Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 7 - 6: Family Part 1

One week later

The outskirts of the city of Draquerth

"Lilly its only been a week since you had little Arya. Don't you think you should rest some more. Me and Luna can take care of the house" Neel tried pleading to his wife.

"Oh please Neel you can't even hold a broom without breaking it and Luna is too old to take care of everything by herself. I'm as fit a fiddle dear. By the way where are the twins? I haven't seen them all morning." asked Lillian in a worried tone.

"They are out playing with the neighbors I'm sure they'll be back soon dear. You need to stop being so scared something will happen. Just because he was born with white hair doesn't mean anything. It might just be partial inheritance." said Neel as he came closer to comfort his wife.

"I know dear, but what if we're wrong. What if he really did inherit th-" Lillian paused as Luca entered the kitchen. "Who inherited what mommy? Are you talking about baby Arya?" asked little Luca.

"Luca where is your sister?" asked Neel in an attempt to change the subject. "Well uhm you see, the thing is Dad." ,said Luca as he started fiddling which was a tell tale sign he was hiding something. "Luca answer me now! Where is little Ava?" roared Neel as he was now worried his daughter had been caught by the local thugs or worse the inquisition. "She is at Raul's but Mom you don't have to go there, she said-" Luca tried to say but Lillian already stormed out of the house.

"I pity Raul. Although I am grateful he is trying to teach little Ava the way of the sword Lilly hasn't been in the best of moods lately and if he is caught teaching little Ava swordsmanship he is in for a world of trouble ." said Neel with a hint of pity in his voice, Luca just nodded in agreement.

As Lillian walked out the door she could see kids wearing tattered clothes chasing each other down the street. Although her family had a modest cottage it was still one of the best houses around. The city of Draquerth used to be a major hub for trade until the mountains became invaded by monsters. The once wealthy city became a shell of its former self. The officials became corrupt and charged more and more taxes on the residents of the city. Even the church didn't care enough to occupy this region. Most of the people who worked for merchants and other traders were left unemployed and could not afford to pay taxes. They were forced to the outskirts of the city, hence the outskirts has now become a slum.

Lillian approached a modest cottage quite similar to hers ( In the slums having such a cottage means that you are not completely poor and means that at least one person in the house has an income). "Raul open this door right now!" shouted Lillian. There was no response. "Raul open this door or I'll blow in down!" ,she shouted again.

A few moments later a rather lean looking man with a muscular build opened the door. "Lillian whatever do I owe the honor of your visit" ,the man said with a sly smile on his face. Raul is 1.75m tall with auburn hair and green eyes. If you didn't know he was 50 you would think he was in his early 30's. "Don't give me that nonsense Raul I know Ava is in here bring her out right now!" she shouted.

Little Ava came from behind a corner with a sad look on her eyes. "I'm sorry mommy." she said using her puppy eyes. Lillian walked towards her and hugged her. "I know you are little one. I don't blame you. I blame him". She said as she looked at Raul, the blue in her eyes seemed to have went from a calm ocean to a storm.

"Lilly come on you can't be serious I was just trying to teach your daughter your fa-" ,he was cut short but the intensity of the killing intent Lillian let out. "One more word out of you Raul and there won't be enough life magic in the world to let you pick up a sword again" said Lillian in a slow but cold tone.

As Lillian and Ava left. Raul fell to the ground. "To think I who was once a knight of the seventh order was brought to my knees by a woman is baffling. Well she was always that powerful, it seems she has become stronger with the number of children" said Raul as he stared at the door.

"Mommy why were you so angry with uncle Raul." asked Ava as she was holding her mother's hand. "I wasn't angry at him little one. I just think he is being irresponsible teaching you how to handle a weapon at such a young age. And don't think I forgot young lady. Although Raul is at fault for teaching you, you are also at fault for asking. You are not to leave the house until further notice. And you have to help grandma Luna with house duties." she said in a motherly manner.

"But mo-" she tried. "I'm not having it Ava" said Lillian assertively. When they reached the house Ava stormed in and ran straight to her room crying. As she passed Luca she said "tattle tail". And before Luca could explain himself she slammed the door.

"Lilly did you have to be so harsh" Neel said as he walked towards Lillian. "Neel I will not have my daughter practice how to kill at such a young age. She should enjoy her child hood. My parents may have failed me but I will not fail them" she said as she walked over to the cottage where little Arya lay.

"Hmm I wonder what they are talking about?" Arya thought as Lillian picked him up. "And why does she always look so worried when she looks at me" Arya thought. "You know, there is nothing wrong with me woman." ,he tried to say but to Lillian the foreign English language sounded like the ramblings of a happy baby.. "My dear Arya how I wished your hair came out Ginger or jet black" she though to herself as she smiled at her baby.

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