Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 115 - Thieves In The Night (2)

"Pfft, very well then," replied Dio, slightly annoyed by Arya's persistence.

"Are you aware that light seems to take several forms?" asked Dio, as the two walked through the darkness.

'He must be referring to the different types of lightwaves,' thought Arya, remembering what he had learned in physics class.

"Yes," replied Arya, earning him a glare.

"It was a rhetorical question, there's no way that someone who isn't a light mage or doesn't come from a family of light mages would know that. There's no need to lie, even if you try to impress me you won't gain anything from it," said Dio before continuing his explanation.

'I guess that isn't common knowledge here,' analyzed Arya, following Dio closely.

"Although it may seem unbelievable to you, most forms of light can not be seen. These forms of light are capable of passing through solid objects, such as walls however they are reflected by certain other objects, such as objects of metallic nature." continued Dio.

"Also they are slowed down slightly when passing through solid objects. So by continuously releasing that form of light using my spell, I was able to determine a path by-"

"So you used the light waves that were reflected off the door to determine your path, following the waves that returned to you quicker, as this means that they passed by fewer obstacles. I hadn't thought about that," exclaimed Arya, cutting Dio off. Back on earth, Arya was a science nerd so hearing this made him excited.

"Perhaps you weren't lying about knowing the different forms of light. Have you perhaps come ac-" Dio stopped midway and shot a beam of solid light behind Arya.

Arya quickly drew his Ryen dagger while turning around in one swift movement, his adrenaline pumping, his instincts screaming at him to move.

"What is it," asked Arya, mana already coursing through his veins.

"Someone's there," replied Dio, his voice a whisper.

"Arya, Dio, come in. You are to withdraw from your area, other committee members will be arriving shortly. I repeat get away from there," shouted Gabriel over the communication function of Arya and Dio's badge.

"What is he so worked up-" Arya stopped midway, flipping into the air as if trying to dodge something.

Right as Arya's foot touched the ground he shot off, plunging into the darkness of the night.


A jet black knife struck the metal gutter of the building behind them, making a sound.

Dio finally realized why Arya had jumped into the air, they were being attacked.

'But how did he see that?' wondered Dio as he followed behind Arya.

Arya could hardly see anything, however, he could at least make out the outline of at least a dozen hooded figures.

"Take care of the brat quickly," whispered one of the figures once they noticed Arya's presence.

"I'm trying, but the brat dodged my knife. Doing this without magic is difficult," replied another hooded figure.

Arya wasted no time, he threw his Ryen dagger at the closest figure and rushed towards him.

"Kukk, this kid really thin-" the hooded figure managed to dodge Arya's first attack, however, Arya's fist was waiting for him before he had the time to recover.

Right after punching the man in the face Arya used the dagger that was now stuck on the wall as a stepping platform and boosted himself along the length of the wall.

"What the fuck are you guys doing? Why are you struggling to get rid of tha-" Arya swooped down with a kick, aiming to hit the man who was currently talking.

However the man managed to catch Arya's foot mid-air, Arya saw this coming and used his other leg to kick the man in the head, using this to boost himself out of the man's grip.

All twelve man looked at Arya in shock. At first they had taken him as a sort of joke, but now they were all on guard, finally drawing their weapons.

'Why am I doing this again?' wondered Arya as he realized the trouble he was in.

"Fuck!" shouted Arya as he dodged an attack from behind.

One of the hooded figures had managed to get behind him but luckily his senses allowed him to escape with just a minor flesh wound.

The hooded figures didn't give him time to rest, they moved in an organized way.

As one missed his attack, another would come in, never giving Arya a moment of rest.

Knives were being thrown left and right, Arya's senses were good but he couldn't dodge all of them, blood dripped to the floor, it wasn't only Arya's.

He managed to get a few shots in as well, but the way things were looking.

Arya's body was covered in bruises, he had managed to dodge any fatal attacks, however, even with his inhuman reflexes and speed, there was no way he could fight against twelve people at the same time.

A figure who seemed to be the leader stepped forward.

"You guys should stop playing around. The disciplinary committee will be here soon," said the figure, pulling out a jet black blade hardly visible in the dark, turning into a blur.

"Ahh," screamed Arya in pain as he felt cold metal dig into his back. 

Arya flipped his dagger into a reverse grip, and quickly spun around, trying to counter-attack, however his attack was caught mid-air.

The figure struck Arya's elbow, *snap*, Arya's arm was broken.

Another scream of pain followed, Arya knew his life was in danger, his legs moved without even being told to do so.

Arya kicked the figure in the head, his foot was caught. 

He used the man's grip as leverage and boosted himself into the air, sending a spin kick with his free leg towards the man's face.

The other hooded figures stopped watching and joined in.

One of them blocked Arya's spin kick, another stabbed Arya in the leg.

"Child of water heed my call, bring about a chill to freeze my foes," chanted Arya.

The ground became covered in a thin layer of ice, the unsuspecting hooded figures slid on the ground losing their balance.

Arya was freed, however, his right arm lay limp on the side. 

He could barely stand as his left leg had blood dripping down the calf.

He was out of breath, but stood in a low fighting stance, his dagger in his free hand.

"Wasn't he supposed to be a dark mage?" asked one of the figures.

"Fuck this, I can't believe we let this brat stall us for this long," shouted the leader, turning into a black mass of smoke, invisible in the darkness of the night.

'Behind!' screamed Arya's senses, but his body was too weak to follow.

A hand appeared out of the darkness behind him, stabbing him in the back.

He managed to prevent to the blade from piercing his heart, but he could feel the knife cut away at his insides.

"Child of water heed my-" Arya's chanting was stopped when another figure appeared in front of him, stabbing him in the mouth.

"We've used magic, we have to kill him and get to the rendezvous," said the figure that stabbed Arya.

Arya's tongue had been severed in two, chanting was no longer an option.

He used what little strength he had left to try and get away from the pincer attack that the two figures pulled on him, but the other figures weren't just silently watching.

Although several of them had already fled to get to their rendezvous, five were left to deal with Arya, and three of them had positioned themselves in a triangle and were chanting something.

"I have to give it to them, their first years are really fast," said the leader of the hooded figures as chains made of a black substance wrapped around Arya's arms and legs, dragging him to the ground.

"Goodbye," said the leader, pulling out his dagger to stab Arya in the chest.

'Let me have control!' shouted Sauron.

He had been nagging on Arya to take control ever since the fighting started, but now he was begging.

He couldn't let all his plans go in the mud, however, Arya was having none of it, now they were stuck in this situation, moments away from death.

Arya was barely conscious, the pain he was feeling attacked his brain, pushing both his mind and body to the limits.

If it wasn't for his will to live he would've been long dead, however now, right as the knife was about to pierce his chest, he lost consciousness.

'Fuck this! You can't die yet!' screamed Sauron, using every last bit of his might to try and connect himself to the real world.

He managed to make an arm out of the darkness around them and caught the blade.

"What?" asked the leader as his blade was stopped by a black arm.

"They got one of the newbies!" shouted a familiar voice as Lucia, Gabriel, Avion and Jenin appeared out of a blue rift a few meters away from them.

"We have to go!" shouted one of the hooded figures.

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