Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 27 - 26: A Game Of Power (1)

Lillian then turned the slab in front of her into an igloo protecting her from all sides. "That won't work." said Deon as he stretched out Excalibur and cut through the ice rocketing towards Lillian's head. Lillian's sword Absolutus let out a frost aura as Lillian tried to block the full power of Deon's lunge. Excalibur pushed Lillian back several metres as Lillian tried using the ice on the ground to wrap around her feet to help her block the attack but it still wasn't enough. Absolutus began freezing over Excalibur reducing the kinetic energy of the attack absorbing the brunt of the damage. Once Lillian stopped she flipped backwards several times to get some distance between them.

Lillian stopped a few metres away from Deon and her sword arm went limp. She had broken her ulna. She switched Absolutus to her left hand and slashed with it horizontally causing shards of ice to shoot at Deon. Deon simply swatted all of them away using Excalibur. Deon then lunged for Lillian but she intercepted it with a parry. She then made two ice spikes erupt from behind her aiming to stab Deon's legs. Deon flew back quickly dodging both spikes.

Lillian then turned the spikes into water limbs and charged at Deon. She caused a slab of ice to shoot her towards Deon increasing her speed and did a spin kick mid air aimed at Deon's head. Deon moved just beyond the range of the kick in the nick of time. However Lillian used the water limbs to run down her leg to create an ice spike that extended the range of her kick, hitting Deon square in the face. The side of Deon's face was bleeding profusely but he quickly stood up and shot a pillar of light at Lillian.

Lillian wasn't fast enough to reflect the light using her ice shards and the hard light pillar hit her good arm causing a huge cut that was made worse due to the very cold temperatures. Although she felt a searing pain on her arm she still held Absolutus tightly.

Deon's wounds closed at a visible rate as a divine light covered them and the bleeding stopped. "Give it up, you're exhausted and out of mana. Now you can't even use your sword. You're only delaying the inevitable. And I don't like to bully my opponents." said Deon as he raised Excalibur into the air.

The hum Excalibur was emitting became louder and Lillian's body began to shine brightly. "What the?" thought Lillian to herself as she was unable to move.

"Do you like it? It's Excalibur's special spell 'God's judgement'. You won't be able to move until I pass judgement on you. I didn't really think the stories about you were true, but turns out your reputation precedes you." said Deon as he hovered towards her finally coming face to face with Lillian.

"Anyway it's over. You needn't worry about your kids, although the church never expected you to have kids they are still young so they can still be cleansed of their sins. However I judge you Lillian Dragonglacies to divine punishment." said Deon as he brought down his sword to cut down Lillian.

As he slashed he realised it was just an illusion. A play on light to make her seem closer than she actually was. Lillian had used Ice-puppeteer for a second time. "Sorry your holiness, I'm afraid it's you who shall be punished." Lillian said as she chanted "Spatium absolutum". Cracks began forming on Absolutus as rays of blue light shone from them. The falling ice shards stopped in mid air and all the area became engulfed by darkness. The only light left was the divine light of the holy sword. "What's going on." Deon said as he found that he couldn't move either.

As he looked around his eyes opened wide in shock, "This couldn't be. It can't be, tier 10 spells are just a myth. Absolute Domain is just a bards tale told to mages so they can have something to strive for." thought Deon in disbelief as everything around him was stopped in time. Absolute domain was an ice-spell said to be created by the Grand Magus of legend. It works by using ice magic to absorb all the kinetic energy around an area stopping everything in time than releasing it all at once and was used against the Demon King in the battle of the chamber.

"I pray that Vitas may guide you on your journey twins and take care of each other like you always have. Know that your mother loves you and that my only regret is not seeing you grow up" said Lillian as all the memories she had shared with her kids flooded her mind. She began shedding tears as she recalled the birth of the twins and how happy her and Neel were when they found out that they were having twins. She smiled as she remembered them as toddlers working together always getting into trouble and making aunt Luna's life a living hell.

"To you my husband know that I loved you more than anything in the world. I couldn't have asked for a better spouse." said Lillian as she remembered the day of their marriage and when they had to run away from her family because they objected her marriage to a dragonborn. Causing her to shed even more tears. Then she remembered the birth of Arya and how scared she was when Arya came out with white hair and wasn't crying, "And to you my last born, I wish you luck on your journey. Your mother is sorry for leaving you so early when you have so many struggles to overcome."

Lillian's tears froze as she collected all the energy that was absorbed by Absolute Domain and channelled it into Absolutus causing a massive explosion. Everything in a 3km radius was disintegrated. The explosion caused a tsunami of hot air to destroy all the trees past the radius of the explosion, the shockwaves of the explosion reached the walls of Draquerth. A split second later a large mass of air was sucked in to replace the air that had been lost causing an implosion.

Neel and Damien were knocked off balance during their fight and Amana and Clare were forced to plant themselves to the ground to avoid being dragged in. Raul and the kids looked at the explosion from a distance as Raul created an air dome to prevent them being sucked it. They stood there wondering what had happened as Luna stared at the sight in disbelief.

"No way, this lack of water and world energy. Only one spell in all of history is strong enough to upset the balance of mana and energy in such a way. She did it, didn't she. She achieved tier the tier 10. She truly was the greatest ice-mage of this generation." Luna thought as she shed a single tear in memory of Lillian.. She knew that no one could survive such a spell, and that the only reason the first Grand Magus survived it was because he was a dimensional mage capable of teleporting hundreds of kilometres away.

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