Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 4 - 3: The Beginning Of The End

"Dude snap out of it. We have to get out of here!" ,said Michael as he pulled Cascade under a few desks. "I don't think these guys are pulling a prank. For fucks sakes man, why now why here. Just when we were about to have a new start."

Michael noticed Cascade was still in a daze. "You know, you've been acting weird ever since we landed. Do you plan on telling me what's going on or do I need to get force the terrorists to make you first?" Said Michael concernedly. "Listen dude whatever it is you keep thinking about, you need to snap out of it, the terrorists are taking people hostage and I don't want to find out what happens when they stop being useful" said Michael as the noise around them began to die down.

"What's going on why is everyone suddenly quiet" said Cascade as he came back to reality. "I don't know" ,said Michael as he peeked over the table.

There was a man kneeling at the center of the building wearing a jacket riddled with wires and pads, praying inaudibly as tears streamed down his cheeks. "What the fuck its a bom-" Michael attempted to say as the man stood up and shouted "For my daughter!". *boom*

In that second the silence that once covered the room was flooded with the sound of a C4 exploding, quickly followed by screams of horror as those furthest away from the blast saw the remains of the people who were too close to the bomb to escape the impact.

As the bomb was about to explode Michael covered Cascade so that he could take the brunt of the impact. Cascade opened his eyes and all he could see what blood. However, he didn't feel any major injuries on his body. He turned to Michael "Lets go before more of them show-" Cascade quickly choked on his words as the vision of his father dead body and Michael's overlapped, surfacing all the demons he has been fighting or years.

"No, No ,No. Don't you dare leave me too Michael. Don't you dare. Don't leave me here alone." ,he said is disbelief as he touched Michael's body. "Dude, you're making so much noise can't I just die in peace" said Michael with a smile on his face, well the best smile a gravely injured person could make.

"You're alive! Don't scare me like that." said Cascade as he tried to pick up Michael. "Lets get out of here before more bombers show up, I don't think you can survive another attack", said Cascade. "Well lets be honest Cascade, even if I wasn't injured we both know I'm not athletic enough to run away from here. We both that if I follow you I'd just be a liability." complained Michael.

"No I'm not leaving you here, I failed my father I'm not gonna fail you too. I'll carry you if I have to" said Cascade.

"Why are you suddenly bringing up your father. You know it wasn't your fault. Wait.. is that why you've been acting funny? I thought we talked about this. Plus look at you dude. You're shaking and your hands are so sweaty you couldn't even carry a spoon out of here. Look I want to live as well, but I don't think running is my best option. My best bet would be to play dead and hope this blows over without me dying" said Michael.

"Look I promise I'll get you a pretty girl when this is all over" Michael said trying to lighten the mood. "Look we went through way worse back in the day. Remember when it was just me and you versus a whole class of seniors back in elementary school. It will just be like old times trust me." Michael said smiling at Cascade. "Why am I bringing up elementary school, there must be something wrong with me as well" thought Michael to himself.

Cascade nodded with tears in his eyes as more and more old memories began to flood his mind. "Dude why are you crying, are you going soft on me?" said Michael with a slight grin.

"Promise me you won't leave me. Promise me you won't die." said Cascade desperately. "I won't you big baby. Now scram before they see me and realize I'm not dead." Michael said as he tried to push Cascade away with all the strength he had left. "Go, run. I'm right behind you" said Michael.

Cascade turned and ran for the nearest exit. He had to push his way through the crowd that congested the door in an attempt to escape as well. When Michael saw that Cascade left he finally sighed and coughed blood. "Sorry I couldn't keep my promise Cascade. But thanks to you I've always had a friend, a brother. If in this world we couldn't live out our dreams I hope to see you in the next." Michael though as both blood and tears ran down his face. As the room around him slowly became darker and darker his mind was lit with all the precious moments of his life. All of which were moments with Cascade. "I don't want to die" were Michael's last words.

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