Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 28 - 27: A Game Of Power (2)

Damien and Neel's fight was put to a halt as they stared at the crater left behind by the explosion. Both of them wondered what had happened but Neel was more worried than curious. "I have to hurry up and help Lilly. Whatever that explosion was it can't be good." thought Neel as he looked at Damien a few metres away from where he stood. Both of them had landed in order to avoid being pulled in my the implosion.

Neel formed a flame in the shape of a giant arrow head and shot it at Damien using air magic to greatly increase its speed and power. "Terrenis et in domum suamas" chanted Damien as he quickly formed an earth dome around himself to nullify the flames. However Neel wasn't finished, he manipulated the air to change the arrows direction and made it soar into the sky.

"Ipsius pia intercessione objurgatrixhe" chanted Neel, this spell was called Motherly scold it was a tier 4 variation of Motherly call that instead of using shockwaves to locate objects it continuously increased the frequency of the shockwaves until resonance was achieved causing a structure to crumble. Neel timed it so that the fire arrow would swoop down and strike Damien exactly as the dome structure crumbled. As the fire arrow rocketed downwards it increased in brightness and heat as Neel fed it more air. The fire arrow scotched the spot where Damien once stood.

As the debris settled Neel saw that Damien was in the air. "How did he dodge that?" thought Neel as he stretched out his arms while chanting "Vinctos terrae". Chains made of earth shot up into the air and wrapped themselves around Damien stopping him from flying and dragging him back to the ground. Damien tried using 'Ascalon' to cut the chains but each time he cut them they would simply reform.

Seeing that his attempts at cutting the chains was futile he held out his free hand chanting "Aqua" and a stream of water washed over the chains turning the solid earth to mud. Once Damien was free he quickly shot off into the air and Neel followed closely behind . As Damien was flying upwards Neel shot out two flames which took the form of raging dragons aiming to engulf Damien.

Damien quickly stretched out his free hand creating a vortex of air that sucked in the fire spells by suffocating them of their needed oxygen. However while Damien was distracted by the spells Neel used air magic to increase his speed and got right in front off Damien opening his maw shooting out white hot flames.

The flames were shot at point blank range so Damien couldn't hope to dodge them. However the flames were quickly snuffed out. "How did he do that? Regardless of whether he is an air mage or not suffocating my flames of air isn't supposed to stop them." thought Neel as Damien flew towards him slashing his right wing.

"What the? Why isn't it healing?" thought Neel as he struggled to keep himself in the air. "What kind of posion did he put on his?". While he was thinking Damien continued to slash at Neel leaving multiple cuts all over his body. "His cutting my scales like their nothing." though Neel as he tried to dodge another attack.

"I have to get some distance between us." thought Neel as he used air magic to push Damien away. Once there was some distance between them Neel quickly shot five orbs of compressed air at Damien receiving a scoff in reply. "You're getting desperate Dragon prince." said Damien as he stopped them right in front of himself. "If you haven't noticed I'm an air mag-" Damien's words were interrupted by the sound of Neel snapping his fingers, as he did this the five orbs of compressed air blew up in flames sending shockwaves threw the air swatting both Damien and Neel to the ground.

When Damien recovered from the explosion he found himself sinking in mud, Neel had cast the tier 3 spell quicksand which was a spell that disintegrated the sand into finer particles and used water the liquefy it. Once Damien was trapped knee high in quicksand Neel held out both hands using a fire and air magic to blow hot air at the quicksand. The hot air resulted in the quicksand drying in a matter of seconds. Once the quicksand had dried up Neel chanted "Nolite obdurare" which hardened the earth making it almost impossible for Damien to escape.

Damien was still too confused to react to the quick succession of spells that Neel was dishing out. Although Damien's equipment took the brunt of the damage, not even the finest armour can protect you from a concussion whereas Neel was a Dragonborn a naturally sturdy race. Neel continued to use Damien's confusion to his advantage and chanted "Vinctos terrae" again chaining Damien to his new prison. This time the chains tied his hands preventing him from using the water spell to destroy the chains.

"Its over little one. I would love to finish this but my wife needs me." said Neel as he turned to leave but was stopped by a layer of compressed air. Neel looked around and noticed he was trapped in an air dome that was getting smaller by the second. "What in the?" Neel turned to look at Damien and found that he was no longer trapped but instead in the air. "Something's not right here." thought Neel as Damien flew towards him.

Neel tried using air magic to create a second dome within the first to push it out but nothing happened. His air magic wasn't working. At this point Neel was in shock, something wasn't adding up. "You're probably wondering what's going on. Let me ask you this Dragon prince do you perhaps know of the legend of Ascalon?" smiled Damien as he held out his blade showing its beauty. "The Dragon slayer.." thought Neel in shock as everything started to make sense.

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