Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 14 - 13: While The Cat's Away Part 2

"Boss! Boss! There's a mage in the house, we have to get out of here." said Marco as he tried running away. "Are you guys idiots!?" shouted the boss unable to control his anger. "Are you listening to yourselves? Mages living in the slums? And in Draquerth for that matter? Do you want me to feed you to the monsters in the valley?" said the boss as he held Marco by the collar. "Boss, you've got to believe me I sa-" he was about to say when a sudden pressure made him keep quiet.

The killing intent Luna was letting off was enough to make a grown man wet himself. As she walked out a blue aura surrounded her. "There is no escape vermin." she said as the water in the ground seeped to the surface and collected behind Luna.

"M-m-mage." said the group of hoodlums in unison. "Listen you don't have to do this. It was just harmless fun. We will just be on our way and we can all forget what happened here tonight." the boss tried pleading .

"So I take it you're the leader for this mission. Don't worry. I'll save you for last." said Luna as the water behind her became a tsunami that caused all the hoodlums present to fall to their knees. The water around them then became binds that shackled their hands, head and feet similar to the structures built in the medieval times for public humiliation. Luna then clenched her fists and they became hard ice structures. White fog could be seen falling off the structures and the men began shivering.

"Who sent you here?" she asked. No response. She then clenched her fists tighter and the structure began sinking bringing the head's of the hoodlum closer to the ground. "T-t the boss sent us." said one of the hoodlums unwilling to hand over his life for the boss. "I know that idiot. But who is this boss?" said Luna as she moved her hands in a calling gesture and the structure the man was bonded to came right in front of her.

"The boss. The one with a scar on his face. The one right behind us." said the hoodlum with tears in his eyes. "Lying won't get you far! I'll ask again who sent you here? Was it the inquisition, the elders of the north? Who?" shouted Luna as her eyes began glowing blue in rage. "I-I I'm telling the truth! Please spare me. I never wanted this. I didn't know whose house this was. I- I promise never to come here again. I- I'll leave the slums. I'll go far away and you'll never have to see me again." said the hoodlum crying.

"Useless." said Luna as she walked past the hoodlum and the ice completely covered his body shattering as soon as Luna was behind him. Seeing this the other hoodlums couldn't help seeing Luna as a demon. The darkness seemed to play with her features giving her a devil-ish look.

"Tell me or join your brother." she said coldly. "You s-s-seem to have mistaken us for someone else. L-look at our clothes. A-and look we have no magic. We are but humble street thugs. We just came here to get revenge on L-L-Lillian for taking us out of business in this area. We w-w-weren't even planning to harm the kids. We just wanted to s-s-scare Lillian so that she never m-messes with us again." said the boss stuttering in fear the whole time.

"I see. Now that I look closer you really don't have any mana. It seems I was mistaken." she said realising that her anger had clouded her judgement. "So does that mean you will let us g-" the boss tried saying. "Yes. You can go."

"However I can't overlook the fact that you tried to harm this family. Or the fact that you have seen me use magic." thought Luna as ice covered their bodies. "Go to hell that is." said Luna laughing at her own joke. As she walked into the house the ice shattered and all the men turned into dust. As the wind blew them away removing all evidence of what had transpired there Raul felt a chill on his back. "What is the demon witch up to this time?" he thought to himself as he looked out the window.

As Neel and Lillian said their goodbyes to Meriel, Neel asked "Where are you headed to now? With the assassins probably still in the area I can't imagine it being safe for you here". " Well the assassins were sent by my family so I think I will head West, to Solis Academy. They will be able to protect me and I will be able to progress with my magic." said Meriel.

They left Meriel after saying their final farewell and began running for the city wall.

On their way back to the house Neel said to Lillian "The time is nearly upon us Lilly. Our second son was born with the gift. Pretty soon we will have to face our past.". "I know dear, but that doesn't mean we should throw away our chance at a happy life. We still have time before his 18th birthday. We can still find another way." said Lillian as they ran at unfathomable speeds.

When they arrived home they found everyone except Luna asleep. She was sitting on a chair drinking tea in a seemingly good mood. "Luna why are you in a such a good mood at this hour?" asked Neel surprised that Luna was awake at all. "Well lets just say I got to stretch these old bones." laughed Luna as if she had made the funniest joke in the world. "Anyways, we have bad news to tell you." said Neel as Lillian explained to Luna what they had learned about Arya.

"There must be a mistake. Even the Grand Magus who stood at the pinnacle of Magic only awakened his affinities at the age of one. Do you mean to tell me the little imp will awaken before he is even a month old? This is beyond shocking , we might be witness to the greatest mage of this generation. No to ever walk Merum!" said Luna as all the thoughts of how to train Arya played in her head.

"Aunt Luna I want you to seal of his abilities until he turns four." said Lillian with tears in her eyes. To her all Luna was saying was what she feared. She couldn't handle the fact that two of her kids wouldn't have a normal life. "But Lillian, instead of hiding his talent we shoul-" Luna was about to say as Lillian interrupted "We ran away for a reason Aunt Luna. I wanted to run away from all this. Don't you see? Magic only causes pain and suffering." said Lillian as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Okay child. But all I can manage is a minor seal. The little imp might be able to break it with enough pressure. At the earliest he could break it on his second birthday." said Luna as Neel comforted Lillian.

"That's enough for me Aunt Luna. I just want him to live a normal life for a bit." said Lillian as she handed Arya over to Luna.

"Et oblinito peto ut magica huius pueri. Et conteram fiat tantum si liberum arbitrium sit." chanted Luna as a symbol with 6 edges appeared on Arya's back and disappeared a second later.

"What was that. And why do I feel as if something inside me has been locked up?" thought Arya to himself. However he was too sleepy to put any thought into it. So he ignored it and fell asleep.

"Thank you Aunt Luna.." said Lillian smiling at her sleeping baby.

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