Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 13 - 12: While The Cat's Away Part 1

Outskirts of Draquerth

Around the same time Neel and Lillian left for Draquerth

"Boss! Boss! I Just saw the witch and her husband leave their house. This might be the perfect time to strike." said a hoodlum to a man who was noticeably better dressed than everyone else.

"Igor. Who's boss? Me or you?" asked the gentleman slightly annoyed. "You of course boss!" said the hoodlum nodding his head repeatedly. "Then I call the shots. Don't tell me what to do or when to do it." said the boss smiling as he caressed the hoodlums face.

"Gentlemen, It seems the witch of the slums and her abomination of a husband have left for some business else where. What say you we go give their children a little visit? For old times sake." said the gentleman as he touched a scar on the side of his face.

A few years ago when Neel and Lillian first arrived to the slums, it was run by these hoodlums. Although the people were poor they still asked them to give good amounts of their food in "tribute" to the boss who apparently protected them from the city guards. When this group tried to make Lillian and Neel pay tribute as well, Lillian refused and beat all the hoodlums to a pulp using her bare hands. When the boss found out about this he came to confront Lillian with a sword. However, Lillian used that same sword to cut the side of his face. Ever since then they haven't had control of the area Lillian's family resides.


"Grandma Luna, do you know where papa and mama went?" asked Ava as Luna tucked her into bed. "I have no clue little one. But it is best not to worry about them. After all they will be back any second now." said Luna smiling as she went to tuck in Luca. "Grandma Luna, do you think they left because of baby Arya?" asked Luca shocking Luna.

"Why would you think that little one?" asked Luna a bit shocked that Luca had figured out the reason for his parent's departure. "Because the other day I walked in on mommy talking about Arya and she seemed very worried. Also they took Arya and left me and Ava behind." said Neel sleepily.

"Well don't worry about it little one. It's nothing important, they just went to Draquerth to make sure nothing is wrong with Arya." said Luna as she was leaving their room. "Sleep well twins. Or the demon king will get you!" said Luna scaring the kids out of their sheets. "It always gets them!" thought Luna laughing to herself as she heard a knock on the door.

"Who could be knocking at this hour? Whatever, I needn't answer the door for anyone. I'm off to bed. I believe I owe myself that much at least with all the work I've been doing lately." thought Luna to herself as she ignored the knocks on the door and went to bed.

"No one is answering boss. Maybe they are all asleep." said one of the hoodlums as he knocked for the fourth time in a row. "Hmm we can never be too sure. Maybe that woman left some sort of trap on her front door. She might be poor but she's still very resourceful." said the boss to his hoodlums. "Look for the window to the kid's room and enter from there." said the boss as the hoodlums began searching all the windows for the kid's room.

"Boss! I found it." shouted one of the men. "Are you an idiot? Do you want to wake up everyone here?" whispered the boss viciously. "Two of you go in and kidnap the kids. We need to get out of here before they get back." said the boss as two men entered the twin's room through the window.

"Luca do you hear them?" whispered Ava to her brother. "It would be surprising if I didn't Ava." replied Luca. "What do you think they want?" asked Ava. "I don't know and I don't care. They are probably just thieves and I've been looking for live practice dummies for my magic." whispered Luca back to his sister. "Is it really okay for you to use magic on them? Mom said not to hurt people with magic." replied Ava. "It's okay so long as they are bad guys. Now keep quiet I can here them coming." said Luca as he rolled in his sheets.

"Marco, did you hear something?" asked one of the hoodlums to his partner. "Of course not you dunce. They are sleeping. Now lets grab them before the boss gets angry." said the other man as he approached Luca's side of the bed.


The man fell with a loud thud as he slipped on a puddle of water near the bed. "What the heck? Where did this water come from?" asked the man to his partner. "I don't know Marco. But you better stop fooling around. The boss is probably getting quite impatient." said the other hoodlum laughing to himself. "Whatever." said Marco as he stood up and continued approaching Luca.


He fell down to his knees covering his eyes as an unknown liquid sprayed into them. "Marco enough fooling around. You've had your fun now lets hurry this up. The boss will have our heads if we take any longer." said the other hoodlum as he approached Ava's side of the bed.

"Virga aqua." chanted Luca as two water bullets shot at the hoodlums head causing them to fall over. "M-m-magic!" they shouted in unison as they ran to the window. As they tried to climb out the window they slipped and fell out. In the moonlight one could see a thin layer of water covering the window still.

"Nice going brother." said Ava as her eyes grew more and more heavy. "Thanks sister I can't wait to tell gra-" he said as he fell asleep.

"Well done Luca. But I can't have you walking out and seeing what I'm about to do to those men." said Luna as she closed the door and walked out of the house aura blazing.

Luna had heard the men outside and was about to come to the twin's room when she heard Luca chanting. She decided to give Luca a chance to practice his magic. However, Luna loved this family and the fact that some hoodlums had the audacity to sneak in and try to kidnap the twins made her blood boil. She decided to show no mercy. Tonight all men present were going to know her wrath .

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