1 month later

"This language is way less complex as compared to English. In just a month I've learnt almost everything I might need to know to speak fluently. Not that I would do that anyways, there's no telling how these people might react to a baby speaking their language fluently." thought Arya as he listened to Luna instruct Luca on how to chant a spell.

"But for some reason whenever I try chanting the same spells Luca does nothing happens. Am I missing something? Or is it just that it's not possible for me to use magic?" thought Arya as Luca failed to complete the spell for the umpteenth time.

"Ugh! I'm doing everything as you said but how come I can't even get a drop of water to turn to ice? Are you sure this is the right spel-." complained Luca as Luna cut him short.

"Listen here kid I've been a mage more than ten times longer than you've even been alive. I already told you that learning the ice variation of water is something that even some advanced mages can't do. And you complain that you can't form any ice even though you haven't even scratched the surface of basic water magic. Just tell me if it's too much pressure for you to handle and I'll drop the lesson." said Luna.

"No! Please I'll continue trying." said Luca quickly.

"Good. Anyway that ends today's lesson I have other things I need to do. If you want to learn more here is a book on Ice magic." said Luna as she pulled out a book from a rift the air.

"That's so cool. Grandma Luna when can I learn dimensional magic?" said Luca excitedly.

"Never. It's a special type of magic that only very few manifest. And you do not have an affinity for dimensional magic young one." said Luna bluntly.

*Sigh* "But grandma I can't read how am I supposed to-" Luca tried saying.

"Don't worry child. I know how reluctant you are to learn to read. All you need for the tier 0 Ice spells are the illustrations. I've already taught you how to manipulate your mana. All you need to do is study diligently. Now off you go child, I have to prepare lunch." said Luna as she handed Luca the book and walked to the kitchen.

As Luca received the book he grumbled. The thought of having to study was not pleasing to a 5 year old who would rather go outside and play with the neighbourhood kids. When Luna left the room Luca put the book down on a table and went to Arya's crib.

"I hope that you have more free time than I did when you're older brother. Early awakening isn't as cool as it sounds. I barely get time to play outside anymore and grandma Luna keeps telling me about how I am a genius and I should work hard to become one of the pillars of magic. It's just so much pressur-" Luca was about to finish before he realised who he was talking to.

Luca shook his head and looked at Arya with more resolve. "When you're older you will be able to show off to your friends that you're older brother is the greatest mage of all time. Just you wait Arya." said Luca as he kissed Arya on the forehead and went outside to continue practicing his ice magic.

"Seems that this Luna lady is giving Luca way more than he can chew. Well I don't know what she is expecting from a five year old, but thank you for the advice Luca. Seems that I will have to hide my magical talent if I ever manifest any. I can't be tied down and constantly monitored." thought Arya as he noticed the book lying on the table.

"Ahh, he left his book here, but how do I get to it? I have no way of getting there. *Sigh* Seems I have to resort to petty tactics." thought Arya as he began to make baby noises to attract someone's attention.

"Arya is something the matter." said Ava as she walked in on Arya.

"Ava. Exactly who I wanted." thought Arya.

Arya began reaching his arms out for the book that Luca placed on the table. "You want the book? Hmm whose book is this anyway? I've never seen it before." said Ava to no one in particular. Arya made louder noises and began moving his whole body in response. "Okay, okay, here you go. I need to hurry and get to Uncle Raul's before mom realises I'm gone. I can't let Luca get ahead of me. Bye Arya." said Ava as she kissed Arya's forehead and ran out the door.

"This sibling rivalry seems really intense. I wish you luck as well Ava." thought Arya as he touched the cover of the book. "Ahh with this book I'll finally be able to make a bit of progress." thought Arya as he struggled to open the book with his baby hands. Once he opened the book he saw many illustrations. Arya skipped the words and skimmed through the illustrations on the first few pages.

"According to this book I should inhale something from the air and pass it through a ball in my stomach and remove a blue part of it to expel from my palm. What? Ugh this is no help. What did Luna keep saying again . Something about manipulating mana. Is that what is being inhaled? Yes, that would make sense, after all even on the shows I watched back on Earth wizards needed mana to cast spells. Ahh and is the ball the mana core thing she keeps talking about? I feel like I'm a step closer to learning magic." thought Arya to himself as he began trying to inhale mana from the air.

"From what I recall from the shows back on Earth you have to first sense the mana in your surroundings before you can interact with it. Ahh that's it I can feel it." thought Arya as he began feeling the mana in his surroundings and his body emitted a yellow glow. This new perspective caused Arya's mana core to grow larger and more mature.

"Now all I need to do is inhale t-" Arya was stopped by an intense pain on his back that seemed to block him from inhaling the mana into his body. unbeknownst to him the seal that Luna placed on him was glowing brightly. "What the hell was that." thought Arya as he tried again but to no avail. He tried multiple times but each time he tried he was met with the same burning sensation on his back that blocked any attempt to inhale the mana. After many attempts Arya fell asleep from exhaustion.

"Where did I leave my book? Oh there it is. Wait did I leave it in Arya's crib? If mom saw this she would skin me alive." said Luca as he shivered from the thought.. As he grabbed the book he looked at the sleeping Arya and said "Sleep tight brother."

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