Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 114 - Thieves In The Night (1)

"Arya! Over here!" shouted a familiar voice as Arya was walking with his head turned down, hoping that someone would try picking a fight with him again.

"Geez, you don't seem too happy about joining the disciplinary committee. Are you okay?" asked Trent as he got up from the table that he and the rest of the group were sitting at and approached Arya.

"Look man, if you're having regrets about joining, you could always give your uniform to me," said Trent, patting Arya's shoulder.

"Or at least help me score a few girls before you quit. You look good man, and the ladies seemed to have noticed as well," whispered Trent as he waved at a girl who was staring at Arya.

"What are you guys doing over there?" asked Neville who was sitting at the same table as the others as well.

"Arya and I were just about to go pick up a few friends, you guys can eat without u-" Trent was about to say before Arya brushed past him and took a seat at the table.

"Or not," 

"What took you so long rival?" asked Averos as Arya sat down.

"Ah, well about that."

"I just decided to put on my uniform at my own pace, no need to rush things, you know what I mean," grinned Arya, his anger dissipating as he tried to come up with an excuse to explain why he was late.

"Well we don't have much time left, our patrols start in a few minutes," said Yuuki as he finished eating what was on his plate.

"I haven't even eaten yet," complained Arya, he was starving, and smelling all the food around him only made it worse.

"Perhaps you can get a meal to go and eat it while you're on duty, though I don't know if that's allowed.," said Marya trying to comfort Arya as she and the other committee members got up from the table.

"I need to go as well. I'm still tired from earlier," said Neville as well, giving Arya a knowing look before leaving the table.

"Well that's kind of... suspicious," commented Trent as he noticed the look that Nevile gave Arya


"You look good Arya," said Abby finally, after everyone else had left the table and it was only her, Trent, and Arya left.

"Am I disturbing something?" asked Trent, giving Abby a suspicious gaze.

"Not now Trent," warned Arya as he sagged in his chair, trying to absorb what little relaxation he could before having to head out again.

"Pretty," whispered Abby as she stared at Arya intently from where she was sitting.

Arya's hair was in a messy bun, and loose strands hung covering his face as he slouched in his seat. His long eyelashes were fully visible from the angle she was at and for the first time, she noticed how his eyes were blue at the outer rims of his iris and hazel at the center.

"I still don't get how you have white hair. I've never seen anyone with white hair besides the Dragonaus brothers, and even their's isn't fully white," commented Trent, breaking the mood as he took a bite out of his chicken.

"Well, I guess I'll see you guys at homerooms tomorrow, I have patrol duty as well," announced Arya as he stood up from his chair and dragged himself to the cafeteria counter to get a meal to go.


As Arya was gobbling down his food, he pulled out his patrol schedule to see who he was paired with and what area he would have to patrol today.

'Dio huh,' thought Arya, crumbs from the biscuit he was eating sprinkled all around his mouth.

'If I remember correctly he was that guy who could use illusion magic,' remembered Arya as he passed by a group of students who were chatting in front of a pub.

'But still, this Academy really is more like a city than a school,' thought Arya as he looked up and realized how busy the streets were, even at this time of night.

"I guess mages don't need sleep," said Arya before pulling out a map he had gotten from Aishe as part of the things required for patrol duty, and marked out where his patrol perimeter was.

'So Dio and I will be in charge of patrolling the third gate huh? Well according to this there's a whole cliff on the other side, and the only way in is through a portal, so I guess that the committee handed us the less dangerous areas huh,' analyzed Arya, wiping his mouth as he finished devouring another biscuit.

"Arya come in," said a voice from Arya's badge.

Arya pulled the badge off his shoulder and spoke into it, "This is Arya,"

"Where the hell are you? Dio has been waiting for you for the past several minutes," complained Gabriel over the badge's communication function.

"If the captain finds out that I left a newby hanging alone during patrol she'll fry my ass and restrict my pay for the rest of the month. Get to your post ASAP," ordered Gabriel, cutting the link before Arya had time to explain himself.

"Man, why is a tyrant like Lucia head of the committee anyway. Even Gabriel is afraid of her," commented Arya, before stuffing the last biscuit into his mouth and running at full speed to his post.

"Hey watch it," exclaimed a few people as Arya became a blur and rushed past them.


"Sorry I'm late," announced Arya as he appeared right beside Dio, like a ghost in the night.

'I didn't even sense him,' thought Dio, mana already flooding his veins as he was about to blast Arya to smithereens.

"Probably don't sneak up on people like that," replied Dio dully, however his interest in Arya seemed to have grown, even if slightly.


"Well the area we got is pretty small so there isn't much we have to do," added Dio, turning around to continue patrolling.

"Hey, about earlier, at the tunnels. What spell did you use?" asked Arya, after the two had been quiet for a good few minutes.

"It's a special light spell, I could tell you but it wouldn't be much use anyway. It requires a deep understanding of light concepts to even grasp its mechanism," replied Dio, continuing his patrol as if he couldn't be bothered.

"Try me,"

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