Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 3 - 2: The Silence Before The Storm Part 2

"Could you please give me your passport sir, you're holding up the line." said a member of the airport staff.

"Hey dude quit day-dreaming we haven't even seen the girls yet and all you do is drool." said Michael as he shook Cascade out of his reverie.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Uhm, here you go." said Cascade as he handed his passport over to the gentleman. "That's so weird why am I remembering that moment now of all times. The past... when I was actually a somebody. *Sigh* When did things go wrong" he thought as the his details were being confirmed on the system.

5 years ago on the last day of elementary school

"Michael where's the boss, St Martens Elementary is destroying us we need him. At this rate he will lose his last turf war and be remembered as a failure" said one of the South East Elementary kids.

*Sigh*"He will be here, although I honestly hope he doesn't come" said Michael. "Cascade I hope you make the right choice" ,thought Michael.

"Son, you just graduated from that elementary school. Those kids can't bully you into fighting anymore. Next year you will start your first year of high school and you can make new friends. You need to forget these violent tendencies. Son I only want what's best for you and if you go back there I'm afraid you might do something you'll regret." said Cascade's father.

"They aren't bullying me and this is my last turf war as king. And all you can think of is ruining it for me. If I don't go back now I will be remembered as the weakest king in history." complained Cascade. "I don't care about high school, I don't want to find new friends. These are the only friends I need. And if you don't turn this car around I'll jump out."

"Son don't." said Cascade's father as he tried to calm Cascade down but it was already too late. Cascade opened the door while the car was moving and jumped out. He wiped the dust off his clothes and began sprinting back to his elementary school.

When he arrived there things weren't looking good. Most of his school mates were on the ground and a group led by Michael was surrounded by kids from St Martens. Michael tried his best to fight his way out but they were simply too many. When one of the other kids hit Michael to the floor. As Michael hit the floor he started bleeding from his nose. "Nooo!!" shouted Cascade. Seeing his best friend on the floor bleeding put Cascade into a fit of fury.

He charged right at them and took down two boys. However they were too many even for him. The other kids jumped on Cascade and trapped him. Two of them held his arms as a big kid walked towards them. "Well, well, well if it isn't the rabid king of South East I thought you weren't gonna join us." said the king of St Martens. "Well boys don't you think we should give our king a warm welcome" he said as he gestured to the group to begin pummelling Cascade. As Cascade's vision started to blur from the tears that filled his eyes he saw his father running towards him from across the street. His father started shouting something inaudible and was pointing angrily to the kids on top of him. As his father was crossing the road a truck came rushing by. The driver was distracted by the group of kids fighting and wasn't paying attention to the road.


"Nooo! Dad!" he shouted as the other kids turned around to see what was going on. When they saw the bloody body sprawled on the ground and the sound of people screaming on the street they began to retreat, afraid that they might get involved with the police.

Cascade stood up, still covered in dust and blood and limped as fast as he could to his father's body. "Dad please wake up, please. I'm sorry, I'll listen. I won't continue this turf war." he said as tears rolled down his face. "Dad, please I promise I'll try to get new friends, I'll stop fighting anything you want. Please just wake up" he continued.

Michael walked up to him and put his hand on Cascade's back trying to console him. Cascade's father wasn't breathing. Michael knew it was already too late. When the ambulance arrived Cascade wouldn't let go of the body and kept screaming "It's my fault, I'm sorry, forgive me please." In the end they had to call his mother to pull him off. From that day on Cascade never fought again. Sadly fighting was the only thing he was good for. His life slowly took a turn for the worst. As he struggled to make new friends in high school after they heard about the turf war incident. Michael has been his only friend since.

5 years later current day

The memories of his father's death were disturbed by the sounds of people screaming.. Michael pulled Cascade down and shouted over the noise "It's a terrorist attack, we have to get out of here".

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