggled the vampire as she struck down on Lillian.


The sound of bones breaking could be heard as blood sprayed into the air.

"I hope I didn't take too long dear." said Neel as he had Merial in one arm and the vampires arm in his other hand.

"W-w-what, a dragonborn? What is the spawn of a dragon doing south of Merum?" asked the Vampire.

The vampire tried conjuring a cloud of darkness around her to escape but was interrupted as a pillar of fire shot at her from Neel's mouth.

"What is up with all the dark mages today? God I hate dark magic." said Neel as smoke came out of his mouth. Looking at Neel now he looked like a beast from hell. The black scales, the bulging muscles, the dark eyes and the wings made him look like a magnificent being, chiseled from the finest rock. "God's I missed this form." thought Lillian as she stared at Neel in awe.

"Well that takes care of that. I don't know why there are vampires in Draquerth but that's none of our business. We got the life mage now lets get out of here." said Neel as used a tier one light spell to free Lillian from her binds. "Lux absolvisti" chanted Neel is light from his palm ate away at Lillian's binds."

Lillian fell to the ground exhausted as the poison got closer to her mana core. "Meriel quick, help my wife there's no time!" shouted Neel. "A vampire. He just killed a vampire with a single breathe. Who are these people?" Meriel thought to herself

Meriel recovered from her earlier shock as Neel turned back to his human form. "You're lucky I know tier 6 healing spells. Or else I'm not sure your wife would've survived this." said Meriel as she touched Lillian scanning for the poison. "Oh gods, how was she able to survive this long?" she thought as she chanted "Pueri tui salvum fac Varis". A light came over Lillian and the color on her skin became brighter.

"Where's baby Arya?" asked Neel as Lillian stood up. I left him in one of the buildings." said Lillian as she ran towards the building she left him in. As she arrived she found Arya still smiling at the air. "There's something seriously wrong with the boy Neel." she said smiling at her baby.

"Can you take a look at my son as well please?" said Neel as Lillian came back with Arya.

"Varis obsecro hercle orationis. Indica mihi, est anima pueri huius vis." she chanted as a light slowly shone around Arya.

"What is this strange feeling? What is this woman doing?" thought Arya as he was brought out of his elven paradise.

"What!" shuddered Meriel. As the results of her spell came back. "How can a child have this much life force?" she thought. "No it must be normal, after all his father is a dragon born." she thought to herself.

"There's nothing wrong with the child. Of course it seems like his mana core is affecting his life force but that's normal in children who are about to awaken their elemental affinity." she said quickly as she assumed that the spawn of dragon's were born knowing how to use magic. She didn't even bother telling them about the life force issue as she thought that as a dragon born's son he was guaranteed such a massive life force. However that was not the case.

Lillian gave Neel a worried look. "He is just 2 weeks old. How is he about to awaken is elemental affinity? Neel I hope you can see that it's as we feared. He inherited the main bloodline." She thought as she hugged baby Arya.

"Thank you Meriel. This is for your services." Neel said as he pulled out a gold coin. Meriel shook her head saying "I couldn't accept money from the chosen bloodline. Please I'm honored enough to have met the spawn of a dragon.".

In the land of Merum there were many different religions. Among them some believed that the dragon born were sent to save the world from all the evils that plagued it.

"Meriel I hope you can keep my little transformation a secret." said Neel as he scratched his head embarrassingly. "O-of course. Although the assassins we met earlier were part of The 6th eye, I'm sure they have reported about your existence with their master.." said Meriel quickly.

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