Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 6 - 5: The Beginning In A New World

Year 1309 on the Human calendar

The outskirts of the city of Draquerth

"Who are these people and why do they keep calling me little Arya. Let me g-" ,Arya was in shock as he saw that the arms he stretched out to push the pauper looking strangers away were those of a baby. "What the fuck is going on here?" ,thought Arya too afraid to speak. "Aunt Luna why doesn't he cry?" asked the Lady holding Arya to an old women in the corner of the cottage.

"How am I supposed to know child , I told you I don't specialize in life magic. At any rate all they usually need is a good spanking. Bring him here." said Luna. Cascade couldn't understand a thing these people were saying. To him it seemed like they were all crazy. As Arya was being handed to the old lady he began to get scared. After all he was in an unfamiliar place surrounded by crazy strangers and to top it all off he was trapped in an infants body.

"Hey there little one, lets not make this too hard I have things to do." said Luna as she was holding Arya. Arya was confused as he could not speak the language, but he could tell that whatever this old lady was saying was not something he wanted to be a part of. Arya's vision went upside down as Luna grabbed him by his left leg. "What the f- " Arya's thoughts were stopped as Luna began spanking him. He was put into a daze as he did not expect an assault of this nature.

Arya decided he would retaliate by trying to grab her. But all he could manage to do was look like a baby stretching out for the comfort of an elder. "No, no, no little Arya. You can go back to your mother after." said Luna.

After multiple slaps to his bum the old woman seemed to give up. "The boy is a warrior this I can tell you child. As you can see the little imp is as healthy as a calf. However the reason he will not cry baffles me." said Luna.

As Arya was being handed back to the Lady who held him first, he saw a worried expression on her face. The same expression his mother would usually give him whenever he came back home with bruises from being bullied in high school. This made him remember that he left his mother and Michael alone on earth. The realization that he died had finally caught up to him. It was too much to bear. The emotions he had bottled up were unleashed and he began to cry.

"You see Lillian. The boy is okay. Do not worry so much after all our blood flows through the little one's veins." said the giant of a man about 1.94 m tall with a long beard, hazel eyes that seemed to hold a calm but blazing fire. He had long jet black hair tied into a tress. The man had the size of a Viking chief and the demeanour to match it, if not for the tattered clothes he wore Arya would've mistaken him for an ancient Viking lord.

"Neel you know we haven't been so lucky in the past. I was beginning to think that Vitas would never answer our prayers" said the woman with long ginger hair. She was about 1.68 m tall with beautiful features and voluptuous proportions. Her blue eyes seemed to hide the ocean in them. If not for the dirt on her face she would easily be on the cover of every beauty magazine back on Earth.

"Mom, mom can I hold him" plead a young boy about 5 years old with jet black hair and blue eyes. "No Luca. You will drop him. Mom let me hold him" argued another girl who looked similar to the boy if not for the fact that her hair was ginger and eyes hazel. "Mom don't listen to Ava I'll be careful. I'm a big boy now." said Luca as he showed off his skinny arms.

As if on que Luna came and shooed the kids away. "Listen little ones, your mother needs rest. You can play with your brother later. Now Luca go outside and continue practicing before I change my mind about teaching you." said Luna. "But grandma Luna what about me" asked Ava with hope in her eyes.

"What about you child? You are yet to awaken your affinity for magic. That's if you ever will" scolded Luna. She was already tired from using life magic during labor and she didn't need any kids stressing her.

After hearing that Ava had tears in her eyes and was about to cry. A vicious look from Lillian made Luna try to fix the situation. "Listen little one, most people only show an affinity for magic at the age of 13 when adolescence starts. However, your brother Luca , as much as it pains me to say is gifted in the magical arts. I've never heard of a 5 year old who could practice magic. Don't fret child you will get your gifts as well in due time." said Luna in a more loving tone.

"Ava you could train with me if you wanted. I could teach you how to use the sword" , said Neel in a deep fatherly voice. "Really daddy!?" asked the girl excitedly.

"Neel I will not allow you to teach my daughter how to wield a weapon!. I was already adamant to Luca learning magic and the only reason I agreed is because without practice he could hurt someone one day" shouted Lillian who was still exhausted from child birth. As big as Neel was he submitted to the little woman and apologized. Then they all left the room leaving baby Arya and his mother alone.

"What on Earth were those people going on about. And why did they leave me alone with this woman?" Arya questioned in his own mind. Arya was still a bit shaken up from realizing he had died. He was still trying to figure out what was going on. However, the way this woman held him made him feel safe. It calmed him down and soon his eyes became heavy. As he was about to sleep he saw the woman look at him with tired eyes. "I love you son" she said.. And although Arya couldn't understand what she said his heart felt and ease and he began sleeping.

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